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~The Brony Herd~


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Guys, if you could right an episode of MLP: FiM then what would it be?

My episode would be:

One of the Cutie Mark Crusaders wins a contest at school, the prize for the contest is a trip to and a grand tour of the castle in Canterlot, and the winner can take 2 guests, so the crusaders go to the castle and are given a tour by Princess Luna(because she isn't shown as much as she should be), throughout the episode the crusaders get into mischief, we see a little bit furtherer into Luna's past before she was banished to the moon, we're intobuced to other members royal family(because Blueblood just can't be the only one), theres a song like always, theres a lessen about friendship at the end but its told by the crusaders, and the main cast only shows up at the beginning, but Rarity and Applejack also appear at the end when they come to take the crusaders home.

For those of you that can follow all of that then what do you think?

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Oh I'd feature a background pony, and not include the mane 6 except for maybe a cameo or something.

Maybe an episode dedicated to Lyra.

Let me think this through...

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Fluffy Cupcake

For those of you that can follow all of that then what do you think?
Sound like a decent episode. Though I'm indecisive of whether it should be Luna of Celestia. Maybe it was going to be Celestia, but she got tied up with other important royal businesses and Luna took her place.

Edit: Happy birthday Rainbow Dash!

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Fluffy Cupcake

I have only 67 and there is like only 33 (lol, being precise on 100) more songs I've heard. Where is the world would I find the rest? Is there a playlist somewhere?
In response to the fact that I couldn't find anything earlier, Celestia Radio is certainly helping me find a lot of pony songs I don't have. Glad I found it.

*edits a few hours later* Edit: After listening for a few hours (and hearing a couple songs get played multiple times, but mostly different songs were played the whole time) I now have 104 110 pony songs, and I haven't been getting all the songs either.

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I should see if Hasbro has some kinda suggestion box somewhere, maybe if I tweak my episode, I could send it in to them.

Oh and thank you Segatendo, it would make more sense if it was Celestia that was originally supposed to give the tour but then important business came up and Luna had to will in.

So how long do you think it will be before Hasbro and LEGO strike a deal to make LEGO Pony's?

I mean, they have freaking Sponge Bod for crying out loud!

EDIT: Did any of you ever notice that in one shot around the end of the first episode, you can see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in the same scene together, and the thing it, they are the only three ponys in this one scene, go check it out.

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vote ponies for victim of mass murder christmas 2011


Do you enjoy being an asshat to us nice people?

We aren't hurting you.

I've said it before and I'll say it agian.

You're being a d*** to a group of kind and tolerant people who happen to like something you don't.

I'm keeping all pony discussion in this topic. Do you want me to allow it to spread?

I'm making sure to keep pony discussion here and only here.

You don't have to come here, you can avoid us, it's easy.

I'm growing tired of being nice.

I'm growing tired of controlling the discussions to keep YOU happy.

If you want ponies to take over the forums, go ahead, keep being a jerk.

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To be fair, it's hard to avoid ponies when you have them prancing about your signatures and avatars, and I still see you guys defending yourselves in other areas of the forum. Most of the time it is you who perpetuate the pony arguments in the first place because someone said something about your cult that you don't agree with. So seriously, if you want people to avoid you, then allow them to avoid you and keep your pony comments and arguments to yourselves and to this topic. You're not going to be changing any minds and you're not going to look any better by continually whining about haters and prejudiced people.

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Fluffy Cupcake

I should see if Hasbro has some kinda suggestion box somewhere, maybe if I tweak my episode, I could send it in to them.

Oh and thank you Segatendo, it would make more sense if it was Celestia that was originally supposed to give the tour but then important business came up and Luna had to will in.

So how long do you think it will be before Hasbro and LEGO strike a deal to make LEGO Pony's?

I mean, they have freaking Sponge Bod for crying out loud!

EDIT: Did any of you ever notice that in one shot around the end of the first episode, you can see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in the same scene together, and the thing it, they are the only three ponys in this one scene, go check it out.

Season 2 already has a planned release to start on September 17th, so it might be a bit to late for suggestions.

Your welcome!

Dunno, I hope the will do some soon though.

I think I did notice, yeah. Also, you could of posted a screenshot of that part if you wanted to (just don't bother uploading it to RRU, use some other image hosting site instead).

Most of the time it is you who perpetuate the pony arguments in the first place because someone said something about your cult that you don't agree with.
So, wouldn't it be the person saying something about it that starts it? We wouldn't have a reason to talk about it if they didn't talk about it first.
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If someone starts a fight in school, the teachers don't care who started it if you actively got involved. That's what I'm saying here. If someone flames you for being a brony, report it. If someone has an opinion that you don't like, get over it. Otherwise I'll send both you and the instigator to detention so you can write "I will not perpetuate arguments" a few hundred times on the chalkboard.

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You see if they hate ponies, I understand, and don't hate them for that.

I don't like it when they come here actively seeking to piss us off.

normally it doesn't affect me, but over time it does.

"But they don't do it that often" you may say, well I'm on other forums too you know.

No really, if you don't like ponies, I'm completely okay.

A good friend of mine outright HATES ponies, but he isn't a d*** about it.

But if you hate me or anyone because they happen to like something you don't like, after a while I will get annoyed.

I respect your opinions if you respect my own.

I tend to do onto others as they do to me, well if they do it over and over.

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RailFandom > Everything. Mostly because we spend our times in basements trying to get the rust decals just right on our HO scale Great Norther Railway 2584 2 weeks before restoration for our fictional scrap yards complete with a 4-6-4 New York Central Hudson along with a GP-40 ripped apart for scrap.

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RailFandom > Everything. Mostly because we spend our times in basements trying to get the rust decals just right on our HO scale Great Norther Railway 2584 2 weeks before restoration for our fictional scrap yards complete with a 4-6-4 New York Central Hudson along with a GP-40 ripped apart for scrap.


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It's hard to avoid ponies when you have them prancing about your signatures and avatars

Cyrem doesn't want them outside of this and a few other topics on the whole site. But other than that we could fill our sigs up to the limit with pony sprites and you would just have to sit back and deal with it because they are not technical in a post in the topic. They are in our sigs which when you think about it can be changed at any given time with no adverse affect on the topic as apposed to editing a post to something random where someone reading for the first time would be like 'WTF!?".

And besides, haven't you noticed the amazing sonic-rainboom of honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic handing over RRU? Just don't try and taste it or else you will make a bunch of funny faces and yell "Spicy!".

Two things you guys need to know.

Current status

Though she has not appeared since the two-part pilot, throughout the series Luna is once again responsible for bringing the night. According to the show's creator, Lauren Faust, Luna is set to return sometime in season 2.

I can't wait to see her again!!!

Season two

Derpy Hooves is said to return in season 2 according to one of the animators on the show. She has gained a scripted-character status rather than an arbitrary background pony, and she is considered a "Where's Waldo"-type challenge for the fans.

Everyone get out you magnifying glasses because season two is going to be a good one!!!

Honorary Brony?

Well I'm Pre-op right now. So technically a guy,

Anyway enough of this discussion unless you want to continue it.

Let me just clear up this misunderstanding because you confused the the muffins out of Katatonic717.

Up until you get your new mechanics then you are by all definitions a regular Brony. After that then you are a regular MLP fan.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings you might of had with the responses you got.

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Fluffy Cupcake
Let me just clear up this misunderstanding because you confused the the muffins out of Katatonic717.
Lol, good one.
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you confused the the muffins out of Katatonic717.

I'm using that now.

Let me just clear up this misunderstanding because you confused the the muffins out of Katatonic717.

Lol, good one.

Well it is true.
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Stephen Colbert is a Brony encase you didn't know!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8WrKIvSEWI&

And if you don't believe that then take a look at this.

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