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Do Some Cars In Lr2 Go Faster On Different Worlds?


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This leads me to my question: how are the stats for a vehicle determined in LEGO Racers 2?

If what I think if correct, then each different world builds faster cars than the previous, but just looking at Sandy Bay or Mars or whatever, what makes one car faster than the others? Is it all dependent on the mass of the vehicle, with the balance between more bricks equals a car which is harder to destroy but slower, and less bricks with a faster car but one that is easier to destroy?

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This leads me to my question: how are the stats for a vehicle determined in LEGO Racers 2?

If what I think if correct, then each different world builds faster cars than the previous, but just looking at Sandy Bay or Mars or whatever, what makes one car faster than the others? Is it all dependent on the mass of the vehicle, with the balance between more bricks equals a car which is harder to destroy but slower, and less bricks with a faster car but one that is easier to destroy?

Ummm... Yes?

I can sorta understand what you are saying about more bricks making a car heavier, and less making it lighter. But what makes them go faster? Unknown. I am still on Sandy Bay (because I have not been playing the game), so I do not know how fast other cars go.

I am really having trouble with the controls right now. I will press the down arrow, thinking I will be stopping, but I end up going backward. I then have to hit the spacebar to stop, and by then, I have missed the checkpoint, the other racer has passed me, and I have lost the race.

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All cars go faster in Dino Island regardless of their chassis, from what I remember. I haven't noticed a speed difference in any of the other worlds.

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All cars go faster in Dino Island regardless of their chassis, from what I remember. I haven't noticed a speed difference in any of the other worlds.


Like I said, I do not know about the cars going faster. I am still on Sandy Bay.

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Would someone kindly talk about the joke that was made in my video? (I'm not going to tell the joke. I want you to find out for yourself.)

Well then no, we won't, because I have no idea what this joke you're speaking of is and since you are not saying what it is it's wasted. Is it that you can escape talking from islanders and I didn't know it all these years? >.<

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I have no idea what this joke you're speaking of is and since you are not saying what it is it's wasted.

I thought of this yesterday. The first race in LR2 is racing Workman Fred and his digger. The cut-scene before that makes a joke: "Who ever heard of a digger winning a race?!"

Answer: I have!

Please read, Lair. Now le, your Sandy Bay vehicle is a digger and you won a race with it. I get it, but it's not funny to me. Maybe it would have been better if someone other than the player character made the joke.

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All cars go faster in Dino Island regardless of their chassis, from what I remember. I haven't noticed a speed difference in any of the other worlds.

Not all of them. The ones with caterpillar treads are slower than all the others but also have better handling than all the others (probably true of the Arctic ones too). Conversely, the other Dino Island cars with regular wheels are faster but have less handling. Outside of that, they're all about the same. The hover cars on Mars seem like they can drift a little better, and the ski cars in Arctic seem a little faster, but it might just be me.

I don't know what to saw about the Arctic ice sail thing but I can never drive properly with it partially because I can't see through the sail very well.

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No, I'm talking about how you can take a Sandy Bay car into Dino Island and it will go faster. I haven't looked into speed differences between the chassis of each world, but you go faster in Dino Island in general.

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Do they not go the fastest on Xalax?

I haven't compared the speeds yet, but presumably I would think the Hover vehicles and the specially made Xalax vehicles might be slightly faster by design.

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Do they not go the fastest on Xalax?

I haven't compared the speeds yet, but presumably I would think the Hover vehicles and the specially made Xalax vehicles might be slightly faster by design.

No, that's not even what I asked. I asked if cars go fastest on Xalax, not if Xalax cars are faster. Read all the posts in this topic.

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