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Trouble with mission objectives


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I created a level in place of driller night, and i got the map and everything to work, but I cant figure out how to change the mission objective so that it requires 80 energy crystals instead of 5. Can you help me?

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I have a similar problem: I too created a level in place of driller night, and i got the map and everything to work, but I cant figure out how to change the mission objective so that it requires 80 energy crystals instead of 5. Can you help me?

You need to create a script with Cyrem's NPL scripter. Open it up and paste this code in, then hit "compile".

TRUE ? SetMessageTimerValues 1000 1000 10000

GetCrystalsCurrentlyStored > 80 ? SetLevelCompleted

GetMiniFiguresOnLevel > 0 ? :canrebuild

GetToolStoresBuilt = 0 ? SetLevelFail


If you get any problems, firstly check the programs setting to make sure it knows where the compiler is. It comes with the scripter program.

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I did that, but the program wont overwrite the old npl file. When i press the compile button and tell it to save over the old file, it opens a black box but the box closes instantly and it doesnt overwrite the old npl file

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I did that, but the program wont overwrite the old npl file. When i press the compile button and tell it to save over the old file, it opens a black box but the box closes instantly and it doesnt overwrite the old npl file

Well, obviously you have read-only set. You'll need to save it elsewhere with the same name, make a backup and then delete the original file, and then move the one you made into the folder.

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