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Right, firstly, don't call him an idiot, because he's proven himself to be very smart.

Secondly, the .exe file is the program; all the background stuff that makes the game a game is in that file, coded in binary. If you are SUPERIOR with Hex and Binary modding, you might be able to slightly improve the AI, but we cannot modify it through the game files which are in the WADs, seeing as the only things in these are configurations the developers needed to modify a lot and quickly, textures, sounds and models/animations.

Finally, the .icd is the .exe, but slightly different (disc-protection wise).

i stand correted on the source code, and i guess the AI code is in the source code, which might explain why the AI sucks so bad

He already has acknowledged he was wrong. However the AI being in the source code has absolutely nothing to do with why it is 'bad'. A very large percentage of games all have hard coded AI, it's un-common that games their AI code in plain sight to be modified. Open AI allows for exploitation.

Additionally, you don't mod exes in HEX... that is just plain stupid, you will not get anywhere. Neither would you convert an exe in binary to mod, that is even worse. You disassemble the exe to ASM and use debugging software and/or injection software to pin point ASM you need to modify. You can then make alterations to the ASM and insert some ASM to get a desired outcome, however this does not mean you can do anything with any program. For example, no amount of exe modding will allow you to put in a decent FPS mode for RR. It would be far more easier and logical to build RR clone and do it.

In all, the game's AI was a decent effort back in the day. There were hardly any RTS games out that utilised priorities to always have the AI doing things that were needed. Other factors such as the fact LEGO was pushing to get it out and a small development timeframe meant bugs were still present in the game. As Karl said, the days before sending the game to LEGO they were working insanely long days bug testing. Consumers seem to get this idea that bugs are easy to remove or expect that games come out with none, this view is wrong and any programmer would know this. There will always be a bug somewhere, no human can write the 'perfect' game/program.

I think, without a doubt RR was the best game DDI has ever developed.

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i agree it was the best, i just wish LEGO could have let them iron out the bugs, and actualy quite a few games package the AI code in resources, but now that i think about it those are games that are designed to be modded, so looks like the AI is gonna stay

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ok i have a question, does anybody else have the issue of the rock raiders are really dumb like walking back into tnt's blast radius, like seriously how do these guys survive in life?

this is not a game on my comp program error or anything, it is just the rockraiders have very low AI or something by design

Friend you should realize that DDI entertainment added A.S not A.I meaning, the RR have artificial stupidity.

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ok i have a question, does anybody else have the issue of the rock raiders are really dumb like walking back into tnt's blast radius, like seriously how do these guys survive in life?

this is not a game on my comp program error or anything, it is just the rockraiders have very low AI or something by design

Friend you should realize that DDI entertainment added A.S not A.I meaning, the RR have artificial stupidity.

Friend you should realize that DDI (there's no such place as "DDI entertainment") added A.I not A.S. meaning, the RR have artificial intelligence.

No seriously, thank you for completaly ignoring the whole topic. The Rock Raiders have good AI for 1999. They're dumb by today's standards but back then they at least worked automaticly which was great for then.

You people.

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ok, i will agree it was good back then, but only because back then it was the limits of processor power, and now it stinks because we have the hardware specs to be able to play the game at its best and not tax our equipment to the max, so now we see every error, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that the ai is incredibly limited and the priorities are lacking big time, plus the whole pathing issue

like how they will build using ore from halfway accross the **** map and wont accept ore from the bleetin tool store, or how they will ignore repeated orders to brace walls that are landsliding out and warping out raiders right and left, or how security forces will always stop and shoot at monsters from just outside the range of the weapon.

or how if a small transport truck drops too many materials you have too wait 2 min for a raider to pick up the extra.

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You know what, I find that the A.I gives the game a bit of character. I find it funny when I tell them to do stuff and they go off doing something else. I mean sure it's annoying when they wont build that support station before you die... but I'm past that.

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