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Back To Basics


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Does anyone have any tips for how to make beating "Back to Basic" a little more easy? Of course, I have before, but was just curious if the community could offer any help.

Has to be the hardest (imo) of all the RR missions

Thanks =)

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The Brigadier

1. Cutoff Technique. Build Teleport Pads around the slimy slug holes and turn their power off. This will trap the slugs. Unfortunately, their are two holes which cannot be cut off due to them being on a slope. But these aren't right next to your base, so just give your Raiders pusher beams. :P

2. Turn off energy crystals as a priority, and never allow yourself to get more than 10 crystals, because as soon as you hit 10, the slugs will come out.

3. For every 3 crystals you get, teleport in a Small Mobile Laser Cutter, park it one square away from the Tool Store, and teleport away the Laser Cutter. Repeat until you have 45 just by the power station. Then, get 5 Small Transport Trucks and ugrade their engines and Cargo Holds. DON'T FORGET TO KEEP A NOTE OF HOW MANY CRYSTALS YOU HAVE.

As soon as you hit 45, turn on crystals as a priority and turn on Action Stations. 4 raiders should be enough to keep the slugs at bay for long enough.

4. Alternatively, you can do the same as step 3,but teleport up the power station before collecting time. That means that the slugs can't get any crystals, because their are no powered buildings.

Follow these instructions and the level should be FAR easier.

If all else fails, enable debug keys and press Ctrl+S. ;P

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One thing you can do is keep teleporting vehicles into the cavern so your crystal count never meets or exceeds ten. Slugs start emerging at ten crystals, so investing in vehicles keeps you safe. Once you have enough crystals to finish the level, turn off all priorities except crystal collection and teleport up all of your buildings except for the Tool Store. Since the Tool Store isn't powered, slugs can't suck energy out of it, and-

Okay Ben, you win.

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