Minifig9292 Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 (Warning: Website can contain disgusting and downright scary images and stories.) Introduction: Greetings new personnel, you may not realize it yet, nor may you be consenting to it, but you have just been recruited by the SCP Foundation, clicking on the link to this thread voids your right to a lawyer, access to your family and friends, and your right to a sane remainder of your life. The SCP Foundation has a long and obscure history, that isn't really privy to new recruits, but just know this: it's been around since before you were here, and unless something goes horribly wrong, it will outlive you. Our role in this world is simple, and to remind you of it, it is the very acronym from which our foundation gains it's name: Secure. Contain. Protect. Just what are we securing, containing and protecting? Frankly, we have no idea, and that is what makes our job so vital, we find objects, artifacts, creatures, "people" that the world isn't ready for. We stop them from doing harm to themselves, and the majority of the world by containing them in several highly secure facilities. Finally, we make it our job to ensure no third party gains access to these "SCPs", and to make sure they can do no harm to the majority of the modern world. Secondary to these objectives is our goal to research all these anomalies, to figure out how they work, in some cases to destroy them, in others, to understand them so that the knowledge can be used to improve society, protect the world, or help the goals of the foundation. Good luck new agents, I hope you all lead fruitful lives in the service of the foundation. Object Class: Thread Containment Procedures: This thread is to be contained within the General Discussion section of the Facepunch forum. All readers of the topic should be immediately located and brought into Foundation custody for new recruit training. Description: The SCP Wiki is a huge collaborative project from hundreds of different creepypasta authors, it details a s***LOAD of creepy, powerful and usually highly misunderstood artifacts in the care of a rich, secretive foundation with ties to pretty much all world governments. The "Foundation" is basically a huge group of scientists, military agents and high level supervisors who are charged with Securing, Containing and Protecting the aforementioned artifacts, often with catastrophic results, nonetheless they press on with a seemingly unlimited budget and stream of "Class-D" test subjects who are thrown into the grinder daily. The main feature of this website is the individual entries for over 1000 different artifacts, ranging from a biological MP5, to a real life weeping angel, to a painting which when reproduced correctly creatures a giant wormhole, to a startling variety of terrifying parasites. Basically, if you've ever thought of something scary, or had a nightmare with something horrific in it, the foundation has tagged it, bagged it and fed 10-100 criminals to it, to see what happens. Notable Subjects: Item #: SCP-745 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-745's point of origin has been traced to an abandoned stretch of Highway ██ in northern New Mexico. The Foundation has purchased the surrounding land and and the highway has been redirected. On-site security are disguised as Highway Patrol agents and are tasked with removing trespassers and capturing any new hunting pairs of SCP-745. Any SCP-745 creatures that are captured, live or dead, are to be loaded into class 3 BCU storage containers to await transport to Site 17. Containment procedures to preserve living specimens of SCP-745 are still being researched and no captured specimen has survived more than a week in captivity, but as there have been no new sightings of SCP-745 outside of its point of origin the species is presumed to be effectively contained. Requests for access to SCP-745 cadavers are to be forwarded to Dr. Langford directly. Description: SCP-745 is a bipedal nocturnal predator. The head is a bloated sack of clear skin that lacks visible sensory organs or a skull. The brain of the creature can be directly observed and is wrapped in a web of bio-luminescent organs below the skin. Skin covering the rest of the body has a deep black coloration. Living specimens of SCP-745 are capable producing a steady output of 1400 to 3200 lumens from their head, at night this effectively obscures the rest of the body and gives the appearance of a floating point of light. When defending itself or communicating with other members of its species this light has been observed to change color and flash in specific patterns. SCP-745's genetic structure is not carbon based. SCP-745 almost exclusively hunts in pairs along remote sections of highway. Two specimens are capable of moving at speeds of up to 180 km per hour in perfect unison, taking the appearance of the headlights on a fast moving vehicle. SCP-745 targets lone vehicles on the highway, and hunting pairs will attempt to run the driver off the road by pursuing or charging their target. Once their prey swerves off the road or comes to a stop the pair will separate to directly assault and consume the vehicle's occupants. SCP-745 has not yet been directly observed while feeding as captured specimens will not eat and successful attacks have yet to leave any witnesses behind. SCP-745 rarely leaves any remains behind apart from scraps of clothing and shoes. Vehicles recovered after SCP-745 attacks rarely show any sign of forced entry and are covered with the child-like hand prints from SCP-745's front paws. Addendum: No lairs, nests or young of SCP-745 have been found. SCP-745 had established a wide territory across the southwestern United States until Foundation teams began thinning their numbers in the 1960s, after which all recent SCP-745 sightings have been on the secured patch of land in New Mexico. Reports of phantom lights in other parts of the country have been investigated with no signs pointing to SCP-745 involvement. Item #: SCP-504 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All seeds, plants, fruit, crossbreeds, and other products of SCP-504 are to be classified as SCP-504. SCP-504 seeds need no special containment, other than to prevent misuse by unauthorized personnel. Grown SCP-504 plants and their fruit should be kept in soundproof rooms. Guards and researchers assigned to maturing or growing SCP-504 are to be equipped with radio-enabled masks which insulate non-transmitted sound, and are to be instructed to avoid attempts at humor. Description: SCP-504 is a species of tomato physically and genetically identical to that of the typical commercially-grown tomato. It was recovered in [REDACTED], Kentucky after a woman reported to the police that her farmer husband had been "murdered by his lunch". The Foundation is currently working to identify and destroy loose strains of SCP-504 in the surrounding commercial farming areas. When a poor attempt at humor is made verbally within human hearing range of SCP-504's tomatoes, they instantly accelerate to a speed of at least 100 miles per hour (approx. 160 kilometers per hour, 45 meters per second) in the direction of the sound's source. Only mature tomatoes, separated from their vines and less than 10% rotted or chemically compromised, exhibit this effect once each. Tomatoes do not have to be physically intact, though ingested tomatoes are usually insulated enough from sound to prevent their effects before neutralization by stomach acid. SCP-504 tomatoes seem to reach speeds relative to the inciting attempt at humor (see experiment log). Relevant variables seem to include corniness, humor-to-length ratio, and use of puns. Language appears irrelevant. Note: Whoever snuck SCP-504 into the cafeteria kitchen is getting terminated. Those tomato slices are like f***ing shuriken. - Dr. Blast Item #: SCP-173 Object class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container. Description: Moved to Site19 1993. Origin is as of yet unknown. It is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173. Personnel assigned to enter container are instructed to alert one another before blinking. Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation. In the event of an attack, personnel are to observe Class 4 hazardous object containment procedures. Personnel report sounds of scraping stone originating from within the container when no one is present inside. This is considered normal, and any change in this behaviour should be reported to the acting HMCL supervisor on duty. The reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. Origin of these materials is unknown. The enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic322 Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 The heck is this things? Could you please write a simple explanation on what this is? I can't even understand what you are talking about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Storm Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 Its basically a fiction site full of fake things that are "true". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyrem Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 Is this an advertisment? or is there some point to this topic? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minifig9292 Posted February 7, 2012 Author Share Posted February 7, 2012 Is this an advertisment? or is there some point to this topic? It's a megathread kinda thing. There's a crap ton of SCPs and one man can't possibly find them all. So if someone finds a cool one or whatever, he/she can post it here and we can discuss it. Either that or we make jokes about [DATA EXPUNGED] The heck is this things? Could you please write a simple explanation on what this is? I can't even understand what you are talking about. The main feature of this website is the individual entries for over 1000 different artifacts, ranging from a biological MP5, to a real life weeping angel, to a painting which when reproduced correctly creatures a giant wormhole, to a startling variety of terrifying parasites. Basically, if you've ever thought of something scary, or had a nightmare with something horrific in it, the foundation has tagged it, bagged it and fed 10-100 criminals to it, to see what happens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic322 Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 Is this an advertisment? or is there some point to this topic? It's a megathread kinda thing. There's a crap ton of SCPs and one man can't possibly find them all. So if someone finds a cool one or whatever, he/she can post it here and we can discuss it. Either that or we make jokes about [DATA EXPUNGED] The heck is this things? Could you please write a simple explanation on what this is? I can't even understand what you are talking about. The main feature of this website is the individual entries for over 1000 different artifacts, ranging from a biological MP5, to a real life weeping angel, to a painting which when reproduced correctly creatures a giant wormhole, to a startling variety of terrifying parasites. Basically, if you've ever thought of something scary, or had a nightmare with something horrific in it, the foundation has tagged it, bagged it and fed 10-100 criminals to it, to see what happens. I really have a hard time believing you know what you are even talking about right now. How can there be "a crap ton of SCPs" if SCP stands for "Secure. Contain. Protect."? Just because you made an acronym for something does not mean you have free rain to use it even when it does not make sense. What exactly do you mean by artifacts? Like artifacts artifacts or something that you just wanted to document? All I understand is the reference to the weeping angels. What are the other 3 things references to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minifig9292 Posted February 7, 2012 Author Share Posted February 7, 2012 I really have a hard time believing you know what you are even talking about right now. How can there be "a crap ton of SCPs" if SCP stands for "Secure. Contain. Protect."? Just because you made an acronym for something does not mean you have free rain to use it even when it does not make sense. What exactly do you mean by artifacts? Like artifacts artifacts or something that you just wanted to document? All I understand is the reference to the weeping angels. What are the other 3 things references to? I use "SCP" in that manner to describe the creatures/items/people/things stored in the facility. It's much easier to write than "creatures/items/people/things". Go to the site and look at the number of entries, over 1,100 SCPs are listed. If over 1,100 user made articles isn't a crapton, then you need to rethink your definition of that word. Not everything is a reference, not everything exists, in fact everything is completely 100% made up and original. The is were the Doctor Who writers actualy got the idea for the Weeping Angels. SCP 173 is pretty much a prototype Weeping Angel. This website is written like all of these things actualy exist. The SCP Foundation is a place where strange things are stored and studied. Things such as: A portal to Hell, Bigfoot, Lego that comes to life when it's built, tomatoes that kill anything that makes bad jokes, a machine that improves anything put into it, even a man who randomly teleports to other dimensions. Each article is written like a scientific study of what ever object or creature it's about. Sometimes they come with cool stories or audio recordings or tests conducted on the things. You need to go into this with a sense of fun, an open mind, patience, and a hunk of intelligence. Lastly, why don't you just shut up and spend some time looking at the site itself instead of asking me things. You'll have all of your further questions answered if you just take about a ten minutes to read it. Once you figure it out (and it's NOT hard to) it becomes one of the most entertaining websites you can find. Here, I'll even link you to some pages that tell you more about this place since you are that freaking simple. http://www.scp-wiki....-object-classes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sadie Meowsalot Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 does not mean you have free rain to use it Water-powered acronyms :af: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic322 Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 Wait you mean you just found this site? I thought you made it. I didn't think a place like that existed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Storm Posted February 7, 2012 Share Posted February 7, 2012 Item #: SCP-040 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-040 is to be detained in a large room of any make, furnished as to a normal child's bedroom. All personnel in the area are to be armed with pistols and rifles of a nonlethal type, containing powerful tranquilizers. Subject is to be given anything it so wishes, so long as it does not defy standard security protocol, and is to be fed three (3) times a day, also whatever it wishes. Subject is to never be left alone, even when unconscious. All personnel dealing with SCP-040 are to be perfectly content with their lives, and have no hidden or deep desires, and will be psychologically cross examined before coming into contact with subject. As long as SCP-040 is kept preoccupied, it will likely abstain from the use of its abilities, except in the case of contact with someone with a desire. If SCP-040 displays any of its inherent abilities, it is to be immediately tranquillized. Any personnel or objects affected by SCP-040's abilities are to be immediately tranquilized and kept for indefinite study. Subject is currently contained within Bio-Research Area-12, along with all of the results of SCP-040's abilities. Description: SCP-040 is a young girl of indeterminate age, although rough estimates would put her in the five to ten (5-10) age bracket. Subject is one (1) meter in height and of a normal child's build. Pigmentation is unusual, having light pink hair, and heterochromia, one iris being green, and the other being yellow. The sclera in the yellow eye is also black. Skin is pale, and reacts adversely to an overexposure to light. SCP-040 has the archetypal mentality and intelligence of a child of her age, if slightly above average. Psychological tests indicate no mental problems or issues, although at times, subject will display extreme loneliness or delusions of grandeur. When experiencing either, extreme caution is to be taken, as this is when most activity regarding SCP-040's abilities occurs. Subject is wearing a living organism, which changes according to SCP-040's will, or the environment SCP-040 is in. Garment has been seen to change between various textures and sizes, from being smooth and covering less than fifty percent (50%) of subject's body whilst being exposed to high surrounding temperatures, to being furred and covering over ninety percent (90%) of the subjects body when faced with a low surrounding temperature. Attempts to remove SCP-040 from this garment has proved fruitless. The organism instantly heals all damage to itself, and seems to survive on the dead skin cells and dirt on SCP-040's person. Garment also reacts to danger, and attempts to shield SCP-040 from any and all damage. SCP-040 has the ability to forcibly mutate and "evolve" surrounding matter, apparently via force of will, regardless if said matter is organic or not. Entire new life forms have been created by SCP-040, out of organic and inorganic substances and objects, i.e. both living and dead animals and plants, concrete, steel, plastic and clay. Subject has even been known to mutate objects and integrate metaphysical concepts into them, such as time, energy, and dimension. With this ability, subject is quite capable of breaching the walls of its containment, and those of the entire facility, despite what the wall may be constructed of. When altered, or brought to life, subject may or may not resemble its original state, and may also be altered mentally, if subject possessed such faculties beforehand. Most substances or objects subjected to SCP-040's abilities has expressed a fanatical loyalty to her, with the exception of certain humans. SCP-040 has also shown to possess unconscious telepathy, unknowingly reading the subconscious mind of those around her. When faced with someone with a deep desire or wish, subconscious or not, SCP-040 will change that person into a physical manifestation of that wish. It appears to be a reflex action that SCP-040 has no control over, and when asked about the incident afterwards, she claims to have no memory of it. Tests have deduced that subject has an abnormally high central internal body temperature and pressure, upwards of one thousand, six hundred and sixty eight degrees (1668) Celsius and six (6) kiloPascals, despite the fact that SCP-040 has a normal external body temperature and pressure. Additional: Subject was found in [DATA EXPUNGED]. All of the additional subjects found alongside SCP-040 were taken into custody for research. The surrounding population was mentally purged after careful questioning regarding SCP-040. Population is still being monitored at present time for any resurgence of ████████████ ██████. Addendum 040-01: In the interest of keeping SCP-040 content and her relation to the organization in high regard, she has been allowed to keep up to four beings altered by her abilities. All four subjects were created from either toys that had been particularly liked by SCP-040, or from items of furniture in the room. Study is ongoing of interaction between SCP-040 and these subjects. Please see file SCP-040-1 Addendum 040-02: After attempting to escape several times, SCP-040 has been allowed supervised time outside the facility, though only in the surrounding uninhabited areas. Hopefully, this action will help SCP-040's mental state, and eliminate the urge for further escape attempts. Addendum 040-03: After examining the subject, it has been decided to educate SCP-040 in fields expected of an average child. This project is for both the mental growth for SCP-040, and to keep subject as mentally balanced as possible. Addendum 040-04: Tests have begun to examine SCP-040's effect on dead humans. Although SCP-040 had originally expressed distaste at such an action, she has agreed to undertake the activity. All subjects were not resurrected, but remade into completely new organisms, with no trace of the mindset of the original subject. Addendum 040-05: SCP-040 occasionally talks to SCP-182, and has expressed a liking of the subject, blushing when SCP-182 is either mentioned, or enters the same room. Document 040-1048: "Agent ██████ was expressly told to confess to any deep desires or urges he had. Tell him he can stop being a research subject if he's able to stop exuding gold from his fingernails and hair." Document 040-1049: "So… Agent █████████ is physically the exact same…. except for the fact he's now a woman. Well… monitor him for a month or two, and then let him… her, come back to work. And revoke her access to SCP-113, she's made her bed." Addendum 040-06: It has been hypothesized that SCP-148 would be capable of halting the SCP-040's unconscious telepathy. Tests are pending with approval. (approved) Addendum 040-07: Experimentation between SCP-040 and SCP-148 has proven Dr. Rupert's hypothesis. SCP-040 must now wear a hair band or other head ornamentation constructed of SCP-148 at all times, allowing the subject to interact with any person regardless of their interests or psychological state. It should also prevent incidents [DATA EXPUNGED] from happening so easily again. Addendum 040-08: Testing involving SCP-040 and her control over her abilities have commenced. Pretty good IMO. Also why is this text black. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minifig9292 Posted February 7, 2012 Author Share Posted February 7, 2012 Item #: SCP-040 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-040 is to be detained in a large room of any make, furnished as to a normal child's bedroom. All personnel in the area are to be armed with pistols and rifles of a nonlethal type, containing powerful tranquilizers. Subject is to be given anything it so wishes, so long as it does not defy standard security protocol, and is to be fed three (3) times a day, also whatever it wishes. Subject is to never be left alone, even when unconscious. All personnel dealing with SCP-040 are to be perfectly content with their lives, and have no hidden or deep desires, and will be psychologically cross examined before coming into contact with subject. As long as SCP-040 is kept preoccupied, it will likely abstain from the use of its abilities, except in the case of contact with someone with a desire. If SCP-040 displays any of its inherent abilities, it is to be immediately tranquillized. Any personnel or objects affected by SCP-040's abilities are to be immediately tranquilized and kept for indefinite study. Subject is currently contained within Bio-Research Area-12, along with all of the results of SCP-040's abilities. Description: SCP-040 is a young girl of indeterminate age, although rough estimates would put her in the five to ten (5-10) age bracket. Subject is one (1) meter in height and of a normal child's build. Pigmentation is unusual, having light pink hair, and heterochromia, one iris being green, and the other being yellow. The sclera in the yellow eye is also black. Skin is pale, and reacts adversely to an overexposure to light. SCP-040 has the archetypal mentality and intelligence of a child of her age, if slightly above average. Psychological tests indicate no mental problems or issues, although at times, subject will display extreme loneliness or delusions of grandeur. When experiencing either, extreme caution is to be taken, as this is when most activity regarding SCP-040's abilities occurs. Subject is wearing a living organism, which changes according to SCP-040's will, or the environment SCP-040 is in. Garment has been seen to change between various textures and sizes, from being smooth and covering less than fifty percent (50%) of subject's body whilst being exposed to high surrounding temperatures, to being furred and covering over ninety percent (90%) of the subjects body when faced with a low surrounding temperature. Attempts to remove SCP-040 from this garment has proved fruitless. The organism instantly heals all damage to itself, and seems to survive on the dead skin cells and dirt on SCP-040's person. Garment also reacts to danger, and attempts to shield SCP-040 from any and all damage. SCP-040 has the ability to forcibly mutate and "evolve" surrounding matter, apparently via force of will, regardless if said matter is organic or not. Entire new life forms have been created by SCP-040, out of organic and inorganic substances and objects, i.e. both living and dead animals and plants, concrete, steel, plastic and clay. Subject has even been known to mutate objects and integrate metaphysical concepts into them, such as time, energy, and dimension. With this ability, subject is quite capable of breaching the walls of its containment, and those of the entire facility, despite what the wall may be constructed of. When altered, or brought to life, subject may or may not resemble its original state, and may also be altered mentally, if subject possessed such faculties beforehand. Most substances or objects subjected to SCP-040's abilities has expressed a fanatical loyalty to her, with the exception of certain humans. SCP-040 has also shown to possess unconscious telepathy, unknowingly reading the subconscious mind of those around her. When faced with someone with a deep desire or wish, subconscious or not, SCP-040 will change that person into a physical manifestation of that wish. It appears to be a reflex action that SCP-040 has no control over, and when asked about the incident afterwards, she claims to have no memory of it. Tests have deduced that subject has an abnormally high central internal body temperature and pressure, upwards of one thousand, six hundred and sixty eight degrees (1668) Celsius and six (6) kiloPascals, despite the fact that SCP-040 has a normal external body temperature and pressure. Additional: Subject was found in [DATA EXPUNGED]. All of the additional subjects found alongside SCP-040 were taken into custody for research. The surrounding population was mentally purged after careful questioning regarding SCP-040. Population is still being monitored at present time for any resurgence of ████████████ ██████. Addendum 040-01: In the interest of keeping SCP-040 content and her relation to the organization in high regard, she has been allowed to keep up to four beings altered by her abilities. All four subjects were created from either toys that had been particularly liked by SCP-040, or from items of furniture in the room. Study is ongoing of interaction between SCP-040 and these subjects. Please see file SCP-040-1 Addendum 040-02: After attempting to escape several times, SCP-040 has been allowed supervised time outside the facility, though only in the surrounding uninhabited areas. Hopefully, this action will help SCP-040's mental state, and eliminate the urge for further escape attempts. Addendum 040-03: After examining the subject, it has been decided to educate SCP-040 in fields expected of an average child. This project is for both the mental growth for SCP-040, and to keep subject as mentally balanced as possible. Addendum 040-04: Tests have begun to examine SCP-040's effect on dead humans. Although SCP-040 had originally expressed distaste at such an action, she has agreed to undertake the activity. All subjects were not resurrected, but remade into completely new organisms, with no trace of the mindset of the original subject. Addendum 040-05: SCP-040 occasionally talks to SCP-182, and has expressed a liking of the subject, blushing when SCP-182 is either mentioned, or enters the same room. Document 040-1048: "Agent ██████ was expressly told to confess to any deep desires or urges he had. Tell him he can stop being a research subject if he's able to stop exuding gold from his fingernails and hair." Document 040-1049: "So… Agent █████████ is physically the exact same…. except for the fact he's now a woman. Well… monitor him for a month or two, and then let him… her, come back to work. And revoke her access to SCP-113, she's made her bed." Addendum 040-06: It has been hypothesized that SCP-148 would be capable of halting the SCP-040's unconscious telepathy. Tests are pending with approval. (approved) Addendum 040-07: Experimentation between SCP-040 and SCP-148 has proven Dr. Rupert's hypothesis. SCP-040 must now wear a hair band or other head ornamentation constructed of SCP-148 at all times, allowing the subject to interact with any person regardless of their interests or psychological state. It should also prevent incidents [DATA EXPUNGED] from happening so easily again. Addendum 040-08: Testing involving SCP-040 and her control over her abilities have commenced. Pretty good IMO. Also why is this text black. Fixed it. I also added some spaces because no one wants to read a massive wall of text. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minifig9292 Posted February 22, 2012 Author Share Posted February 22, 2012 I [Data Expunged] my [Redacted] all onto the ██████████ with a █████. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minifig9292 Posted July 24, 2012 Author Share Posted July 24, 2012 Such a shame that nobody took interest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheDoctor Posted July 24, 2012 Share Posted July 24, 2012 The SCP foundation is really just a ton of /x/ creepy pasta. It's Warehouse 13, but creepier. Supposedly they're the ones who contain all the things that could destroy the world. A notable one is a concrete weeping angel type creature that snaps your neck instead of sending you back in time. Someone in Blink mentioned that "at least they kill you nicely". Another is a red crystal that had inverted properties of water. It freezes at high temperatures and liquifies at low ones. Any contact with normal water converts it into the red stuff. Obviously, it means death for living creatures. People have made games for a few SCPs. One of them is an endless staircase, another is the weeping angel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nishliau Posted July 24, 2012 Share Posted July 24, 2012 It's Warehouse 13, but creepier. Best explaination for SCP ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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