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Ogel in Island


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The question I would like to ask is this: Was Ogel invented when the first LEGO Island game was released?

My answer would be no, but I might be wrong. The reason I ask is that I was looking at the LEGOIsle.exe file in a hex editor, and then I stumbled upon the word 'ogel'. The word appears after 3 bytes of 0x00 and after the word, there is another 4 bytes of 0x00. After those four bytes the word 'password' comes. Then another 4 bytes of 0x00.

Before the 'ogel' and before the 3 0x00 bytes there is mentioned something about " 'diskpath' 'isle.exe' and 'isled.exe' " All of these are seperated by 4 0x00 bytes. Before that as well there is what seems to be a reference to a script called 'isle.si'. That file can be found on the CD.

If you want to see it youself the offset of 'ogel' is 0x7124 in my version, or you could just search for it. My version is a re-release for XP from around 2004, and it's danish.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this, because I found it weird.

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That's... interesting.

Ogel and the Alpha Team sets weren't released until around the time LI2 came out, I think. (Which coincidentally had the unrelated OGEL Island) So I doubt it's any reference to him.

Since only one instance of the word shows up in the exe, it's hard to say what it could mean, if anything. The word "Ogel" is just "Lego" backwards, so...

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It was in the manual for LEGO Island. The Brickster ran off and built OGEL Island before getting thrown in jail for whatever.

I stumbled upon the word 'ogel'.

...the word 'password' comes.

Maybe it means it's the password for turning on debug keys? Interesting...

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Fluffy Cupcake
Maybe it means it's the password for turning on debug keys? Interesting...
That's exactly what I was thinking.
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lol username

"Ogel" was first used in the Autumn 1985 Bricks 'n Pieces magazine, on page five. The Captain Indigo comic there mentions that it's a planet where Indigo and Polka-Dot were taking a vacation before they get called down to a town to investigate evil robot police officers and stuff. The backstory for LEGO Island (explained in the manual via comic) also involved the Brickster stealing pieces from LEGO Island to make his own island, Ogel Island. "Ogel" is also used in the LEGO Island game itself to activate debug mode. The word was used yet again for the name of Ogel when the Alpha Team game was released in 2000, and of course the sets that followed from 2001 to 2005. The Brickster's Ogel Island is also the final location in LEGO Island 2 (though it's often just called "Ogel" in-game).

tl;dr version: The word Ogel itself wasn't first used in LEGO Island OR Alpha Team, it was first used and identified as a planet in the Captain Indigo LEGO comics from the mid 80s, and the only reference to it in-game in LEGO Island 1 is that it's used to activate debug mode, out of the game it's part of the backstory.

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