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The Rock Raiders 7 Log


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Back in 2008, I found myself feeling nostalgic for Rock Raiders. Therefore, I installed LEGO Rock Raiders onto my Windows Vista laptop and started anew. However, this time, I also decided to document my playthrough through what I called the Rock Raiders Vista Log, which you can read over the course of the BZPower Official Rock Raiders Topic starting here. However, as Steam and LEGO Universe entered my life, it became difficult to finish my Rock Raiders playthrough.

As some of you may know from me joining Rock Raiders United, I have now installed LEGO Rock Raiders onto my Windows 7, and with a quick file transfer, I was able to continue where I left off. What was the logical solution? I decided to continue the Rock Raiders Vista Log... as the Rock Raiders 7 Log.

A lot of this might seem redundant to a community established around Rock Raiders, but some of you might find this interesting, so I figured that I might as well post the Rock Raiders 7 Log here. These entries tend to be quite long, so I put them in spoiler boxes for the convenience of those who don't want to do a lot of scrolling.

Day 16: 10/29/12


As I sit down to write this entry to my Rock Raiders Log, my hands shake with the adrenaline rush that just shot through my body. Today is truly a glorious day for my miners working down at Planet U.

But first, you may have noticed that it has been a long time since my previous entry to my Rock Raiders Vista Log. Alas, after the mission failure at the Lake of Fire, I never again placed my Rock Raiders CD in my Windows Vista. Between all the other games that I was playing and my own hesitance to show my face in public again after that humiliating defeat, I never returned to Planet U. Thus concludes the Rock Raiders Vista Log.

But now begins a new chapter in my Rock Raiders Log, which I shall call the Rock Raiders 7 Log. You see, the Vista Log was so named because I was commanding my Rock Raiders from a Windows Vista. Now, I use Windows 7, hence the change in name.

But even though this is a new log, why does this entry begin with “Day 16†as opposed to a fresh start with “Day 1�

Well, let me tell you a little story.

Although a year and a half had passed since my last entry to the Rock Raiders Vista Log, I never again commanded my Rock Raiders from my Windows Vista, for the reasons that I stated earlier. However, this past September, I found myself with a brand-new computer in a completely different living space. Although I soon had access to my Steam library again, once I finally completed Half-Life 2: Episode 2, there was not much to do aside from the occasional Team Fortress 2 match with Drewsko and john-hitchcock. On top of that, Dino Attack RPG is finally near its end. So although I am far from having “nothing to doâ€, I find myself in a state where I wish to do things besides wrap up Dino Attack RPG, build stuff in LEGO Digital Designer, and play an occasional match in Team Fortress 2.

But what was it that I wished to do?

One day, I was sitting there, watching a Team Fortress 2 video for some inspiration for Dino Attack RPG, titled something along the lines of “What happens when your team losesâ€. It just so happened to be that the song choice that the video creator used was “Soldier Side†by System Of A Down… and anyone who read my last entry to the Rock Raiders Vista Log knows where I’m going with this.

That’s when it struck me. Rock Raiders. I was… what’s a blend between homesickness and nostalgia? Nostalgiasickness? Well, whatever you call it, I had it. And I had a craving for Rock Raiders like no other.

And so, I became a man on a mission. The next time I had access to my Windows Vista and all my old games, I brought a USB thumb drive with me. When I left, my thumb drive contained the notorious d3drm.dll file (which originated from my Windows XP before being transferred over to the Vista in order to play Rock Raiders) and my Rock Raiders save file (which I had finally managed to locate with the help of a Google search)… and along with my thumb drive, I was taking my Rock Raiders CD-ROM.

At my next available chance, I plugged the Rock Raiders CD into my Windows 7. As expected, an error message about d3drm.dll popped up, which was quickly rectified thanks to my planning in advance. And then, once d3drm.dll – the same d3drm.dll that has followed my Rock Raiders game from the Windows XP to the Windows Vista and now to the Windows 7 – was moved onto my computer, Rock Raiders worked.

I believe that I was what some people might refer to as “nostalgiagasmingâ€. I gushed with nostalgia at the sight and sounds of the main menu. Afraid that the game might crash at any second, I started a new save file and played Driller Night and, just to test the limits of the game, turned off the Energy Crystal priority, teleported down the maximum number of Rock Raiders, drilled every rock wall, and brought in every piece of Ore. The game did not crash.

Later, I tried again, starting another new save file. This time, I speedran Driller Night, The Path to Power, A Breath of Fresh Air, and Search ‘N’ Rescue, again testing to see if the game would crash at all. It did not. Confident that Rock Raiders was working and feel reacquainted with the controls, I started yet another new save file, played Driller Night, and this time I saved the game (in the previous trials, I did not save) in Save File 1. Then, I pulled out my USB thumb drive, located the save file on my computer, deleted the new save file, and transferred over the old save file.

When I started Rock Raiders up again, there it was… my old save file from Windows Vista. It even had the correct thumbnail in the loading/saving screen! And when I selected it, everything from Training Mission 1: Moving Rock Raiders to Hot Stuff was unlocked, just as it had been when I left. It was too good to be true.

And then, that’s when I remembered that Lake of Fire was still the next mission.

Upon selecting the mission, Chief welcomed me back to the LMS Explorer… well, if you could call yelling into my ear “HOW DARE YOU LEAVE US FOR SO LONG HOW COULD YOU DO THIS ALL OUR SUPPORT STATIONS ARE NEARLY OUT OF AIR YOUR ROCK RAIDERS ARE ALL OUT OF SANDWICHES A LANDSLIDE HAS OCCURRED†a “welcomeâ€. He proceeded to brief me on the mission, and I remembered that, since the previous attempt at Lake of Fire was a failure, I was not given the option to save, so Chief had forgotten that I already knew the objective.

After briefing was over, before teleporting in any Rock Raiders, I took a look around that horribly-familiar cavern. I quickly scanned the area, taking note of all the different rock formations and land bridges. The last time I played this mission, I tried to take everything slowly and carefully. I wondered if doing the opposite would be met with more success.

Despite the limited oxygen in the cavern, I teleported down the maximum number of Rock Raiders. I saw a bunch of old faces, most of them unnamed, but most notably Sparks (a Level 5 Rock Raider trained in every expertise), Axle, Jet, and Bandit. Once the Rock Raiders were teleported down, I told them to drill pretty much every rock wall they could reach by land bridge.

Although Chief finally shut up about landslides for once and Jet’s voice beautifully rang out in reports of Energy Crystal findings, Sparks was less optimistic. Having so many Rock Raiders in a cavern with such little air worried him, and he constantly reminded me that my air supply was running out. Indeed, I saw the oxygen level drop at an alarming rate, even with the game speed at default (just to be clear, I never use default game speed… except for Lake of Fire). Before I knew it, Sparks was telling me that the air supply was not “running outâ€, but “running lowâ€, and I heard the telltale heartbeat ringing through my ears. And yet, with my Rock Raiders spread thinly across the cavern, my income of Energy Crystals and Ore were a mere trickle, not nearly enough to build a Support Station in time. Before my Rock Raiders could suffocate to death, I showed them some mercy and simply ended the mission, teleporting them all out to safety.

And so, I was perplexed. On Windows XP, I was too chicken to try Lake of Fire. On Windows Vista, I tried Lake of Fire and failed because all the mission-critical ground eroded away before I could rake in the last few Energy Crystals. What could I do on Windows 7 to finally hear Chief say “Mission complete�

Taking a brief break from Rock Raiders to consider my strategies, I joined Rock Raiders United and received a patch to make the .AVI movies finally run once again (meaning I could finally watch the intro movies in the game itself, rather than having to go to YouTube) as well as mp3 files of the music tracks that are missing from my Rock Raiders CD. While at Rock Raiders United, I looked for any strategies and tips towards completing Lake of Fire, but I didn’t really see anything (I found a few walkthrough videos, but I refrained from seeing them… for some inexplicable reason or another). I did find some tips on how to deal with Slimy Slugs, but I’ll get to that later… I hope.

This weekend, I was all set to play some Rock Raiders… and then Left 4 Dead 2 had a weekend-long free trial period. Last night, after playing some Left 4 Dead 2, I grimly accepted that another weekend had passed by and I had still not played Rock Raiders. I was falling back into my Vista trap, I feared.

And then, this morning, Hurricane Sandy hit. Instead of working all day from 6:45 in the morning to 7:15 at night, I found myself bunkering down for the day. After breakfast, I noticed there were still a few hours left of free Left 4 Dead 2, so I got them out of the way before noon. After lunch, I realized that I did not want to just sit around and waste this day. Accepting my fate, I took out my Rock Raiders CD, put it into the disk drive, and prepared myself for hell.

I allowed myself to sit through the entire introduction movie, since it was the first time that I had seen this .AVI in-game since the last time I played it on Windows XP, which was well over five years ago. However, when I selected Lake of Fire, I skipped the intro scene of Axle and Docs outrunning the lava flow, heading straight into the mission itself.

During my brief break, I had formulated a plan of attack in my head. First, I would drill the rock formation next to Rock Raiders HQ to get some resources. Then, I would build a Power Path next to each rock formation west, northeast, and southeast of HQ. Then, I would drill those rock formations and collect their resources. While building up my base, I’d build more Power Paths next to the next-farthest rock formations before drilling them, then build more Power Paths next to the next-farthest rock formations before drilling them, and so on and so forth.

Spoiler alert: in the game itself, this did not play out as well as it sounded in my head.

After Chief briefed me on this mission for the third time in my life, I teleported down four Rock Raiders; three of them were unnamed, and the fourth was Jet. I went ahead with my plan, as I built a Power Path next to each rock formation before drilling it. In an improved addition to the plan, I build some Tool Stores next to the Power Paths, but this came with the unfortunate side effect of Rock Raiders completely ignoring whichever Tool Store was closest and always going for the one farthest away.

As I proceeded to upgrade the Teleport Pad and build a Power Station, I felt that the resources were coming in too slow, and Sparks relentlessly reminded me of my limited air supply. Despite the danger, I teleported down two or three more Rock Raiders to aid in the construction process. Before my oxygen went into the warning levels, the Support Station was finished, and I was allowed to commence with the mining operation.

I teleported down some more Rock Raiders, and now Axle, Bandit, and Sparks had joined the team. I started drilling the rock formations farther away from my base, but as lava was eroding the land bridges and my Rock Raiders were too incompetent to repair erosion or build Power Paths, this operation gradually became more and more stressful.

The fact that Rock Raiders clip over corners only makes it worse. Every time I saw a Rock Raider with low health, I teleported him up and down to regain his health, but this did not always help. In fact, there was one time where Axle’s health got rather low, so I teleported him up and then teleported him back down again at full health. Only a minute or two later, his health was even lower than it was before, forcing me to repeat the operation, cursing Axle’s stupidity under my breath. Wasn’t Axle the one who was dancing on an unfinished bridge over lava in one of the Rock Raiders books? This is what TV Tropes would call “Too Dumb To Liveâ€.

As soon as I had enough Energy Crystals, I teleported down a Tunnel Scout. Because Sparks is pretty much maxed-out on every level, he is the most valuable member of my Rock Raiders team, and so he was the one I chose to put in the Tunnel Scout, just as I had done on Windows Vista. Occasionally telling the Rock Raiders on the mainland to drill another wall and collect more resources, I sent Sparks scouting around the cavern looking for places to land his Tunnel Scout and do some isolated drilling.

When I played Lake of Fire on Vista, I discovered a “high ground†island that contained nothing but Ore. I wasted valuable time on that island, hoping to find Energy Crystals. In this playthrough, I discovered another “high ground†island, and sent Sparks to investigate as quickly as he could. As I suspected, nothing but Ore. The next “high ground†island had the same results. With that discovery out of the way, I avoided all “high ground†islands and instead sent Sparks to drill in areas which were connected to the mainland but too far from Rock Raiders HQ to bring the resources all the way back to base without the land bridge melting away beneath your feet.

Spark’s job was simple. He had to land the Tunnel Scout on an open piece of land, get out, drill a wall, build a Power Path, clear enough rubble to make room for a Tool Store, excavate all the Energy Crystals, and leave. And that is what he did… in the end, anyways. Along the way, he added unnecessary steps such as “ignore orders and do something else entirelyâ€. You know the infamous Rock Raiders Idleness Syndrome? This wasn’t as bad, but it was really stressful seeing Sparks ignore the Energy Crystal that I told him to pick up and instead try to shovel some rubble while the lava was eroding the ground beneath his feet! And let me make this clear… Small Spiders can go die in a hole! Since I had the game speed set to “Default,†a lot of time was wasted watching Sparks slip on those little pests. And, since this is Lake of Fire we are talking about, every second wasted adds a new level of stress. Oh, and did I forget to mention that Sparks cut corners at every chance he got? By the time he excavated all the Energy Crystals in that small area and got back into his Tunnel Scout, his health was dangerously low.

And if this weren’t stressful enough, Sparks reported that my air supply was running out.

Aghast, I flew Sparks back to base (but did not tell him to leave the Tunnel Scout), and I could see that the Support Station was still fully operational. And yet, my oxygen level dwindled at about one-third full. The last thing I needed was to run out of oxygen, but I could not afford to spare any time or resources into building another Support Station. Still, I had no choice, and I built another Support Station, which took a while due to the fact that my Rock Raiders were spread out across the map.

And to make things worse, the land bridges were melting away beneath the feet of Rock Raiders. Soon, I started hearing Chief reporting that units were teleported out of the cavern. Since Lake of Fire is the fourth-to-last mission and my Rock Raiders team consisted of upgraded and trained Rock Raiders, this was a difficult time to lose them, but I could not afford to babysit every single one of them… and even the ones that I tried to save, I was too late to save them.

Still, I had to carry on. Even with the land bridges closing and precious resources being wasted on building a second Support Station (since I was unwilling to risk teleporting up my first Support Station and losing air support altogether during the building process), I still had some time left before it was over. Once Sparks’s health was regenerated by teleporting him up and down, I put him back in the Tunnel Scout and continued the previous operation, where my mainland Rock Raiders drill whatever rock they can and bring back as many Energy Crystals to base as possible while Sparks builds his own isolated Tool Store and does some mining of his own. But I only had twenty-something Energy Crystals, and the objective was forty. All too well, I remembered why I failed this mission last time… I was three crystals short. Now, I was only a little more than halfway at my goal, and I was running out of land.

Every time Jet reported an Energy Crystal finding, her voice sounded like an angel. Even with Sparks continuing some of his “ignoring orders and doing whatever I want†antics, turning off the Ore and Shovel priorities fixed that problem. By the time Sparks was finished excavating the crystals from the small area I assigned him, I took another look at the Energy Crystal count to see how many crystals the mainland Rock Raiders had brought in.

I could not believe my eyes, for the counter read “35â€.

Most of you might be thinking, “Only 35? Darn it! I’m still 5 crystals short!†However, I was thinking, “35? Wait a second… that means…!â€

This is when the adrenaline began rushing through my body. I threw Sparks back in the Tunnel Scout and flew him back to Rock Raiders HQ, where my surviving mainland Rock Raiders were standing around idly with nothing to do, having carried out all my drilling orders and picked up all the Energy Crystals. Then, I threw Sparks out of the Tunnel Scout again and proceeded to teleport up the vehicle. Bam! Three more Energy Crystals raised the total to 38. After that, one of the Support Stations was next to go. Three more Energy Crystals, but one did not even have a chance to get into the Power Station before my units began to teleport out of the cavern.

In my excitement, I accidentally skipped Chief’s congratulations speech. Luckily, a bit of searching through the Rock Raiders game files allowed me to listen to it. Heh, he rhymed “heat†with “completeâ€â€¦

My stats are as follows:

  • Energy Crystals: 100%
  • Ore: 23%
  • Rock Drilled: 1%
  • Base Size: 0
  • Caverns Found: 0%
  • Rock Raiders Teleported: 100%
  • Defense Record: 0%
  • Air Remaining: 99%
  • Time Taken: 00:53.53
  • Final Score: 94%

I… I cannot believe it! I did it! I actually did it! I completed Lake of Fire! It’s been over eight and a half years since I bought the Rock Raiders game, and I’ve finally completed Lake of Fire! Can someone play that clip of M. Bison shouting, “YES! YES!†for me right now?

Wait a second… if Lake of Fire is completed, that means that Back to Basics is next. Oh, dear.

This mission is dedicated in memory of Jet and Bandit, who were not among the group of surviving mainland Rock Raiders at the end of the mission and, presumably, had to be teleported to safety to avoid being horrifically burnt to death by lava. Surprisingly, Axle did survive this mission.

Day 17: 11/3/12


As I sit down to right this next entry in my Rock Raiders log, I reflect upon a curious feeling. With the exception of my mission failure in Lake of Fire, my Rock Raiders Vista Log consisted entirely of levels that I had already completed on the Windows XP. I realized that this will not be the case with the Rock Raiders 7 Log… this time, it is all uncharted territory for me. For the first time in years, Planet U is a total mystery to me.

My next mission is the last one I ever played on Windows XP, and I had never successfully completed it. I had never gotten around to attempt it on Windows Vista. This mission is often considered one of the most challenging and frustrating missions in the entire game… Back To Basics!

Oh, I remember the first time I heard that mission title. I thought to myself, “Basics? Oh, so this mission is probably going to be like a tutorial or something, to prepare me for that final level in that gaping hole down there. And if it’s a tutorial, then it’s going to be a nice, easy, relaxing, Breather Level, right?†How wrong was I about this? Well, taking a peek at the old Official Rock Raiders Topic on the BZPower Forum Archive, I attempted this level at least six times. And I never completed it.

Granted, I see that one of the reasons I never completed it was actually due to time management; I’d always run out of time during the mission and have to do something else (i.e. eat dinner or go to bed). Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. But today, I have no other plans.

I was ready to finally complete this level which had frustrated me for years.

Chief briefed me once again, informing me that despite being close to the planet core, this cavern has limited resources and I must be careful when establishing Rock Raiders HQ to only build what I needed. Well, as I found out, this cavern certainly had no shortage of Ore… the real challenge was the mission objective, which was collecting 45 Energy Crystals, and Energy Crystals are spread far more thinly across the map.

But what is it that makes this level even more infamous than Lake of Fire?


That’s right. As soon as you collect enough Energy Crystals, the Slimy Slugs, which had for the most part been absent throughout the game (even in Rock Hard, where quite a few of them made their home), emerge from their holes to wreak chaos and anarchy upon your base. Their hide is impervious to Electric Fences and Freezer Beams. Laser Beams and Pusher Beams are weak against the Slimy Slug. Sonic Blasters will sooner crash your game than they will chase away a Slimy Slug. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.

Or is there?

Before reporting for duty this time, I checked Rock Raiders United, and I found a couple of useful tips to dealing with Slimy Slugs. There’s the old trick of turning off your buildings’ power, but your Support Station can only go without power for so long before you suffocate from lack of oxygen, and as soon as you turn power back on, the Slimy Slugs come out again. Rock Raiders United discovered that Slimy Slugs are powerless if your base does not have a Tool Store, since the game would not know what to do with a drained Energy Crystal if you do not have a Tool Store, but as I found Tool Stores quite necessary during this mission, I had no choice but to opt out of that strategy.

The third strategy I found was to trap Slimy Slugs in their holes so that they could never come out. How do you do this? Build a Teleport Pad on each ground unit adjacent to the Slimy Slug hole, and make sure their power is turned off if they are connected to a Power Station. As a Slimy Slug cannot clip corners like Rock Raiders can, they are unable to go around the Teleport Pads and are left unable to leave their holes.

When the mission began, I found my Rock Raiders HQ was already partially established, with a Level 1 Tool Store, a Level 1 Teleport Pad, and a Power Station. Remembering the limited air supply in this cavern, I only teleported down three Rock Raiders. Two of them were unnamed, and the third, much to my surprise, was none other than Bandit. I can only suppose that I manually teleported Bandit out of the Lake of Fire sometime before the mission’s end, but I was glad to see my Sailor had survived.

Once my three Rock Raiders were in the cavern, I armed each one of them with a Shovel, a Hammer, and, most importantly, a Laser Beam. Although everyone remembers this mission for the Slimy Slugs, one cannot forget the presence of Rock Monsters either. I ordered Bandit and the two Rock Raiders to reinforce every wall in the cavern, or so I thought. After that, I started drilling around, collecting resources to build a Support Station.

At one point, Docs informed me that a new cavern had been discovered. Said “cavern†was only one ground unit, and it was occupied by a Slimy Slug hole.

It has been a long time since I last played this mission, so I entirely forgot about the dangers of drilling to the south. Doing so opened up a massive cavern with a lava river, though thankfully the lava was not of the erosive kind. However, the cavern was full of unstable rock walls, and as my Support Station was still unfinished, I realized the potential danger of devoting precious time to reinforcing every wall. It was, after all, such a large cavern, and the only way to pass through most of it was through a very narrow tunnel to the far south. After reinforcing the walls closest to Rock Raiders HQ, I simply opted to turn off the Clear Rubble priority and focus on finishing the Support Station. On top of that, there were two more uncovered Slimy Slug holes in this new cavern that were dangerously close to the Rock Raiders HQ, plus at least two more that were far enough away that they were not a threat.

While my Rock Raiders were reinforcing these walls, Chief gave me a message that still, to this day, makes my blood run cold: “A monster has appeared!†Activating Action Stations, I sent my Rock Raiders to deal with the threat, and the Rock Monster was found shockingly close to my Power Station. Later, Chief informed me that another monster had appeared, and when I activated Action Stations, I realized that the second Rock Monster was just as dangerously close to headquarters. How could this happen?

And then I realized that one Hard Rock wall near the Power Station was not reinforced. Grumbling to myself, I had my Rock Raiders reinforce the wall as soon as the Rock Monster was defeated.

Once the Support Station was finished, I teleported down five more Rock Raiders, including Axle and Sparks. I armed each one of them with the same loadout, although I gave Sparks an additional Spanner because he’s the only engineer on the team. Then, I constructed a number of Power Paths and Teleport Pads to form the Slimy Slug traps previously mentioned. While I successfully blockaded three of the Slimy Slug holes, the other two Slimy Slug holes that were exposed when I discovered the large cavern south of the base were located on sloped ground, making it impossible to place Teleport Pads on the ground units adjacent to each. However, I just shrugged my shoulders and thought that these holes were far enough away from headquarters that, just like in Rock Hard, the Slimy Slugs will pop out, decide they’re too lazy to slither all the way to the Support Station, and go right back in their holes.

During this brief moment of peace, I decided, just to get things out of the way, to upgrade the rest of my Rock Raiders team to Level 5. Sparks, being the only Engineer, is the only one who really needs five item slots, but just in case, I figured that I’d go ahead and do it for the rest of them. I also took advantage of this time to build an Ore Refinery, just for the heck of it (I had never used one for the Rock Raiders Vista Log, I believe).

After that, I began drilling some of the rock in the large cavern south of Rock Raiders HQ. Since the Clear Rubble priority was turned off, with every rock wall that I drilled, I’d follow a procedure of reinforcing any newly-exposed walls, manually telling my Rock Raiders to clear the pile of rubble, bring the Ore back to base. Since I had quite a few Geologists on the team, I was able to tell which rock walls would open new caverns, and I avoided drilling these walls; after all, just by opening two new caverns, I exposed at least five Slimy Slug holes, and I was not in the mood to expose any more. However, this operation was too slow using just Rock Raiders on foot.

So, I turned on my Teleport Pad to teleport down a Small Digger and a Small Transport Truck. I put an unnamed Driver in the Small Digger and I put Sparks in the Small Transport Truck, then I sent them out to the cavern south of Rock Raiders HQ. I began to put the Small Digger on a drilling spree, but then I accidentally opened up a new cavern. Since I was cautious about exposing new Slimy Slug holes, I parked both vehicles and swapped drivers, so now Sparks was in the Small Digger and, being a Geologist, could scan nearby walls and know which ones to not drill.

It was around this time that Chief informed me for the first time that a Slimy Slug was invading my base. Two, in fact. I jumped back to Rock Raiders HQ, and discovered that both Slimy Slugs were trapped behind one of the Teleport Pad blockades I had built. Feeling cocky, I selected Bandit, went into first-person mode, and got up close to the Slimy Slugs to take a screenshot and laugh at their futility as they tried in vain to get past the Teleport Pads.

Now that Sparks was in the Small Digger, I put it on a mad drilling spree and drilled nearly every bit of Loose Rock in the northwest corner of that large cavern. Every time a new Energy Crystal was found, the Small Transport Truck or one of my Rock Raiders would rush in to bring it back to base. I left behind a ton of rubble, and I’m willing to bet that there was a ton of Ore under that rubble, but I didn’t have the time to go clearing all that rubble to collect what I already had in excess.

Once all that Loose Rock was drilled and the Energy Crystals were brought back to base, I began to bring Sparks and his Small Digger back to base as well to start a new mining operation to the east of Rock Raiders HQ. Chief warned me that another Slimy Slug was invading my base, but I shrugged it off.

Chief then followed up with another warning. My buildings’ power was being drained.

As Action Station alarms blared, I jumped back to Rock Raiders HQ, and there they were. Slimy Slugs were invading my base, sucking away my precious Energy Crystals from my Ore Refinery and my Support Station. As it turned out, the two Slimy Slug holes that I could not blockade were, in fact, too close to Rock Raiders HQ for the Slimy Slugs to simply act like the ones in Rock Hard. When I turned off my Ore Refinery, the Slimy Slugs started attacking the Teleport Pad which I had forgotten to turn off after teleporting down the two small vehicles! Turning off my Support Station and Teleport Pad, I began to focus my efforts on figuring out a way to block off the two Slimy Slug holes.

I remember that, for the longest time, killing a Slimy Slug was only a rumor. When it happened to Onuki due to a series of circumstances that prevented the Slimy Slug from escaping, it was accepted as truth but only as a very rare occurrence. As for me… I suppose that when you have eight Rock Raiders, each armed with a laser beam, firing mercilessly upon Slimy Slugs while Action Stations alarms blare, it is very common to see a Slimy Slug’s health reduced to zero, even if each Laser Beam shot only deals -5 damage. Of course, the problem with this is that the Rock Raiders tended to fire upon the Slimy Slugs who were trapped in their holes, ignoring the ones that were actively draining buildings’ energy.

However, with my Support Station turned off, it was only a matter of minutes before my eight Rock Raiders nearly suffocated to death. Sparks warned me that my air supply was low, and there was that nerve-wracking heartbeat ringing through my ears. Realizing I could not go any further without a Support Station, I turned it back on, but once again the Slimy Slugs started targeting the building. Even worse, the heartbeat would not stop until after I paused and unpaused the game.

Bringing Sparks and the Small Digger back to base, I teleported up five of my Rock Raiders and both vehicles, then focused on building a wall of Teleport Pads to completely block off the southern cavern from my base, thus ensuring that none of the Slimy Slugs could get in. However, none of my Rock Raiders would respond to my building orders. Frustrated, I teleported them all up and down again, thinking that it was the infamous Rock Raider Idleness Syndrome, but even this did not do the trick. Then, I noticed that, where there should be Ore or LEGO Studs in the Tool Store, there was nothing.

I realized that, with my Ore Refinery turned off, I could not access any of my LEGO Studs for construction, and with my Ore Refinery turned on, it was one more target to worry about with the Slimy Slugs. Frustrated, I teleported up my Ore Refinery, hoping that this would solve the LEGO Studs issue. All the while, Slimy Slugs kept invading my base. Luckily, I don’t think I lost a single Energy Crystal, since I did not see any purple Energy Crystals piling up in my Tool Store.

At last, the line of Teleport Pads were built with Ore, and my Rock Raiders had shot the last Slimy Slug until, its health down to zero, it burrowed right through my Power Paths and into the earth beneath. Slimy Slugs kept coming, as Chief kept reminding me, but none of them could pass the Teleport Pads. The downside was that it completely blocked off my vehicles from the southern cavern in turn, meaning that I had no choice but to continue my mining operations to the east of Rock Raiders HQ. In turn, I decided that it was wisest to move my Support Station to a little corner in the northwest end of the cavern, as far away from the Slimy Slugs as possible.

However, while building the Power Paths to this corner of the cavern, I suddenly ran out of Ore. My counter said I still had seventy-something pieces of Ore, but my Rock Raiders could not access a single piece of it. I came to the conclusion that teleporting up the Ore Refinery had screwed things up, leaving me unable to access any of my LEGO Studs. Teleporting up one of my unneeded Teleport Pads and my Support Station for resources, I quickly rebuilt the Ore Refinery, once again giving me access to my LEGO Studs, which I used to finish the Power Paths and build the new Support Station in the new location. With the new Support Station in place, I was able to teleport down the rest of my eight-man team once again, and I had to reequip them with the proper tools once again.

At one point, I set up an Electric Fence perimeter south of my base, just in case any Rock Monsters decided to show up in the southern cavern and attack Rock Raiders HQ while I was mining in the east.

Using dynamite, I started blowing my way through the Hard Rock to the east of Rock Raiders HQ; when a building was damaged by the blast radius, Sparks rushed in and repaired the building with his Spanner. When I had enough room, I built a new Teleport Pad to block off my Rock Raiders HQ, and turned it on long enough to teleport down a new Small Digger and Small Transport Truck. Then, I built a new Tool Store.

After that, I followed the following procedure for the remainder of the mission:

With Sparks in the Small Digger, I’d check to make sure that the Loose Rock wall that I was about to drill would not open up any new caverns; I did not want to open another can of worms… err, slugs. Then, I’d drill the wall, and send in Rock Raiders to reinforce any newly-exposed walls before clearing the rubble. The Rock Raiders and Small Transport Truck would bring any Ore and Energy Crystals to the Tool Store.

If the wall was Hard Rock, then I’d clear the area before sending in an Explosives Expert. If the Tool Store was getting too far away, then I’d build a couple Power Paths and a new Tool Store that was closer. If my Rock Raiders were getting hungry, I’d feed them all at once to prevent a mass exodus to the Support Station.

Rinse and repeat.

All the while, Chief repeatedly warned me about invading Slimy Slugs, to the point where he was unable to warn me about landslides! However, since the Slimy Slugs could never get past my Teleport Pads, Chief never again told me that my buildings’ power was being drained. As such, I eventually learned to tune out everything he said. Don’t tell him I said that, though!

It was a slow process, but much like Aesop’s fable of the Tortoise and the Hare, slow and steady wins the race. I have to admit, it took me by surprise when one of my Rock Raiders brought in an Energy Crystal and suddenly everyone started teleporting out of the cavern. Taking another look at my Energy Crystal count, I read: 45. Then, Chief came in and congratulated me on a mission success.

I had done it! After so many years, I had finally completed Back to Basics! One of the most frustrating levels in the game was, for the first time, finished! And man, am I relieved at that thought.

My stats are as follows:

  • Energy Crystals: 100%
  • Ore: 9%
  • Rock Drilled: 18%
  • Base Size: 0
  • Caverns Found: 18%
  • Rock Raiders Teleported: 100%
  • Defense Record: 100%
  • Air Remaining: 100%
  • Time Taken: 04:20.45
  • Final Score: 95%

It is rather noteworthy, in my opinion, that the Air Remaining is listed as 100%. I’ve never seen this before in any level with limited air supply, which always list 99% as the final Air Remaining. My guess is that, since the Support Station and all my Rock Raiders were on opposite sides of the cavern, my Rock Raiders teleported out before the Support Station this time.

And now, for the first time ever, the caution tape blocking off the ominous gaping hole at the core of Planet U has been removed, revealing a pair of menacing Rock Monsters… and the name Rocky Horror.

Day 18: 11/11/12


At last, I do believe that I have finished, to the best of my abilities at least, my project to recreate elements of the Rock Raiders game in LEGO Digital Designer. Using Search N’ Rescue as my sandbox (due to its unlimited oxygen, ample sources, and lack of monsters, lava, and landslides), I’ve been constructing buildings and teleporting in vehicles, then going into first-person to view them up close and in detail. With the completion of the Large Mobile Laser Cutter (plus a few adjustments to other models), this project is finally finished!

And now that this project no longer is taking up my time, I am free to continue my mining expeditions in Planet U. In my Rock Raiders Vista Log, I calculated how many Energy Crystals were necessary to return home: 475. Currently, my Rock Raiders only have 380. We’re very close, but not there yet! We need to go deeper!

And so, we went deeper. So deep, in fact, we’re nearly at the core of Planet U. Unfortunately, that means that we’ve stumbled upon a cavern that, while very rich in Energy Crystal Seams, is also very volcanic and full of erosive lava. It also happens to be the den of a bunch of sleeping Lava Monsters. That’s why Chief calls this mission “Hot Stuffâ€.

Once the mission began, Jet informed me that an Energy Crystal had already been found. I quickly scanned the cavern, noting the locations of several sleeping Lava Monsters and the dreaded presence of Cave Bats. Once I found where the lava was located, I realized that it was far enough away from Rock Raiders HQ that if I did my work quickly and efficiently, I would not even have to build a Power Path dam.

I teleported down three Rock Raiders, and just as I suspected, there was a limited air supply. Limited oxygen, sleeping Lava Monsters, erosive lava, and Cave Bats. Why couldn’t things be simple like Search N’ Rescue?

My three Rock Raiders grabbed shovels and started looking for that Energy Crystal that Jet found. Realizing that they would wake up every Lava Monster in the vicinity, I stopped them in their tracks and proceeded to turn off the “Collect Energy Crystals†and “Clear Rubble†priorities, so that they would only shovel rubble and collect Energy Crystals when I told them to do so. I also noticed that all three Rock Raiders were unnamed, and while one of them was a Geologist, the other two did not have very impressive training expertise. I figured that these three Rock Raiders, and not Bandit, Axle, or Sparks, were teleported in simply because of the fact that they were all Level 5, as I had upgraded them in the previous mission.

After equipping each one of them with a Freezer Beam, I began drilling around, slowly bringing in enough Ore and Energy Crystals to build a Level 1 Power Station. All the while, the Cave Bats made it their goal in life to pester Rock Raiders as much as possible. These Cave Bats are harmless… but they have no purpose other than to be more annoying than Chief’s messages about landslides and Slimy Slugs! Between Cave Bats and the Zubats of the Pokémon franchise, I can see why TV Tropes named that one trope “Goddamned Batsâ€. Such a fitting name. Heck, I won’t refer to Cave Bats by that name anymore; I’ll just call them Goddamned Bats.

Although I was careful in trying to avoid drilling near one sleeping Lava Monster, I realized that I did not have nearly enough Energy Crystals to build myself a Support Station. The Lava Monster was sleeping right next to an Energy Crystal Seam which would undoubtedly rectify this problem. So, I gathered the three Rock Raiders near the Lava Monster and activated the Actions Stations alarms. They fired their Freezer Beams upon the Lava Monster, waking it up but trapping it in a block of ice. They then attempted to hunt down other Lava Monsters, but I wasn’t going to let that happen yet. However, even after turning off Action Stations and ordering the Rock Raiders to do other things such as start drilling the Energy Crystal Seam, they persisted in trying to look for other Lava Monsters to wake up. As a result, I had to teleport them back up to the LMS Explorer, teleport them back down into the cavern, and reequip them with their necessary tools. This happened two more times, since the Lava Monster had to thaw through its ice block twice before it crumbled into several Small Lava Monsters.

Their progress hindered by those Goddamned Bats, the three Rock Raiders slowly brought the four Energy Crystals from that seam back to base and finished the Support Station. Now that the Support Station could provide the cavern with an ample supply of oxygen, I teleported down six more Rock Raiders, including Sparks, Axle, and Bandit. After equipping everyone with a Freezer Beam, I activated Actions Stations and sent them on a crusade.

The Rock Raiders marched towards one end of the cavern, where there was a pair of sleeping Lava Monsters. Normally, Freezer Beams are the most effective weapon against Lava Monsters, but they cannot kill a Lava Monster until it has been thawed and refrozen multiple times. However, after already freezing the Lava Monsters, some of the other Rock Raiders fired again at the Lava Monsters, draining their health down to zero before they even thawed once! After that, the Rock Raiders stood there for a few seconds before marching back to headquarters. Thinking that they were after another Lava Monster, I followed their path… and then discovered that they were all just hungry and wanted a sandwich from the Support Station. Not even Action Stations can cure hunger, I guess.

But even after they were all well-fed, the Rock Raiders did not do anything, which I felt was odd; I could have sworn there were more than just three sleeping Lava Monsters. Doing a quick scan of the cavern, I discovered what had happened: some of the sleeping Lava Monsters were sleeping on ground that had been eroded away by lava. Since Lava Monsters are immune to lava, they simply did not notice. I’ve heard of lava lamps and water beds, but lava beds? Now, that’s new.

Still, even with Lava Monsters out of the way, my Rock Raiders found themselves pestered constantly by the Goddamned Bats. Realizing how much this could hinder my progress, I saw that I had more than enough Energy Crystals to teleport down two Small Transport Trucks and a Small Digger. I put Axle in the Small Digger and two other Rock Raiders in the Small Transport Trucks. Since vehicles are unaffected by Goddamned Bats and are not slowed down by rubble, this considerably sped up progress.

Around this time, I selected a Rock Raider who was both a Geologist and an Explosives Expert (as well as a Driver, but I cannot remember if he had any other training) and decided to name him Docs. Yeah, I know. Sparks, Axle, Bandit, Jet, Docs… I’m not very original when it comes to naming Rock Raiders, but hey, these names are easy to remember!

I took some time to quickly establish an Electric Fence perimeter around my base, in case any Lava Monsters spawn from rock walls, which I later found out that they did not. Then, for the remainder of the level, I took control of Axle’s Small Digger and drilled like crazy. Thanks to Axle’s Geologist training, the radar was able to show me where various undiscovered Energy Crystal Seams could be found, and I just drilled, drilled, drilled.

One interesting thing I found is that there is apparently an unreachable Ore Seam behind one of the Recharge Seams. Since the Recharge Seam cannot be drilled and the Ore Seam was surrounded by Solid Rock, there was no way to get to it. And that’s really nice, Data Design Interactive: during the mission swarming with Slimy Slugs, there isn’t a Recharge Seam in sight, but here, you give me a Recharge Seam that blocks off an Ore Seam. Really nice.

Well, at least it wasn’t an Energy Crystal Seam.

There was only one area where I did not drill, and it was an Energy Crystal Seam, as well as a Dirt Wall on either side, which was blocking off the lava. Knowing some stupid Rock Raider would attempt to shovel rubble there and get himself killed if I opened up that area, I avoided drilling any of those three walls. Nonetheless, I found there were more than enough Energy Crystal Seams throughout the cavern to make up for it.

And when my Energy Crystal counter read “43†as Axle stumbled upon yet another Energy Crystal Seam, I smiled to myself and said, “That’s it. I win.†After yelling at me to stop speaking to myself, Axle proceeded to drill away at the Energy Crystal Seam and a Small Transport Truck swooped in to carry three of the crystals back to base while I sat back and relaxed.

Then, one by one, everyone was teleported out of the cavern. I noticed that the framerate took a considerable drop when Rock Raiders HQ teleported up thanks to the Electric Fence perimeter.

Chief congratulated me on yet another successful procedure. Now, we have 425 Energy Crystals, and we only need 50 more to go back home!

But are you ready… for the Rocky Horror?

My stats are as follows:

  • Energy Crystals: 100%
  • Ore: 26%
  • Rock Drilled: 65%
  • Base Size: 0
  • Caverns Found: 72%
  • Rock Raiders Teleported: 100%
  • Defense Record: 0%
  • Air Remaining: 90%
  • Time Taken: 01:25.37
  • Final Score: 93%

Day 19: 12/20/12


This is it. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Everything we’ve done on Planet U has been building up to this. All our mining and hard work… and it’s finally going to pay off.


Thus, we reach the climax of the journey to the center of Planet U. We only need 50 more Energy Crystals to power up the LMS Explorer, and by the First Builders, we’re going to get them! And no amount of Team Fortress 2 or Garry’s Mod will stand in our way! This is it!

Today also happens to be December 20, 2012. Rumor is that, tomorrow, the world as we know it will end. Now, we’ll find out whether or not that’s actually true, but today I’ve just been indulging in the experience by thinking of some of the things that I want to do before the world ends. These things include finishing Dino Attack RPG, listening to Majora’s Mask “Final Hours†five minutes before midnight… and, at last, finishing Rock Raiders.

First, I gathered my Rock Raiders team, plus Rocky, Glaciator, and three Power Miners, to stand by my side and watch this fateful day. Then, I started up Rock Raiders and watched the introduction movie again. It’s been over eight years, and I still have not lost that feeling of awe and amazement at watching this video clip. I still hope there’s a chance that we can contact one of the composers for this game’s soundtrack and maybe get a SFX-free isolated music track from the intro cutscene. That would be incredible.

Once I reached the main menu, I closed the game down, and started up the Lair of Rockwhales’ Rock Raiders PS1 soundtrack playlist so that I could have some Rock Raiders music backing up my final mining expedition. With that, I started the game again and skipped the intro movie, going right to the level select.

Surprisingly, the intro cutscene to Rocky Horror is the same cutscene used for Driller Night, in which Axle gets spooked by a colony of Cave Bats. Does this mean that things come full circle? Does this mean that we’ve gone back to where it all started? Does this mean that everything truly is in flux? Nothing is truly isolated? All is connected?

None of the above. This is a warning that the Goddamned Bats are back.

Chief briefed me for the last time, reminding me that we only needed 50 more Energy Crystals, but warning me that these caverns were full of Rock Monsters. Luckily, thanks to Karl White, I knew that he was only telling half the truth. Then, I was teleported down into Planet U for the last time.

I did a quick scan around the cavern. There were a few sleeping Rock Monsters and a couple colonies of Goddamned Bats. Three tunnels branched off from the cavern where Rock Raiders HQ was located: one to the west, one to the north, and one to the east, but they all stretched northward. A number of Slimy Slug Holes dotted the area, most likely to give players a relapse of Back to Basics terror. Rock Raiders HQ itself consisted of a Tool Store, a few Power Paths, a Teleport Pad, a Power Station, and a Geological Center. As a precaution, I reset the priorities and turned off the Clear Rubble priority.

Then, ready at last, I teleported down Sparks and two unnamed Rock Raiders. I equipped each of them with a Hammer, a Shovel, and a Laser Beam, and just for safe measure I gave Sparks a Spanner. First thing was first, and that was defense protocol. I set up an Electric Fence perimeter around Rock Raiders HQ, then activated Action Stations to take care of the sleeping Rock Monsters. After that, I had Small Rock Monsters running around the cavern for the rest of the mission.

With Rock Monsters out of the way, that left the dwindling air supply as a major concern. Luckily, I had no use for a Geological Center in this mission, what with Sparks, Docs, Axle, and several other Rock Raiders already trained as Geologists. So, I teleported up the Geological Center and used its resources to quickly construct a Support Station. Then, I drilled the rock south of Rock Raiders HQ to collect a few Energy Crystals, powering the Support Station and laying Sparks’s concerns to rest. With that, I was free to teleport down five more Rock Raiders, including Docs, Axle, and Bandit. I also trained one Rock Raider as a Pilot and named him Jet, completing the Rock Raiders team!

However, the more I drilled, the more frustrated I became as the Goddamned Bats kept harassing my team. As soon as I had enough Energy Crystals, I teleported down a Small Transport Truck and stuck Docs in the vehicle. Shortly afterward, I teleported down a second Small Transport Truck, which was then driven by Sparks. At least this way, I could have two Rock Raiders each bringing three resources back to base at a time without worrying about them being harassed by Goddamned Bats.

After drilling most of the rock south of Rock Raiders HQ, I was tired of the Goddamned Bats, so I decided to move my mining operations to the west. The bats followed me there, so I moved operations to the east. Every now and then, I’d also send an Explosives Expert to the north tunnel with some dynamite. I had tons of Ore, but Energy Crystals were much fewer and far between. Luckily, I did not have to worry about losing any to Rock Monsters, since any that emerged were quickly dispatched by a barrage of Laser Beams.

Now, you might be wondering, why haven’t I drilled north? Because that’s too easy. This is the final level of Rock Raiders, and I want it to be memorable.

As soon as I raked in enough Energy Crystals, I constructed a Super Teleport Pad. However, just before the building was complete, one of the Small Transport Trucks dropped off an extra piece of Ore, which got stuck in the building. As such, I had to teleport up the Super Teleport, bring the resources back to the Tool Store, and then I took Docs and Sparks out of the Small Transport Trucks so that they could not drop off any extra Ore this time.

Once the Super Teleport Pad was complete, I put two of the Rock Raiders into the Small Transport Trucks and teleported down a Chrome Crusher. Axle eagerly climbed into the giant drilling vehicle. When I tried to teleport down the Chrome Crusher’s best friend, the Loader Dozer, nothing happened. Realizing that I did not have enough free Energy Crystals, I turned off the power to the Teleport Pad, leaving just enough Energy Crystals to power a Loader Dozer and the Support Station (power to the Super Teleport was conveniently cut off immediately after the teleportation). This time, Docs claimed the Loader Dozer, but refused to do anything. I then realized that it was safe to turn on the Clear Rubble priority; while there were landslides occurring, they were actually few and far between, and once the Chrome Crusher is in play, unstable walls might as well not even exist.

And so, with the two ultimate Rock Raiders vehicles under my belt (the Tunnel Transport doesn’t count), I set off on a grand mining expedition. Using Axle’s Geo-Scanner, I was able to determine which rock walls would lead to undiscovered caverns, and I refrained from opening any of the undiscovered caverns while drilling in the west tunnel.

Eventually, I raked in an ample amount of resources, and so decided to build an Upgrade Station. Then, I turned off the Collect Ore and Clear Rubble priorities long enough to get the Chrome Crusher, Loader Dozer, and Small Transport Trucks upgraded. Unlike last time I upgraded the Loader Dozer, I chose not to fully-upgrade it, since I did not want it wasting Docs wasting his time bringing Ore back to base when the two Small Transport Trucks were capable of doing it on their own; I only upgraded the Radar and Engine.

As I was drilling out the north tunnel, dodging Rock Monsters along the way, I was amused to see Sparks being chased by two whole colonies of Goddamned Bats. My amusement later turned to disgust when, while I was drilling out the east tunnel, I saw Sparks still being relentlessly chased by the same two colonies of Goddamned Bats. No matter what I tried to do, the Goddamned Bats would not leave Sparks alone! He couldn’t even eat a sandwich without getting spooked by them! Thus, I resolved to teleport down a third Small Transport Truck and let Sparks drive it. Throughout the remainder of the mission, the Goddamned Bats continued to relentlessly pursue Sparks to no end, but this time he was able to ignore them!

As Axle drilled out the east tunnel, he opened a couple of undiscovered caverns and found several Energy Crystal Seams, as well as a Recharge Seam, meaning that he could fire his laser to defend himself from Rock Monsters if he needed to. It was then that I discovered that I nearly had enough Energy Crystals, about 40 in total. But I wasn’t ready to let the final mission end.

After drilling out as much rock as he could, I ordered Axle to drive the Chrome Crusher to the far end of the north tunnel and wait. Then, teleporting down a second Loader Dozer, I began a mass excavation of Ore. I tracked one Loader Dozer on the Geo-Scanner and followed the other with the main camera. The two vehicles made quick work of the rubble, but they both had a problem: rather than sticking to one area until all the rubble was gone, they would clear one square of rubble, then travel to the other end of the cavern to clear another square of rubble, then go back to the other end and repeat the process. Thus, I decided to manually order them to clear rubble until the area was mostly clear. Sometimes, however, this would cause both Loader Dozers to try to clear the same piece of rubble, which was amusing to watch but ultimately wasted time.

Luckily, listening to Rock Raiders music helped pass the time. 1738 total pieces of Ore were raked in! At long last, none of the Loader Dozers, Small Transport Trucks, or Rock Raiders had anything to do. Thus, I gathered them around Axle’s Chrome Crusher, preparing them for the end.

Now, I refused to open this cavern because I didn’t want the mission to end too quickly. But now that I had thirty-something Energy Crystals, I wanted to be able to say that I ended my Rock Raiders playthrough by finding this legendary cavern.

And so, I gave Axle the orders. The Chrome Crusher drilled north… and Docs announced the discovery of a new cavern. Immediately, I activated Action Stations, but my caution was unnecessary, since there were no sleeping Rock Monsters in the cavern. Instead, there was a peninsula in a lake of lava… and an unbelievable amount of Energy Crystals!

The Small Transport Trucks made quick work of the remaining Energy Crystals. One by one, the vehicles, the Rock Raiders, and the buildings teleported to the LMS Explorer. Chief congratulated me, and there was something genuinely heartwarming about his speech.

My stats are as follows:

  • Energy Crystals: 100%
  • Ore: 100%
  • Rock Drilled: 62%
  • Base Size: 0
  • Caverns Found: 48%
  • Rock Raiders Teleported: 100%
  • Defense Record: 100%
  • Air Remaining: 100%
  • Time Taken: 04:11.20
  • Final Score: 95%

With that, the Rock Raiders brought the Energy Crystals aboard the LMS Explorer. Although Sparks had a mishap involving a missing “Watch Your Step!†sign and a half-dozen Energy Crystals, the Energy Crystals were converted from their crystalline form to pure energy, and the lights aboard the spaceship flickered to life. Chief, smiling and proud, gave orders to his men to start up the engine, and I watched the LMS Explorer depart from Planet U for once and for all (Race for Survival doesn’t count).

I had done it. I had finally done it. It had taken nearly nine years, and this playthrough took over four years… but at last, on the eve of the world’s destruction, I had finally completed LEGO Rock Raiders.

And now, I can go… in peace.

It's been fun, guys. I'm just so glad that, at long last, I have finally accomplished my goal of completing LEGO Rock Raiders.

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You have given me such nostalgia.

With how familiar I am with Rock Raiders, I didn't think it was possible. But it was. This brought me back to my first times playing. Thank you, so much.

And that’s really nice, Data Design Interactive: during the mission swarming with Slimy Slugs, there isn’t a Recharge Seam in sight, but here, you give me a Recharge Seam that blocks off an Ore Seam. Really nice.
And then there are the things I wish I could forget.
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