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Honestly, would you get into a Cargo Carrier? There's really nothing between you and the water that's full of Rock Fish or Ice Monsters or that strange Water Monster Cirevam is making (wad help us if there are river slugs). The old Rock Raiders were kind of cheap like that. That's why the crew of the United has created the Cargo Cruiser, a new and improved carrying catamaran. It still does the basic function of transporting your Rock Raiders, vehicles, tools, and materials, across rivers, lakes, and whatever other bodies of water there may be. However, it's more safe now. Notice the walls? Unless it sails into rapids (and that's what the Rapid Rider is for; this thing should only be going through safe waters to well-established bases; otherwise, get a Tunnel Transport), your vehicles probably aren't going to roll out of the cargo bay. A nice little chain is included to secure it down just in case - plus, Raiders not as used to the sea can hold on to it for comfort (note to self: install barf bags).


Contains 211 pieces.




Left side

Right side

Rear (in-game you would not see the motor or bottoms of the pontoons as they would be underwater)

A weird close-up

Carrying - top

Carrying - rear



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lol username

I like this thing. Very sturdy looking. In fact, I'm gonna look at the model for myself to-



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I find this much more aesthetically pleasing than the rather skeletal looking cargo carrier. Now this is something I'd actually feel like riding in.

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I like this thing. Very sturdy looking. In fact, I'm gonna look at the model for myself to-



...Did you just take Lair's boat and make it into some kind of messed up pirate ship?

It defeats the whole purpose of the new safety Lair added!


Seriously though, the Cargo Carrier's safety flaws always bugged me in my childhood. It also always looked rather unstable. This thing does too...Can you fix that, Lair?

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I don't want to make it too wide because then it may not be able to fit in things. It should be able to fit in the game's 40-milk squares, though then again the Chrome Crusher's in-game model is a little too wide. It fits the small trucks and such. As for being longer, I could do that, but how much longer/wider do you think it should be?

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I don't want to make it too wide because then it may not be able to fit in things. It should be able to fit in the game's 40-milk squares, though then again the Chrome Crusher's in-game model is a little too wide. It fits the small trucks and such. As for being longer, I could do that, but how much longer/wider do you think it should be?



I think about 5 studs wider and longer would be help, and maybe more rectangular shaped than square shaped, but then, like you said, you can't make it too big if you want it to fit. Meh, I guess there's nothing we can do about it in this game.

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It's 16 studs wide, the actual Cargo Carrier is 18. I don't want it to be too big, plus the ramp is the same as the Cargo Carrier's so it should fit vehicles. I probably can make it longer, though, and I will if I end up making a small vehicle that doesn't fit.

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The Ace Railgun

That actually looks really good. In fact I'd ride it right now :P but the OCD side of me is driving me nuts because it isn't perfectly even....

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I think the name implies that it's bigger than the Cargo Carrier. Anyway, my suggestion would be to add trays for carrying core/crystals across the water. So vehicles could unload at the cruiser and it can take them across.

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I think the name implies that it's bigger than the Cargo Carrier. Anyway, my suggestion would be to add trays for carrying core/crystals across the water. So vehicles could unload at the cruiser and it can take them across.

It was bigger than the Cargo Carrier. It was an actual boat at one point, that was sloped upward instead of down so it was bigger and could still fit through the hexagonal tunnels. I can still make that and call it CCruiser and rename this I guess. The buckets are a good idea, I'll try to add it (or redesign the entire MOC). How would this work in-game, though?

That actually looks really good. In fact I'd ride it right now :P but the OCD side of me is driving me nuts because it isn't perfectly even....

It isn't?
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