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The Island, Upside Down


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First, IXS broke absolutely, except when rio played it, ( :P)

Then it would never fix for me (but still would for rio),

then the Island was upside down, and the camera messed up (got video, BTW),

then my computer started freaking out, and was trying to compress the 7 GB video,

all the while Nubby was wondering why you always find something in the last place you look.

It was crazy.



And as jamesster already told me, the Island really isn't upside down, I instead fell through it, since they are double sided. But when I recorded this, it seemed like it was upside down to me.

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It seems that you've stumbled upon the leaked beta of the upcoming Wii U game, Super LEGO Island Galaxy.

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First off, why the hell would LEGO/Silicon Dreams make the Island double sided?!


Isn't it just the textures that are double-sided, rather than the whole island?

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lol username

First off, why the hell would LEGO/Silicon Dreams make the Island double sided?!

They didn't. It's simply how the game renders things - the back faces of all the polygons are rendered as well as the front. Most games cull the back faces and only show the front, making things invisible from inside and whatnot, but some don't. Nothing wrong with it, just how they chose to do things.


Isn't it just the textures that are double-sided, rather than the whole island?

... What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with the textures, they typically don't determine those sorts of things.
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... What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with the textures, they typically don't determine those sorts of things.

It's hard to tell from the video, and this has never happened to me but I assumed the "upside down" effect was just a result of falling through the ground and seeing the island from the inside. The island model is obviously hollow and it would make sense for both sides of the surface to be textured, no? Isn't that pretty common in games...?

Looking at the video again it does seem like some of the models - rocks, plants etc - are either "doubled-sided" or just sticking through the ground.

*sees the other quote you replied to*

Oh, that's exactly what I just said -.-

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lol username

Oh yes, LU had an absolute ton of places where you could get under or outside the playable parts of the map... You could find some pretty crazy stuff. Like, underneath the LEGO Club space station, there was a random flat plane of grass with a single Skunkbuster on it.


Don't ask me why.

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Designers: Hmmm, we're bored. Let's stick a otherwise unused model under this Space Station, even though no one can see it!

jammesster: Hey guys, check out this freaky thing!

Designers: Damn.

Yhnmko1: help! im stuck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Designers: Hmmm, we're bored. Let's stick a otherwise unused model under this Space Station, even though no one can see it!

I'm fairly sure they didn't do it intentionally.
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