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New version of ROCK RAIDERS - update


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I think you might be getting confused by 3D. I don't mean 3D as in 3D graphics, I mean 3D as in a 3 dimensional world, you can go up and you can go down. There's aboveground and below ground, not a flat 2D map which only looks 3D if 3D graphics and a heightmap are used.

I'm not talking about graphics, thank you.

If you mean 3D = Minecraft navigation system, while it certainly has its place in some games, I feel that in a game with large buildings and bulky vehicles that move around a lot, that a completely 3D world wouldn't work quite right.

If you mean 3D like your ORR levels are, then I am completely for it.

It's just we were talking about using smaller cubes for the walls than what are LRR's walls now, and I thought we were talking about making the ground use the same system, which I don't think would work for the abovementioned reasons.

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If you mean 3D like your ORR levels are, then I am completely for it.


Ya, this is what I meant.



It's just we were talking about using smaller cubes for the walls than what are LRR's walls now, and I thought we were talking about making the ground use the same system, which I don't think would work for the abovementioned reasons.



Ah, sorry, I didn't see that interpretation so I thought you were talking about something else...

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With regards to the discussion Addictgamer and PWNZOR are having, I agree with addict that the 3D block system of Minecraft would likely work better, but PWNZOR makes a valid point about the vehicles... I'd be interested to see how vehicles are able to traverse terrain. Although I suppose a simple ramp block (perhaps half-height for a lower angle) would mean that vehicles can only move along flat/ramp surfaces.

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I agree with addict that the 3D block system of Minecraft would likely work better

Uh, no, that's now what I'm saying. I'm saying 3D map system, not block system. You can move on all axis instead of just the two 2D ones in 2D map systems.

Compare Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress to Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, even LRR.

It doesn't have to be a 3D block system to be a 3D map system.

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With regards to the discussion Addictgamer and PWNZOR are having, I agree with addict that the 3D block system of Minecraft would likely work better, but PWNZOR makes a valid point about the vehicles... I'd be interested to see how vehicles are able to traverse terrain. Although I suppose a simple ramp block (perhaps half-height for a lower angle) would mean that vehicles can only move along flat/ramp surfaces.



I agree with addict that the 3D block system of Minecraft would likely work better

Uh, no, that's now what I'm saying. I'm saying 3D map system, not block system. You can move on all axis instead of just the two 2D ones in 2D map systems.

Compare Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress to Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, even LRR.

It doesn't have to be a 3D block system to be a 3D map system.


I was saying that having the walls made out of smaller blocks would be awesome for the reasons I said above.

Lair mentioned about having the ground also use those smaller blocks for elevation. (3D block system, like Minecraft)

I said it wouldn't be easy to use with large buildings and vehicles like LRR has.

Addict is talking about having different levels (like floors, cave system on top of cave system). (3D map system, like how dungeon games work - stairs going up/down, rooms on top of rooms, etc)

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I'm also concerned about the "Rock Raider 2: Block Raiders" name. It might be better to have an original game with some elements based on LRR -- a spiritual sequel, if you want to call it that. Less legal issues, more flexibility.


[8:43:52 PM] Lair: also how can he call it rock raiders 2
[8:44:36 PM] Cirevam: He said they purchased the trademark or something because LEGO let it expire, right?
[8:45:31 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: Yes.
[8:45:45 PM] Lair: it expired in 2009
[8:45:47 PM] Lair: but
[8:45:56 PM] Lair: there still isn't a way it can be Rock Raiders 2
[8:46:05 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: Exactly.
[8:46:12 PM] Lair: for starters it's not a sequel to LEGO Rock Raiders
[8:46:14 PM] Lair: it's not LEGO


There was a question that came to my mind the other day... are other DDI members involved with this? I might be bold in saying that it has seemed a bit odd for a CEO to be doing what some would expect a community relations manager or PR rep to do. Maybe this has already been answered. Admittedly, it has been a bit hard keeping up with this since we are seeing posts about Block Raiders outside of RRU (sans the FB page), and there are a few topics here already.

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I feel the terrain in LRR was handled more or less how it should have been - able to slope

  the sloping walls actually came about from tests when we were trying to save polygons, then we liked the lok of the sloping walls - less blocky/rigid so we stuck with it - many good ideas come from experimentation.
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there still isn't a way it can be Rock Raiders 2

  We can we own the Trademark ROCK RAIDERS, so we can call it ROCK RAIDERS if we want to - this might get confusing so Rock Raiders 2 seemed appropriate. We can't call it LEGO Rock Raiders, because, Lego still own 'LEGO'. We don't want to appear to be LEGO, but I feel (some) RR fans want to keep the name. We have added a subtitle 'the Block Raiders' - you can call it this if you prefer!
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a raider would need to be within a certain distance of your base in order to receive commands

  I agree with the other comments, although perhaps not put quite as harshly! It would get annoying to have all your rock raiders stuck in one area, unable to obey any of your other commands because of a lack of 'transmitter' You need gameplay ideas to keep the game moving along. When things don't happen the player gets frustrated.
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Fluffy Cupcake

there still isn't a way it can be Rock Raiders 2

  We can we own the Trademark ROCK RAIDERS, so we can call it ROCK RAIDERS if we want to - this might get confusing so Rock Raiders 2 seemed appropriate. We can't call it LEGO Rock Raiders, because, Lego still own 'LEGO'. We don't want to appear to be LEGO, but I feel (some) RR fans want to keep the name. We have added a subtitle 'the Block Raiders' - you can call it this if you prefer!

So then, does 'Rock Raiders: The Block Raiders' sound good? (instead of adding the 2 there). Although having Raiders in two part of the name seems... a bit repetitive.
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I think I'd still prefer Rock Raiders to Rock Raiders 2, if a better name can't be thought up, for the reasons mentioned above.


You can have, say, Star Wars toys and LEGO Star Wars toys, so why not a Rock Raiders game and LEGO Rock Raiders game?

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There was a question that came to my mind the other day... are other DDI members involved with this? I might be bold in saying that it has seemed a bit odd for a CEO to be doing what some would expect a community relations manager or PR rep to do.

   I am very 'hands on' I started as a programmer, who attempted graphics and then I later hired artists, musicians, level designers, testers, and somehow found I had stopped programming, but design is something I still do. We still have a few of the team, but people do move around a lot in this industry. We have Julian who did level designs, Karl who did Programming, and I am chasing up some of the artists who might be able to do freelance for the project. I was the producer on LRR, the designs and concepts and all the Lego presentations and approvals came through me personally. I think a lot of CEOS of games companies now come straight in with a business degree,  I am old school binary coder at heart.
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Have a few things to chip in at this point. I know my opinions have not been the most well-received yet but... oh well.

ABOUT THE MUSIC: I actually wasn't advocating for 'similar sounding music' at all, sorry if there was confusion. I meant that it would be nice if a few songs from the original game got reworked in the style of the new game's music. For example, I'd love if the credits music (PS1, 'results' music in the PC version) returned, or if a PS1 track got reworked as a sort of 'danger' theme for when you are in risk of something bad happening (say, your base is under attack, or about to be engulfed in lava). For normal gameplay calm, ambient music would be nice.

ABOUT THE NAME: I have begun to warm up to the 'Block Raiders' name, personally. For me itdepends on how much relation the game has to it's predecessor. If you were to call it 'Rock Raiders 2' and then not have any ties to the original game besides similar gameplay then I wouldn't be pleased. If you're doing a TRUE sequel, same characters, setting, and everything, then go ahead ahead and call it RR2, but if it's just a spiritual successor then Block Raiders in better.

ABOUT BUILDINGS: I fully admit, the more I think of it, the comm tower was a terrible idea and I regret suggesting it. Maybe there could be a comm tower for a less frustrating purpose, but I can't think of one.

I do have another suggestion to make, though: DAMS.

I remember in the original, during one brief Chief mentions that a dam broke and flooded the base and I always wished you could actually build dams in-game. Be able to re-rout water so you have more space for your base, maybe uncover hidden resources. And (forgive me for suggesting this, we can't have it too easy) I would prefer if they occasionally broke. NOT FREQUENTLY, and NOT WITHOUT REASON, maybe because of a monster attack or seismic event, but have the risk there.

So there's my thoughts on the matter, feel free to disagree.

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Despite my earlier excitement about DDI registering the Rock Raiders trademark, I've started to think about it and I think Fushigisaur summed up my thoughts nicely. Based on what this game sounds like it will be, Block Raiders might be a much better title.




Dams are a fantastic idea. Seriously, sounds awesome. Just as long as I don't hear "A dam break has occurred!" every 10 seconds.

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The Ace Railgun

Just as long as I don't hear "A dam break has occurred!" every 10 seconds.



Yeah this sounds awesome just as long as we don't have this harmonizing with "A landslide has occurred" And every other alert in the game...

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That's honestly pretty unprofessional, even for a facebook page. It looks to me like it's just some dumping grounds for someone just dreaming about a Rock Raiders remake and throwing out stuff about liking Rock Raiders. There's even a typo in the page name. The random pictures of minecraft and other minecraft-style games gives me the impression of uncertainty on what you want to do with this project and concern that this is going to end up as another Minecraft clone, and I have no idea what's even going on with that picture of minifig next to the Mega Man enemy and some Minecraft character skin render that isn't even from or possible in that game. The avatar being "Rock Raiders + Minecraft" especially scares me (and feels really uncreative). The thing that really got me to leave this post though was the "'LIKE' if you prefer this style of levels to a more realistic look." If this is serious, it's a pretty terrible way to decide on the art style for the project. Don't do polls off of a meaningless facebook thing, and don't take the results of this meaningless facebook thing as an answer to what you should do for the art style or anything else in the game.


EDIT: I just double checked, and yes indeed you are holding a poll between Minecraft ripoff and realistic terrain using facebook likes > :( > :( > :(

Please don't do that.

Hi Toilet buster!  We could just tell you what we want to do, but the RRU was very influential in the decision to remake ROCK RAIDERS, so it seemed appropriate to get your feedback and the other fans input on what you would like in a new game. It is not that we have no idea what to do, it is giving YOU and everyone else the chance to give YOUR input, it is a form of democracy and the votes show support for or against! I believe there are great ideas out there that we can find if we listen to the people, I hope many will participate in making the new game. It is certainly not intended as a Minecraft rip off, Minecraft has been hugely popular, and it has made popular the 'sandbox environment' where you can dig or build anywhere - this is the part of Minecraft that we want to include. The visual style could be blocks or more detailed 3D. Having a block based environment, has a lot of advantages when digging and choosing where to construct, it is easy visualize and to understand where to dig. A completely 3D environment will at some point have a hole that is one pixel too small to fit through, or a slope that is slightly too high to climb - and that gets annoying for the user, I don't want to get ' why can't my vehicle fit through here' videos! but with blocks its easy to design for precise widths, heights and slopes. Visually being 'blocky' looks very dated to me, but perhaps that's a good thing for a 'classic' game?  We have placed a lot of other work on the site - as many people do not know what ROCK RAIDERS was, how it looked or played, we are making people aware of the product. giving ideas, and concepts. I guess by typo you mean the capitized BL for BLock Raiders - it was  actually intentional, as the BL is replacing the R in Rock Raiders, we wanted this to stand out.

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I feel that in a game with large buildings and bulky vehicles that move around a lot, that a completely 3D world wouldn't work quite right.

I agree a totally freeform 3D environment will be very hard to see where to place buildings, to know if you can fit through a gap, or drive up a slope.

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You have been asking how the game is going to look and questions about how can it be LEGO ROCK RAIDERS, how original to LRR is it? hopefully this model will answer some points.  Here is a new 6 wheeled vehicle: It is in a style similar to the original Rock Raiders, but it is made from parts that are not LEGO, but being studded bricks it has a look similar to LEGO or other studded brick toys (does that sound ambiguous enough not to be sued?)  Ok, well here is the image - I love it - what do you all think? I had expected a few more designs and concepts coming through, please send me your suggestions, even scrappy sketches can be made into good concepts. How about buildings any building trees you would like?


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It's actually not that bad. Granted, it is at a bit of a weird angle and you can't see much of the vehicle, but it could work.

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