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New TT Game Announced

lol username

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Another LEGO game by Traveler's Tales has been (quietly) announced. Can you guess what it is? It's The Hobbit, of course. We all knew it was coming. That's about all there is to say, really. Go back to whatever you were doing.


Sources: Polygon

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I knew about this ~ 3 months ago, as I saw an advertisement for it on the back of a Lego Hobbit set... or maybe on our Lego LoTR game...


I hope they stay away from the cheesiness that Lego LoTR unleashed. (I think I posted something one the Lego Message Boards about the extreme cheesiness but I can't be bothered finding it...)

I hope it turns out better.

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I knew about this ~ 3 months ago, as I saw an advertisement for it on the back of a Lego Hobbit set... or maybe on our Lego LoTR game...

It's certainly taking a while for the news to spread, but three months? Oy. The hype ain't strong with this one.
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The Ace Railgun

The hype ain't strong with this one.



Yeah I didn't even know about this until I saw it here on RRU and even then I could really care a lot less...since it''l be pretty much just like the first hobbit game.

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