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RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

Alcom Isst

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Tauka Usanake

[12:06:33 AM] Joe9412: why is there an alan jackson song with a acted out garfield comic.
[12:07:44 AM] Ronald Thomas Mullins III (Tauka Usanake): Why do you only randomly pop in this chat?
[12:08:00 AM] Lord Zakida: Cuz that's how a Joe rolls
[12:08:10 AM] Ronald Thomas Mullins III (Tauka Usanake): *rolls Joe down a hill*
[12:08:20 AM] Joe9412: Im like a teleporting boulder
[12:09:00 AM] Ronald Thomas Mullins III (Tauka Usanake): A Joeslide has occurred
[12:11:43 AM] Lord Zakida: Oh God forbid
[12:12:33 AM] Joe9412: I just had a brilliant idea
[12:12:47 AM] Joe9412: thank you Tauka
[12:12:55 AM] Ronald Thomas Mullins III (Tauka Usanake): Yey


and then this happened....

[12:14:56 AM] Joe9412: Can you modify the sounds in LRR?
[12:17:26 AM] Joe9412: please tell me you can
[12:19:55 AM] Ronald Thomas Mullins III (Tauka Usanake): Oh no... What have I done
[12:20:42 AM] Joe9412: If you can im going to start working on Joe Raiders

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(Alexis) Anisoptera 4‎:‎02‎ ‎PM omf yesâ€


...WIH A GOD!â€

[sGT] Alcom Isst 4‎:‎03‎ ‎PM Nuptup?

Bug Catcher 4‎:‎03‎ ‎PM And a messiah, and an angle, and a prince, and a king... and an ATV.â€


(Alexis) Anisoptera ‎4‎:‎03‎ ‎PM yesâ€

It's an angleâ€

Bug Catcher 4‎:‎03‎ ‎PM Zapdos is very angular...â€

[sGT] Alcom Isst set group name to "Rock Raiders United room. It's an angle."

...formating is hard.

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[4:52:26 PM] jamesster: FUN IS COMPLICATED

[4:53:53 PM] jamesster: identify discrete moments of the experience

well i opened the pdf and my head discretely started hurting

[4:55:57 PM] jamesster: identify feedback loops

i once held a camera up to the tv it was connected to

[5:05:53 PM] McJobless: We're discussing stuff that your eyes are not ready for yet.

[5:06:00 PM] jamesster: mine weren't

[5:08:41 PM] McStudz: I'm not s***ting.

[5:08:55 PM] jamesster: you should take a laxative

It's fun to provoke jamesster with knowledge when he's extremely tired.


[9:52:30 AM] Jim Brickkeeper: McJobless is great at imitating LNA members.

[9:52:42 AM] Antillies: lol

[9:53:06 AM] Jim Brickkeeper: McJobless should make a living imitating LNA members.

[9:53:25 AM] Jim Brickkeeper: It's an interesting job niche.

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lol username

[12:44:05 PM] McJobless: what do we do when mcjobless hasn't sleep

[12:44:15 PM] McJobless: Watch do we do when he has college

[12:44:27 PM] McJobless: Ewaaaarrtlly in the mlooprhniht

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[12:49:03 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: I was planning on getting it sometime.
[12:49:34 AM] Philip: once we were playing Dota and he was being a s***ty support and I told him to stop sucking so bad and he throw goldfish at me
[12:49:48 AM] Jamesster: as in an actual goldfish?
[12:49:52 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: HE WASTED GOLDFISH?
[12:49:55 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: No, as in the snack, James
[12:49:57 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: Go to bed.
[12:49:58 AM] Jamesster: awwwww
[12:50:03 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: What color was the goldfish?

[12:52:59 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: I never found out what color the goldfish was. :(
[12:53:32 AM] Stan McStudz: GOLD
[12:53:42 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Oh.



[6:27:34 PM] Jamesster: ok, a plan is forming
[6:27:55 PM] Jamesster: 1 - get a 3.5 inch floppy disk drive for my Apple IIe
[6:28:01 PM] Jamesster: 2 - copy that floppy
[6:28:21 PM] Jamesster: 3 - put the new 3.5 inch disk into a USB 3.5 inch drive
[6:28:26 PM] Jamesster: 4 - copy that floppy again
[6:29:36 PM] Jamesster: I have no idea what sort of data I'll even be reading from these things
[6:29:45 PM] Jamesster: but it sounds fun

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[19:40:26] jamesster: wonder if Source 2 is the engine of my dreams
[19:40:34] McJobless: Hopefully
[19:40:47] jamesster: ... when do we get it?
[19:44:29] McJobless: At the same time Unreal 4 comes out.
[19:44:43] McJobless: Whose release will be about the time that Irrational unviel their next project.
[19:45:05] McJobless: Which will occur when the new Aliens game is finally unvieled.
[19:45:20] McJobless: Which will happen with Sony declares it has a bigger library than Microsoft.
[19:45:40] McJobless: Which will all happen when The LEGO Movie reaches Australia.
[19:45:53] McJobless: Thanks, ya snotty, ungreatful brats.
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[23:01:00] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Why is every picture that Alooxis (Zeph) takes so dimly lit? Does she spontaneously combust if exposed to bright lights?
[23:01:18] Stan McStudz: *sputters*
[23:01:41] Stan McStudz: xD
[23:02:22] (Alooxis) Seradima: That was with my Vita cemra
[23:02:24] (Alooxis) Seradima: *camera
[23:02:26] (Alooxis) Seradima: I don't have
[23:02:31] (Alooxis) Seradima: a professional $1k camera
[23:02:54] Stan McStudz: The Vita has a camera?
[23:02:56] Stan McStudz: TIL
[23:03:24] (Alooxis) Seradima: Two cameras
[23:03:34] (Alooxis) Seradima: surprisingly decent quality
[23:03:39] Stan McStudz: uh
[23:03:45] (Alooxis) Seradima: ...with the right lighting
[23:03:48] Stan McStudz: but terrible in poor lighting--
[23:03:52] Stan McStudz: There it is
[23:05:56] Stan McStudz: UGH
[23:06:06] Stan McStudz: Where is the Quotes thread???
[23:06:31] Stan McStudz: in such a weird place now
[23:06:48] jamesster: you mean a topic discussing the community doesn't belong in community discussion
[23:06:53] jamesster: and that it's hard to find a topic at the top of the page
[23:07:06] Stan McStudz: I'm just used to it on the bottom
[23:07:09] jamesster: actually smack dab in the middle when scrolled to the top
[23:07:17] jamesster: yes this is obviously disorganized and hard to access
[23:07:33] Stan McStudz: I'm just not used to the new position yet!
[23:07:41] jamesster: next time we have the job of sorting hundreds and hundreds of topics by hand we'll be sure you get the job
[23:07:45] Stan McStudz: I'm still scrolling to the bottom
[23:07:48] (Alooxis) Seradima: [2:07:36 AM] Stan McStudz: I'm just not used to the new position yet!
Studz as he loses his virginity
[23:07:50] Stan McStudz: I'M SORRY
[23:08:02] * [sGT] Alcom Isst slaps Jamesster with a snickers bar.
[23:08:13] jamesster: thank you
[23:08:16] jamesster: hungry
[23:08:25] Stan McStudz: And STFU, Zeph
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[8:27:16 PM] McJobless: So.

[8:27:21 PM] McJobless: My college had a fire today.

[8:27:41 PM] McJobless: I think one of the fashion students ran into an animator and things got heated quickly.

[8:36:51 PM] origamiguy: nice pun.

[8:38:36 PM] McJobless: :D

[9:09:57 PM] origamiguy: the past, present and future walk into a bar.

[9:09:59 PM] origamiguy: it was tense.

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[9:12:01 PM] Jamesster: YESH

[9:12:08 PM] Jamesster: got the six dungeon's item

[9:12:33 PM] Jamesster: it took a trip to a fairy pond thing and some medicine to survive but I did it

[9:13:20 PM] Will Kirkby: misread six the first time round

[9:13:22 PM] Will Kirkby: was very confused

[9:13:29 PM] Jamesster: *sixth

[9:13:45 PM] Jamesster: ... ooooh.

[9:13:50 PM] Will Kirkby: ...there it is.

[9:13:50 PM] Jamesster: oh.

[9:13:53 PM] Will Kirkby: took you a second.

[9:15:10 PM] Jamesster: well

[9:15:19 PM] Jamesster: the sixth dungeon's item is a "magical rod"

[9:15:21 PM] Will Kirkby: I just have a dirty mind.

[9:15:25 PM] Will Kirkby: YOU'RE KIDDING ME.

[9:15:30 PM] Jamesster: not kidding

[9:15:36 PM] Will Kirkby: jesus

[9:15:41 PM] Will Kirkby: what does the rod do, exactly?

[9:16:34 PM] Jamesster: it shoots a powerful beam at enemies

[9:16:43 PM] Will Kirkby: you have got to be pulling my leg.

[9:16:49 PM] Jamesster: I'm not

[9:16:57 PM] Will Kirkby: go on

[9:17:01 PM] Will Kirkby: satisfy my curiosity

[9:17:04 PM] Will Kirkby: what color's the beam?

[9:17:31 PM] Jamesster: sort of blue and white

[9:17:35 PM] Drill Master: D:

[9:17:38 PM] Will Kirkby: hmm

[9:17:40 PM] Alcom Isst: "white" THERE IT IS

[9:17:44 PM] Will Kirkby: oh japan, you so silly.

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JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 06:55 PM): SO MANY TONGUES, put them ALL back in your mouths!
(09 March 2014 - 07:01 PM): All right. :P - :0 - :)
Quisoves Pugnat (09 March 2014 - 07:01 PM): I put my tongue back in.
JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 07:21 PM): xD
le717 (09 March 2014 - 07:19 PM): xD
JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 07:02 PM): xD

Fushigisaur (09 March 2014 - 07:21 PM): xD

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[3:34:52 PM] Jamesster: Oh wait you can't do the thing in the graveyard without the power bracelet

[3:35:07 PM] McJobless: fak.

[3:35:30 PM] McJobless: You guys have all the cool stuff already and all I got is a ticket to buy more medicine and a boomerang.

[3:35:41 PM] McJobless: :| You have no idea how Australian that.

[3:35:52 PM] Jamesster: haha

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After a lengthy discussion on the Lego Message Boards:


[3:02:24 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob):Alright, that's enough Elimbee talk for one day. The doctor says if you use it too much, you could go blind.
[3:02:51 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): Or worse
[3:02:52 PM] The Machine: That's just a myth.
[3:02:54 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): derpy
[3:02:55 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): :o
[3:03:02 PM] The Machine: In fact
[3:03:06 PM] The Machine: You actually just lose your intelligence.
[3:03:13 PM] The Machine: It's called the Elimbie Effect.
[3:03:15 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): :P
[3:03:26 PM] The Machine: You can read my paper on it later this year. :P
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Sadie Meowsalot
[1:24:16 AM] Stan McStudz: Cyrem's glow in his name pisses me off.
[1:27:50 AM] Stan McStudz: But what pisses me off MORE is the fact that my new microphone got the price cut by a third TWO DAYS after I got it.
[1:32:20 AM] Sadie: [1:24 AM] Stan McStudz: 
<<< Cyrem's glow in his name pisses me off.Why so?
[1:33:00 AM] Stan McStudz: Because he nt only gets to be special with a COLOR. He gets to do so with a ROLLOVER COLOR CHANGE.
[1:33:09 AM] McJobless: Hey.
[1:33:16 AM] Sadie: Cirevam has that same glow.
[1:33:17 AM] Stan McStudz: Like that one kid with rub-symbol stickers.
[1:33:17 AM] McJobless: Red name is better than piss and puke.
[1:33:59 AM] Stan McStudz: roll over Cy's name
[1:34:02 AM] Sadie: And it's only a colour.
[1:34:03 AM] jamesster: [1:24 AM] Stan McStudz: 
<<< Cyrem's glow in his name pisses me off.u srsly worried 'bout glowy names on the internet bro?
[1:34:08 AM] Stan McStudz: teal to YELLO
[1:34:31 AM] Stan McStudz: but mainly I'm piissed my mic's cheaper now.
[1:36:14 AM | Edited 1:36:22 AM] Stan McStudz: $60 to $40
[1:36:17 AM] Stan McStudz: uh.
[1:36:33 AM] Stan McStudz: IN TWO DAYS
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[5:10:01 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Fun fact: Jamesster still isn't sleeping.
[5:11:20 AM] McJobless: Uh-oh.
[5:11:26 AM] McJobless: What have we created.
[5:14:10 AM] McJobless: :|
[5:14:11 AM] McJobless: What.
[5:14:17 AM] Jamesster: but YES the citrus
[5:14:37 AM] Jamesster: here aon the fence on the other side if my feet is an ORCHRAD
[5:14:49 AM] Jamesster: rigt
[5:15:02 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: McJobless.
I'm scared. D:
[5:15:22 AM] McJobless: So am I D:
[5:19:33 AM] Jamesster: a field of tres of grapefuit
[5:19:42 AM] Jamesster: duh
[5:19:57 AM] Jamesster: reversed > hud
[5:20:04 AM] Jamesster: sta nds for heads up grapefruit
[5:20:20 AM] Jamesster: if you sue your imagination
[5:22:05 AM] Jamesster: IT IS FHOTOS EDIT RIME
[5:23:45 AM] Jamesster: done
[5:24:14 AM] Jamesster: aaanf
[5:24:20 AM] Jamesster: here:
[5:24:40 AM] Jamesster: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/jamesster/Other/LOLSUBFOLDER4/abot.png
[5:25:59 AM] Jamesster: tony aball
[5:26:45 AM] Jamesster: '> orignal
[5:27:10 AM] Jamesster: I should mix pics more often
[5:27:16 AM] Jamesster: like
[5:28:08 AM] Jamesster: um
[5:29:07 AM] Jamesster: what was i going with grapefuit to this
[5:29:09 AM] Jamesster: godnight


[6:25:37 PM | Edited 6:25:53 PM] McJobless: http://www.whatdoestheinternetthink.net/compare/hitler-vs-lego
[6:25:55 PM] McJobless: :|
[6:27:01 PM] Jamesster: :|
[6:27:17 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: :|
[6:27:36 PM] Ace: :|

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[9:10:28 PM | Edited 9:10:43 PM] Cirevam: I'd like to see a McJobless VS origamiguy uwotm8-off
[9:10:43 PM] Will Kirkby: haha
[9:10:50 PM] Will Kirkby: you f****ing what.
[9:11:10 PM] Cirevam: Winner gets a cookie. And a high five.
[9:11:14 PM] Will Kirkby: k
[9:11:33 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: uwotm8
[9:11:47 PM] Will Kirkby: u fkn wot
[9:12:07 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: i'll fckin rn ur mum 2 teh grund
[9:12:26 PM] Will Kirkby: u avin a fkn giggle m8
[9:12:50 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: yh m8, laugh mre
[9:12:59 PM] Will Kirkby: i'll bash ur fkn head in
[9:13:22 PM] Will Kirkby: u fkn startin?
[9:13:23 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: i'll fck ur mum
[9:13:28 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: bring it
[9:13:34 PM] Will Kirkby: u wanna av a go m8?
[9:13:45 PM | Edited 9:13:48 PM] Will Kirkby: come an ave a go if you fink ur ard enuf
[9:13:48 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: yh m8, fckn brng it
[9:13:55 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: i fuk u up m8
[9:13:57 PM] Will Kirkby: m8 i'll fkn rek u
[9:14:03 PM] Will Kirkby: u aint got s***
[9:14:06 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: u aint got s***
[9:14:07 PM] HIGH GUY Stesabe: :|
[9:14:08 PM] Cirevam: :0
[9:14:09 PM] Will Kirkby: well
[9:14:11 PM] Will Kirkby: it's a tie
[9:14:17 PM] Will Kirkby: high-fives all round!

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[8:07:03 AM] Jarred: All I imagine cips doing is programming away having a coversation with himself for the entire day
[8:08:00 AM] Jarred: does Alan still have his chopped lambs?
[10:33:51 AM] Ciprian: wot
[10:34:05 AM | Edited 10:34:15 AM] Jarred: nut'n m8
[10:34:35 AM] Ciprian: Boi, yu'd betta tell me all ya gotta sai
[10:36:02 AM] Jarred: m8 dun giv me dat yu kno wut i sed.
[10:36:40 AM] Ciprian: I dun care man yu gotta tell me all i wan'ta no
[10:38:15 AM] Jarred: mabe ya shud reed agan
[10:39:23 AM] Ciprian: dunt gimmie nun o' dat bull yu bee talkin' b'hind mah back an i wanna no wut yu sai
[10:39:51 AM] Ciprian: bye da wai i nu be sprekin cereal
[10:41:11 AM] Jarred: m8 don mak me tetch u a lessern.
[10:41:24 AM] Ciprian: man aint nobody got time fo dat
[10:42:13 AM] Jarred: i no m8, aint nuff tiem deas dais
[10:42:33 AM] Ciprian: yu aint nuff time dees dais
[10:42:50 AM] Jarred: m8 i roll u
[10:43:38 AM] Cirevam: roll ya like a blunt
[10:44:09 AM | Edited 10:44:13 AM] Ciprian: man keep yo weed ou'ta dis we no be doin dat cra in heer
[10:44:26 AM] Ciprian: we be cereal buziness men
[10:44:36 AM] Jarred: luk wut u did, u gunn b a 2ply roll noaw u woke cire.
[10:44:56 AM] Cirevam: You woke me after being stuck in traffic for two hours
[10:46:06 AM] Jarred: m8 weed mezz u brian, i dun take nun dat crup
[10:46:56 AM | Edited 10:47:02 AM] Jarred: cereal whear it at yo
[10:47:35 AM] Ciprian: WOW
[10:47:41 AM] Ciprian: SUCH CONVERSATION
[10:47:43 AM] Ciprian: VERY EDUCATED
[10:47:45 AM] Ciprian: VERY SCHOLARLY
[10:47:49 AM] Ciprian: MUCH HIGH SOCIETY
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^ That ^ was one of the stupidest things that happened all day. Other than the time right after where I called an office and they said they're open till 7, then immediately after when I was transferred to the wait list, they said "SORRY WE'RE CLOSED. WE'RE OPEN TILL 5." So th- wait, why am I telling you all this? You know what, just take the cookie already :P

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LUR conversation regarding this.

[9:00:41 PM] Jamesster: I'm trying not to laugh because laughing would make me look like a jerk but
[9:00:50 PM] Jamesster: this is making me want to laugh
[9:00:58 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Meanwhile, Alcom is all
[9:01:08 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: HA!


[9:42:58 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: So how is ORR?
[9:43:10 PM] Jamesster: one branch morphed into GNOMAL
[9:43:18 PM] Jamesster: that's about all I know as for current status
[9:43:23 PM] McJobless: Imagine an image of a burning plane running into the ocean.
[9:43:39 PM] McJobless: Now imagine that image being thrown out of a 18 story building.
[9:43:43 PM] McJobless: Landing onto a freeway.
[9:44:02 PM] McJobless: Being sucked into the exhaust pipe of a gas truck.
[9:44:11 PM] McJobless: Which then explodes and destroys everything.
[9:44:22 PM] McJobless: Now imagine all that inside a movie.
[9:44:28 PM] McJobless: And imagine that movie as a script.
[9:44:41 PM] McJobless: Now imagine the script being rejected by everyone in Hollywod.
[9:44:47 PM] McJobless: THAT'S how ORR is going.
[9:44:49 PM] McJobless: Last I heard.

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Sadie Meowsalot

[7:43:36 PM] Sadie: what is a rock raider

[7:48:40 PM] Sadie: what is a rockwhale

[7:48:57 PM] Lair: a rock raider is a moron hired for cheap mining labor

[7:49:08 PM] Lair: a rockwhale is some fat clump of dirt with feet and eyes

[7:49:15 PM] Lair: who can swim through rock but not water

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[8:41:42 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Jamesster, can I play the Minifigures MMO yet?

[8:41:55 PM] xx7xxxpowersxx: Well, Alcom.

[8:41:58 PM] xx7xxxpowersxx: Can you download it?

[8:42:29 PM] jamesster: You can't patch the game without a beta account

[8:42:35 PM] jamesster: So you can download a small part of it I guess

[8:42:49 PM] xx7xxxpowersxx: If he downloaded it, could he login?

[8:43:11 PM] jamesster: If Funcom would stop being so stingy with beta invites

[8:43:24 PM | Edited 8:43:26 PM] xx7xxxpowersxx: Well, there you go.

[8:43:34 PM] xx7xxxpowersxx: It's just Jamesster and hundreds of 12yos.

[8:43:51 PM] jamesster: I hardly see anybody at all @_@

[8:43:56 PM] kirkbywilliam: [8:43 PM] McJobless:

<<< It's just Jamesster and hundreds of 12yos.

welp, I'm out

[8:43:59 PM] jamesster: It's really empty in there

[8:44:01 PM] jamesster: ...

[8:44:14 PM] xx7xxxpowersxx: [8:43 PM] Will Kirkby:

<<< welp, I'm out

You drew the line at Jamesser, right?

[8:44:15 PM] kirkbywilliam: who wants to put that on the quotes thread?

[8:44:21 PM] kirkbywilliam: naturally

...since nobody else did, I did.

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