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RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

Alcom Isst

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[21:46:11] Hugh Wotmeigh: Interesting, PS3 games all use PSARC, instead of using developer-specific file systems.
[21:46:35] Alcom Isst: What's a PSARC, and can I ride it?

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[1:42:40 AM] Alcom Isst: I still want my robot.
[1:42:51 AM] /)¢(\  Krysto: Alcom, you are a robot
[1:42:53 AM] Ben24x7: Did you order one or did you lose one
[1:43:04 AM] Alcom Isst: That doesn't make me want robots less, Krysto.
[1:43:21 AM] /)¢(\  Krysto: OH GOD THEY'RE SELF REPLICATING
[1:43:24 AM] /)¢(\  Krysto: we're doooooomed

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The Ace Railgun

[9/9/15, 13:48:21] Noghiri: so, are bandwankers like a circlejerk, but with instruments?


Later: Talking about Le

[9/9/15, 19:08:25] Hugh Wotmeigh: On 9/9/15, at 19:07, Caleb Ely wrote:
> if you knew me IRL, you'd find my voice fits.
So you live in a pineapple under the sea?

Edited by The Ace Railgun
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[7:25:09 PM] Alcom Isst: JAMESSTER
[7:25:37 PM] Alcom Isst: IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT.

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 From here: http://www.rockraidersunited.com/blogs/entry/2172-hmmmm/?do=findComment&comment=6738

Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.

Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.

I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.

When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.

There can be only one.

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[7:55:14 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: So uh
[7:55:17 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: My street is weird
[7:55:24 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Today a truck rolled up
[7:55:41 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: And it dumped an entire shipping container worth of step ladders on some Asian couple's lawn
[7:55:44 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Then drove off

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[11:37:18 AM] Ben24x7: A friend took a recording of me saying “If I may, I’m going to fiddle diddle with my fiddle for two hours until a good song comes on”
[11:37:42 AM] Ben24x7: He replaced “fiddle” with an unmentionable word, then he proceeded to that video version
[11:38:17 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Was the word "c***"?
[11:38:20 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: "Diddle"?
[11:38:31 AM] Ben24x7: Do you want to see for yourself, because I wouldn’t recommend it
[11:38:33 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: "Arsehole"?
[11:38:37 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: I got it!
[11:38:43 AM] Ben24x7: No you didn't
[11:38:44 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: "WANKER"
[11:38:48 AM] Ben24x7: Nope
[11:38:48 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Goddam
[11:38:54 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Welp, f**** it
[11:39:01 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Gonna let this song end
[11:39:05 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: And then to sleep I go

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[00:39:44] The Ace Railgun: Funfact: the bug spray I use attracts bees.
[00:41:30] jamesster: that doesn't sound like a very fun fact
[00:42:20] Noghiri: it is if you're studying bees

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The Ace Railgun

[9/18/15, 18:51:15] jamesster: I'm changing the group icon so I don't keep looking at recent chats and thinking I made a final builder skype account and started talking to myself

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[9/18/2015 5:10:11 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: I couldn't find the video of the Australian guy in a portable pokie machine in order to get spare change, so have a bunch of morons talking about the "law of attraction" instead. https://youtu.be/kvl8m0il2Oc
[9/18/2015 5:13:09 PM] Alcom Isst: https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-UNIVERSE/Use-The-Law-of-Attraction-AND-BRING-BACK-LU/m-p/4099598#M288684
[9/18/2015 5:13:42 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: You are f****ing s***ting me
[9/18/2015 5:13:54 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: NO WAY
[9/18/2015 5:13:56 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: NO f****ING WAY
[9/18/2015 5:14:06 PM] Ace Railgun: Heh.
[9/18/2015 5:14:30 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: f**** me senseless, he sounds like a goddam sock puppet.
[9/18/2015 5:14:55 PM] Ace Railgun: He probably is.
[9/18/2015 5:15:32 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Appropriate use of the Jammers there.
[9/18/2015 5:15:44 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Apparently Skype thinks Jammers is a real word.
[9/18/2015 5:15:59 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: "Um, Alcom, I'm not really sure you're right, because I feel very, very good when I think of LU and its coming back."
[9/18/2015 5:16:02 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: oh man
[9/18/2015 5:13:09 PM] Alcom Isst: http://legogalaxygame-at.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:6589#6 I'm not done.
[9/18/2015 5:16:29 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: NO
[9/18/2015 5:16:31 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: NO NO NO
[9/18/2015 5:16:35 PM] Ace Railgun: bangs head against desk
[9/18/2015 5:16:38 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: HOW THE f**** DO THESE KIDS KNOW ABOUT THIS
[9/18/2015 5:16:55 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: " I believe in juesus. He's a cool dude."
[9/18/2015 5:17:25 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: wait wait
[9/18/2015 5:17:31 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: "But since GOD was never seen. I therefore don't believe in him."
[9/18/2015 5:17:44 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh:
[9/18/2015 5:17:44 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: >likes Jesus
[9/18/2015 5:17:44 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: >doesn't like God
[9/18/2015 5:17:48 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: mmmkay
[9/18/2015 5:18:06 PM] Ace Railgun: Isn’t there just a slight contradiction with that?
[9/18/2015 5:18:30 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: "So instead of saying Sckness begone, you say, I am getting we, actually, why not say, I am already well or wellness is around the corner."
[9/18/2015 5:18:38 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: THE ANTI-VAXERS WERE RIGHT
[9/18/2015 5:19:23 PM] Noghiri: these kids make the moonies look sane.
[9/18/2015 5:19:49 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: "No need for... Wait. This law of attraction is woooorkiiiing!"
[9/18/2015 5:19:49 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: kill me now

Edited by Alcom1
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Sadie Meowsalot

[4:18:50 PM] Perki: hello
[4:23:25 PM] Sadie⁂: sorri, that was an old message
[4:23:30 PM] Sadie⁂: old like biden
[4:23:44 PM] Perki: no problem
[4:28:00 PM] Sadie⁂: but
[4:28:06 PM] Sadie⁂: why is Biden so old
[4:29:08 PM] Perki: its a paradox, because he's actually joseph biden junior. if joe junior is old, then is joe senior young?
[4:29:55 PM] Sadie⁂: o, i never thought about it that way
[4:30:01 PM] Sadie⁂: maybe there right
[4:30:16 PM] Sadie⁂: maybe sometimes videogaems does cause violence
[4:30:49 PM] Perki: I playes a videogame once. after that I became a violent psycopath
[4:32:56 PM] Sadie⁂: o, was it LEGO Chess?
[4:33:25 PM] Perki: yes. its graphic depictions of minifigs cartoonishly chasing eachother is what turned me
[4:38:17 PM] Sadie⁂: o, imsosorri :c i agree holehartedly, that gaem is far from appropriate for children. i hope yew've received the professional help yew needed after being subjected to such a graphic and violet game as LEGO Chess(heart)
[4:38:36 PM] Perki: thx

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[12:58:36 PM] Jamesster: on the scale of "that shouldn't be happening" that's about a 9
[12:58:54 PM] Alcom Isst: Out of 10?
[12:59:00 PM] Jamesster: no, out of 5
[12:59:06 PM] Alcom Isst: Oh.

[1:52:53 PM] Jay Phoenix: Apparently the sunglasses may be replacing the screwdriver
[1:52:57 PM] Jay Phoenix: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
[1:53:04 PM] Ace Railgun: Oh god why
[1:53:05 PM] Christopher Fantauzzo: aghwat
[1:53:07 PM] Will Kirkby: ugh
[1:53:17 PM] Will Kirkby: I liked the screwdriver
[1:53:20 PM] Jamesster: ....... just deal with it?

Edited by Alcom1
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[17:39:10] /)¢(\  Krysto: Bionicle, starring Greg Farshety as Greg Farshety

[17:41:04] /)¢(\  Krysto: follow the epic tale of Greg Farshety as he sets out on a journey to the land of Greg Farshety to defeat the evil Greg Farshety and become the one true Greg Farshety

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[10/2/15, 8:40:19 PM] Jim Brickkeeper: And then there was this chunk of code. 
"Team members claims to fame:
One member of the team regularly wore Patrick Stewart's (Alias Jean Luc Picard from TV's Star Trek) old shoes to work during the making of Bionicle.
i once sat on roy castle's knee
i once ate an earthworm for a five pound bet in high school but never got given the fiver.... -->mug.
I'm wearing your momma's slippers whilst typing this."
[10/2/15, 8:40:31 PM] Will Kirkby: oh my.
[10/2/15, 8:40:58 PM] Jim Brickkeeper: I'm scared for your safety/sanity.
[10/2/15, 8:41:23 PM] Will Kirkby: honestly
[10/2/15, 8:41:29 PM] Will Kirkby: Ì'̢m ͏f̀ine̸
[10/2/15, 8:41:41 PM] Will Kirkby: I͢ don'́t̴ ̀k̕no͞w w҉ha͞t you'r̷e͞ ̀w͘o͞rried a̷bou͟t͢
[10/2/15, 8:42:04 PM] Will Kirkby: T̸͖̻̲̲̱h̢͖̬̝̮è̩̱̝r̶͉̱̞̪̣̯͕̯̕͞e̳̤̞͢ ̮̩̭͜i̝͇̥s̸͝ͅͅ ̱̻͠n̥̗͈͚̳͈͉̺͠ǫ̩̜͍̺͎ͅ ̟͙̲̥̬̰̖͢͡n̨̺̱̣̼̲͙̙͍͇͜e̩͙̱͙̬͝e̷͔̺̮̬d̙͙͈͠ͅͅ ̡̭͎̫͍̰͔t̡̗̤̙͚̙͈͜o̺̬̩̙̱̖ ̴̜̮̰̠͘ͅb̨̹̣̥͓̟e̸̸͕̙͓̲ ̤̝̞̙͘͟͟c̴̣͈̼͉͟o̸̝̪̺̤̗͈̯̻͢͞n҉̪̪̳͚͘c̥̦e̷͔͈̺̥͢r̝̲͍̟̟̖͕͕͢n̖͎̼͇͎̮͎e͏̨̛̭̘͔̳̖͈̙d̷̵̜̗̱̲̣͇̖̻

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[00:11:17] Will Kirkby: LOL
[00:11:35] Will Kirkby: searched for people selling Dimensions stuff within 10 miles of my house
[00:11:51] Will Kirkby: funny enough, I found someone selling a Dimensions shirt
[00:11:59] Will Kirkby: specifically one of the ones that only staff get
[00:12:03] Will Kirkby: :D
[00:19:45] Noghiri: could it be?
[00:23:16] Will Kirkby: it's not me
[00:27:49] /)¢(\  Krysto: >responds to own for sale post
[00:28:14] jamesster: "hey, I'd be interested in buying this, and I think I know a good place for us to meet"

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[7:24:19 PM] /Will\sKir(?:k)by/gi: Rest in proper Ronni
[7:24:29 PM] /Will\sKir(?:k)by/gi: Yknow I give up on autocorrect today

More autocorrect adventures. :af:

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