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RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

Alcom Isst

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[9:53:31 AM] McJobless: "PS: I'm much better behaved when I have something productive to do. Go figure."

[9:53:37 AM] McJobless: This comes from the mouth of Tracker.

[11:13:35 AM] Sideburns: I'll give him something productive to do: learn how to stop making everyone deplore you.

[11:13:58 AM] McJobless: :D

[11:24:14 AM] Jim Brickkeeper: If you do that there shall be an RRU holiday in your name.

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[9:53:31 AM] McJobless: "PS: I'm much better behaved when I have something productive to do. Go figure."

[9:53:37 AM] McJobless: This comes from the mouth of Tracker.

[11:13:35 AM] Sideburns: I'll give him something productive to do: learn how to stop making everyone deplore you.

[11:13:58 AM] McJobless: :D

[11:24:14 AM] Jim Brickkeeper: If you do that there shall be an RRU holiday in your name.

That was a serious note.  WHEN I'm motivated to do something, it can get done very quickly.  But when I am not, it is very unlikely that it will get done at all.  And by making that quote, you just fed the Tracker, making so hyper that it is bouncing on the bed giggling.

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[3:56:59 PM] Stan McStudz: All it needs is WINE, and I'm set.

[3:57:41 PM] Customer Sir Mounted: the wild mcstudz is attempting to get his craptop drunk

[3:57:43 PM] Customer Sir Mounted: god help us

[3:57:44 PM] Stan McStudz: Easier said than done though.

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[1:13:25 AM] Stan McStudz: I blame my new dong

[1:15:31 AM] *** Stan McStudz sent Picture0008.JPG ***
[1:15:32 AM] McJobless: Before your time.
[1:15:37 AM] Stan McStudz: My dong
[1:15:40 AM] Philip: I know that but
[1:15:42 AM] McJobless: Before Ant had his powers.
[1:15:50 AM] McJobless: I think it was Rockmodder.
[1:15:54 AM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: uhm
[1:16:02 AM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: Mcstudz just sent us a picture of his dong

[1:19:21 AM] McJobless: I remember the first time I used my playboy.

An average night in the RRU Skype chat.
(For reference, Studz meant to say Dog, not Dong)
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[1:13:25 AM] Stan McStudz: I blame my new dong


[1:15:31 AM] *** Stan McStudz sent Picture0008.JPG ***
[1:15:32 AM] McJobless: Before your time.
[1:15:37 AM] Stan McStudz: My dong
[1:15:40 AM] Philip: I know that but
[1:15:42 AM] McJobless: Before Ant had his powers.
[1:15:50 AM] McJobless: I think it was Rockmodder.
[1:15:54 AM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: uhm
[1:16:02 AM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: Mcstudz just sent us a picture of his dong

[1:19:21 AM] McJobless: I remember the first time I used my playboy.

An average night in the RRU Skype chat.

(For reference, Studz meant to say Dog, not Dong)



And his name is Sparky, the Taco Bell Dog!



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here. have some more stuff.


Stan McStudz: My dog is attacking my mouse now
[10:40:40 PM] jamesster: r.i.p mouse
[10:40:58 PM] Stan McStudz: and my hair!
[10:41:00 PM | Edited 10:41:12 PM] McJobless: Poor Anonymouse...
[10:41:16 PM] jamesster: McStudz's Dong Pest Control
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Some chat DM and I had on the Minecraft server.


11:21:53 JimbobJeffers: Can you see any jungles anywhere on Dynmap? I don't see any within 1000 blocks
11:22:07 Drill Master: nopw
11:22:25 JimbobJeffers: Oh I've found one at -2800
11:22:26 Drill Master: I'm just gonna walk til I find one
11:22:30 JimbobJeffers: Maybe I'll just tp there
11:22:37 Drill Master: cheating
11:22:58 JimbobJeffers: I'm just cutting out 20 minutes of travel
11:23:05 Drill Master: cheating
11:23:24 JimbobJeffers: Hey, I'm the mod here, and since this server started we've allowed tping anywhere
11:23:38 JimbobJeffers: It's just a way of cutting out time when you've already been somewhere
11:23:42 Drill Master: CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!
11:24:01 JimbobJeffers: *Psst, guys, I think he's a broken record*
11:24:14 Teleported JimbobJeffers to -2799.50, 70.50, 200.50
11:24:19 JimbobJeffers: DUM DUM DUUUUM
11:24:23 Drill Master: CH E EE TTT IING G G!! !! !
11:24:32 JimbobJeffers: YOU MISSED OUT THE A
11:25:04 Drill Master: I skipped it
11:25:18 JimbobJeffers: That's cheating
11:25:42 Teleported JimbobJeffers to 0.50, 70.50, 470.50
11:25:48 JimbobJeffers: Ta da :D
11:26:32 Drill Master: what you cheated?
11:26:47 JimbobJeffers: Lol, no, I just grabbed some cocoa beans and I'm back
11:27:55 Drill Master: I'll show you I'm gonna walk to a jungle! you kids and your fancy tps and your moddy powers
11:28:07 JimbobJeffers: Haha, MAKE MY DAY!
11:29:13 Drill Master: Back in MY day, Survival meant digging a hole in the ground and hiding in it all through the night
11:29:25 JimbobJeffers: Hehe
11:29:35 JimbobJeffers: Back in MY day, Survival meant you had just one life
11:29:43 JimbobJeffers: But this is RRU, sonny, and things have changed.
11:31:37 Drill Master: Back in MY day, I could hold more crap than this
11:31:57 JimbobJeffers: Back in MY day, we didn't have horses, we had to WALK!
11:32:40 Drill Master: Back in MY day, we had to kill sheep for wool!
11:33:08 JimbobJeffers: Back in MMMYYY day, we didn't have BUCKETS to transfer WATER!
11:33:30 Drill Master: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and HA! I found a brown sheep!
11:33:42 JimbobJeffers: HAAAA I ALREADY HAVE TWO!!!
11:34:29 Drill Master: Back in MY day, we didn't have admins that cheated to get what they want!
11:35:29 Drill Master: BACK IN MY DAY,
11:35:31 Drill Master died
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[snip to prevent McJobless' wrath]


[2:30:24 PM] Cirevam: Now, what's my grandson's name again?
[2:30:36 PM] Joe9412: "I cant read this" same thing every person who cant read japenesse said
[2:31:20 PM | Edited 2:32:18 PM] Stan McStudz: RIVAL: "Gramps how the heck did you forget my name? I mean I don't--"
[2:31:36 PM] Stan McStudz: OAK: "Oh, right! His name is STINKHEAD!"
[2:31:44 PM] Stan McStudz: STINKHEAD: "..."
[2:31:57 PM | Edited 2:32:09 PM] Stan McStudz: RED: "XD"
[2:32:44 PM] Joe9412: it would be amazing if red changed between a girl and guy when he asked that like you do in the game
[2:33:02 PM] Cirevam: Or he's an amorphous blob until you pick
[2:33:11 PM] Cirevam: A Ditto with a hat
[2:33:22 PM] Stan McStudz: That would make sense.
And then I made a thing...
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[6:14:06 PM] McJobless: I remember getting the wrong Bacon & Egg McMuffin the first time because instead of the normal bread, they used those biscuits.
[6:14:08 PM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: I guess
[6:14:08 PM] McJobless: I was livid.
[6:14:09 PM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: Their
[6:14:12 PM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: Total Biscuits weren't enough



Meanwhile on the LEGO Universe Skype Chat:


[11:27:28 PM] jamesster: well at least LEGO doesn't occasionally get people running around claiming that they're a minifigure trapped in a human's body

[11:28:26 PM] MisterGryphon: Hey, I'm offended by that. I'm a minikin. Sometimes my skin seems to have a yellow hue to it that I connect with very deeply, sometimes it even gets hard and my joints get loose if I move too much. As a good Buddhist, what should I do? I'm so lost...

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[21:17:15] jamesster: oh wow I just realized that I'll be a legal adult this year this scares me
[21:17:25] McJobless: *clap*
[21:18:01] Ronald Thomas Mullins III (Tauka Usanake): I'm 21 and still don't feel like an adult
[21:18:27] * [sGT] Alcom Isst has changed the chat topic to "Rock Raiders United room. THE ITCH ON MY BACK"
[21:19:13] Stan McStudz: hoo boy.
[21:19:55] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Why do people talk about a back itch they can't reach?
[21:20:00] [sGT] Alcom Isst: What nonsense is that?
[21:20:36] jamesster: I can wrap my arms around my torso and touch my bellybutton
[21:20:41] jamesster: so I've never had that problem
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[11:50:25 PM] Joe: Now i have a better idea what to except when going to Australia
[11:50:47 PM] McJobless: It'll go like this when you get to Australia.
[11:51:05 PM] McJobless: Firstly, you'll walk off the plane and wonder if you somehow made it to Asia instead of Australia.
[11:53:02 PM] McJobless: You'll walk through security which are quite frisk-happy and love to ask your random, annoying and ridiculous questions, and if you so much as laugh at their accent, be prepared for a smack-down from the army-sized security force nearby.
[11:53:41 PM] McJobless: You'll then walk into the food court and wonder why you're back in America, before realising that the food portions are tiny and the prices are over-inflated.
[11:54:22 PM] McJobless: You'll then walk out to the Taxi bay and attempt to figure out why every single driver looks exactly the same, and why the prices for a short taxi trip are equal to launching a space shuttle to the moon.
[11:54:46 PM] McJobless: Once you get to the CBD, you'll be confused at why you've suddenly arrived in London.
[11:55:41 PM] McJobless: You'll walk around and notice that the hobos are calling you cunts, the teenagers are all cosplayers with nothing better to do than sit outside a church and scare the living ghosts out of the priests, and that Woolworthes sell a great chicken.
[11:55:56 PM] McJobless: So, you'll then probably want to know what to do for entertainment, right?
[11:55:59 PM] McJobless: Well, too bad.
[11:56:34 PM] McJobless: You'll go ask your way to IMAX, and find that every single person you talk to has no idea what an "IMAX" is and suggests that you should "f**** off, c***."
[11:56:57 PM] McJobless: You'll then figure out its in Darling Harbour, and make the spectacularly stupid desicion to get a bus there.
[11:57:17 PM] McJobless: You'll get on the bus and the bus driver will immediately kick you off for having money.
[11:57:48 PM] McJobless: So, you eventually somehow know to go to a newsagency and buy a prepaid ticket. But then you find out they've closed for the day because "Couldn't be arsed".
[11:57:55 PM] McJobless: So you suddenly realise 7/11 sells tickets.
[11:58:08 PM] McJobless: But then they tell you they only sell weekly tickets at extortionate amounts.
[11:59:04 PM] McJobless: So you buy the ticket, get on the bus, fumble with the ticket at the driver gets increasingly more annoyed, even though he's the one causing the problems, and then proceed to stand-up on the bus, because every other seat is taken by familys, druggos and morons.
[11:59:21 PM] McJobless: Then you get to Darling Harbour and you'll accidentally walk into the Chinese Gardens.
[12:00:08 AM] McJobless: You run around for 6 hours not knowing why you're stuck in France, before finally finding the exit and walking through a gaint fountain of birds that are practically painting the roads with bird-s***.
[12:00:49 AM] McJobless: Then you see the IMAX theatre near the ACTUAL harbour, because you find out that buses are afraid of water and they decided to put the bus-route 1KM away from the actual Harbour itself.
[12:01:14 AM] McJobless: So you walk under the Harbour Bridge, pissing your pants as you hear the creaks and groans of the Bridge which sounds like it's about to collapse at any minute.
[12:01:39 AM] McJobless: Once you've reached the Harbour, you're then trampled by the thousands of people flocking to laugh at the street performers.
[12:02:15 AM] McJobless: You'll see some aboriginals blowing their pipes, some guy riding a s***ty bike and some chick singing a song.
[12:02:58 AM] McJobless: Once you get up and carefully move past all the people telling you "Get out of my f****ing way or I'll deck ya", you'll then find out that the enterance to the IMAX theatre is next to this crappy cafe that sells nothing from this century.
[12:03:24 AM] McJobless: You're puzzled, so you walk up the 10 billion stairs it takes to get to the actual reception of the theatre, before making a shocking realisation.
[12:03:35 AM] McJobless: That the movies IMAX is presenting are also from a century ago.
[12:04:08 AM] McJobless: So, you're tired and you're bored, and you shell out your arm and leg to buy a ticket, and after about 5 hours of waiting by the frozen ice-cream stand, you finally get to go in.
[12:04:25 AM] McJobless: You find yourself crampped between a fat guy and 19 6-year olds.
[12:04:53 AM] McJobless: You then have a miserable experience because you realise that the 3D glasses they give you are extremely tiny and can't fit around your head.
[12:05:16 AM] McJobless: You eventually leave at about 10PM, staggering around, jet-lagged, hungry, thirst, tired and not in a good mood.
[12:05:29 AM] McJobless: You then realise you've no idea how to get to your accomidation.
[12:05:54 AM] McJobless: You ask around and they all tell you "Keep walking, drugged c***"
[12:06:01 AM] McJobless: So, you decide the train is a good idea.
[12:06:05 AM] McJobless: This is not a good idea.
[12:06:54 AM] McJobless: You get on the train at 11PM at night, which also happens to be the time when every single moron teenager with half-a-brain-cell who is doped to high-heaven is also taking the trains to Kings Cross, aka "The Murderbowl"
[12:07:43 AM] McJobless: So, you get beat up on the train for not lickiing the shoes of every single person in the carriage, but eventually you arrive at Central, and you walk out.
[12:08:02 AM] McJobless: Then you panic, because Central station is like Hedge Mazes on hardcore.
[12:08:22 AM] McJobless: Finally, at 2PM, you find out that if you keep going right, you eventually get to an exit.
[12:09:00 AM] McJobless: You walk out and promptly get punched in a gut by a hobo, before officers walk by, look at you and then continue onwards, because you're a tourist and nobody likes tourists.
[12:09:31 AM] McJobless: So, you crawl your way to some s***ty hotel in Central, which is filled with ganstas and prostitutes, and realise reception has chucked a sick day.
[12:09:44 AM] McJobless: So you then just crash in the lobby and hope that tomorrow will be a lot better.
[12:09:49 AM] McJobless: Spoiler Alert: It won't.
[12:09:51 AM] McJobless: The End.

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[removed a couple irrelevant messages, but still provides all the necessary context]

@ karsten : (13 January 2014 - 02:31 PM)mmm the forum is kind a dead :/

@ karsten : (13 January 2014 - 02:31 PM)did not expect that

@ Fushigisaur : (13 January 2014 - 02:40 PM)I wouldn't consider it dead when we are haiving a nice little discussion about the UFO theme over in the Time Cruisers topic

@ jamesster : (13 January 2014 - 02:52 PM)yep a forum is certainly dead when people talk on it and do things with it every day

@ jamesster : (13 January 2014 - 02:53 PM)activity most certainly means dead

@ jamesster : (13 January 2014 - 02:54 PM)wow that must mean I'm dead

@ jamesster : (13 January 2014 - 02:54 PM)we're all dead

@ jamesster : (13 January 2014 - 02:55 PM)the zombie apocalypse has always been here but we've been too alive to notice we're dead

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[12:16:47] Conference call, duration 00:00.
[12:17:02] Ciprian: I DIDN'T DO IT
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This is regarding jamesster unbanning me from LU Wiki.


5:35 PM - jamesster: try now
5:35 PM - jamesster: just don't blow up the place and things should be fine
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[1:34:22 PM] jamesster: 10/10 trolling attempt
[1:35:05 PM] jamesster: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf1F5cHzF2hpUSXNwFJeINA/discussion
[1:35:12 PM] jamesster: awwww crap guys he's pissed off larry boy :o
[1:35:39 PM] jamesster: better watch out dude or larry's gonna go all cucumber on ur butt
[1:36:36 PM] jamesster: ... ok maybe I should rephrase that
[1:36:42 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: No.
[1:36:43 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: No.
[1:36:47 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: No need to rephrase it.
[1:36:53 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: It's PERFECT as it is.


[11:05:40 PM] jamesster quoted:

  • [11:05 PM] MicleBrick: did u code that from scratch
  • [11:05 PM] jamesster: I certainly scratched something while coding it
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[12:13:03] Ramius Antillies: wait wait
[12:13:10] Ramius Antillies: My Star Destroyer turns. : )
[12:13:10] Stan McStudz: hopefully it undoes that
[12:14:15] McJobless: "My Star Destroyer turns. : )"
All the gay jokes to be made...
[12:15:19] Ramius Antillies: Would you want to risk it though with all that firepower trained on you?
[12:15:32] Stan McStudz: Prepare Uranus.
[12:16:32] Ramius Antillies: I will slap you, Studz.
[12:17:01] Stan McStudz: With your Star Destroyer?
[12:17:17] Ramius Antillies: No, with my black leather glove.
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[00:53:11] Will Kirkby: tbh Outside is really bad
[00:53:19] Will Kirkby: I mean a linear leveling system?
[00:53:23] Will Kirkby: who the f**** came up with that
[00:53:40] McJobless: Worst problem is the difficulty curve.
[00:53:57] McJobless: It's okay for like the first little while, but then it becomes a f****ing loop-de-loop.
[00:54:03] Will Kirkby: yeah
[00:54:13] Will Kirkby: and don't even get me started on the lack of character creator
[00:54:31] Will Kirkby: devs were like "nah who wants that" and decided "basically random" was the way to go
[00:54:39] Cirevam: Random character stats with no chance to re-roll
[00:54:42] Cirevam: And permadeath
[00:54:44] McJobless: Well, you change your apperance, but it's really costly.
[00:54:49] jamesster: the police chases are quite realistic
[00:54:57] Will Kirkby: [00:54] McJobless: 
<<< Well, you change your apperance, but it's really costly.and often doesn't work out as intended
[00:55:08] jamesster: the AI for the politicians is really dumb though
[00:55:23] Cirevam: The random status effects are annoying too. They're almost always debuffs and it's hard to pronounce them.
[00:55:27] McJobless: Also, that physics engine...dafaq is that about?
[00:55:32] Will Kirkby: [META] @jamesster all humans are players. No "AI"
[00:55:55] Cirevam: The physics are pretty consistent at least. I don't have to worry about my car flipping when I drive over a pebble.
[00:56:00] Will Kirkby: this is true
[00:56:03] jamesster: But they act like robots
[00:56:16] Will Kirkby: I've yet to see anyone flip and embed their plane in the ground upside down
[00:56:17] jamesster: They gotta be bots
[00:56:20] McJobless: But no double-jump? What if I have to go destroy a poster on top of a roof?
[00:56:57] Cirevam: Grappling hooks and ladders exist. Rope physics are top-notch, but there's the tangling bug.
[00:57:02] McJobless: And what's with gunplay? Recoil is way too unrealistic...
[00:57:29] Cirevam: In what way? Too low or too high?
[00:57:53] McJobless: Way too high. It's like you'd need to be a trained professional to use weapons...
[00:57:56] McJobless: That's ridiculous.
[00:58:11] McJobless: And what's with the player economy?
[00:58:43 | Edited 00:58:50] Will Kirkby: Be nice if we could get a standardized currency system across all regions
[00:59:15] McJobless: The very least would be access to all the deleted content.
[00:59:23] McJobless: I'd like to see what those Dodos were like.
[00:59:40] Cirevam: Maybe they were just alpha content
[01:00:02] McJobless: Earth Version 0.0.01: Now a ball of lava
[01:00:12] Will Kirkby: no that's like
[01:00:25] Will Kirkby: that was the patch after famed player "Jesus" was born
[01:00:39] Will Kirkby: currently we're on 20.1.4
[01:00:39] McJobless: Wasn't his K/D 10?
[01:00:49] Will Kirkby: No idea
[01:01:04] Will Kirkby: gotta commend him on that item duplication glitch
[01:01:14] McJobless: All I know is he used noclip and /quit.
[01:01:45] Will Kirkby: nah he didn't /quit
[01:01:52] Will Kirkby: a bunch of other players got rather annoyed at him
[01:01:57] Will Kirkby: something about claiming to know the developers
[01:02:00] McJobless: He just changed servers.
[01:02:20] Cirevam: I heard he was hacking
[01:02:20] McJobless: Went to a private dev server, of course...those sneaky devs.
[01:02:27] Cirevam: Some resurrection cheat after the roman team killed him
[01:02:35] Will Kirkby: yeah
[01:02:50] Will Kirkby: btw, anyone know any tricks for the girlfriend questline?
[01:02:52] McJobless: That guild disbanded a long time ago.
[01:03:03] McJobless: [01:02] Will Kirkby: 
<<< btw, anyone know any tricks for the girlfriend questline?Use +1 b**** Slap
[01:03:15] McJobless: Sometimes it helps if you /give chocolate
[01:03:25] Will Kirkby: noted, thanks!
[01:03:29] McJobless: Other times you might need a 10 minute timeout.
[01:03:41] jamesster: I just like the mini games and vehicles
[01:03:43] Cirevam: You have to be careful. Random character stats means they have random preferences.
[01:03:43] McJobless: I can't wait for the zombie mod addon.
[01:04:48] McJobless: You also have to watch out for their 12-day AoE attack that happens once a month.
[01:05:16] Will Kirkby: yeah I've heard about that one
[01:05:30] Cirevam: 12 days? Aussie women have really long attack periods...
[01:05:30] Will Kirkby: last time I tried the girlfriend questline it kinda seemed like she had it active all the time
[01:06:12] McJobless: As it turns out I activated the quest too late because the devs put a stupid time-limit in secret.
[01:06:40] McJobless: Too bad this game doesn't have a guidebook.
[01:06:53] McJobless: Well, it does, but they're pretty old.
[01:07:08] Will Kirkby: there's a player-made one called "Wikipedia" but it's a bit unwieldy
[01:07:39] McJobless: I heard "The Bible" works when you go to some of the less updated areas.
[01:07:48] Cirevam: I've heard of "life hacks" that are supposedly legal but they're really fishy.
[01:08:25] McJobless: Apparently you can obtain "The Anarchist Cookbook", but the police ban you for griefing.
[01:09:15] McJobless: I gotta go now, my Hyngine level is dipping into the red.
[01:09:26] McJobless: Need to play the "Shower" mini-game.
[01:09:33] Will Kirkby: okiedokie
[01:09:35] Cirevam: Good luck with that
[01:09:54] McJobless: Hopefully will make it to level 12 this time : D
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[7:56:32 PM] Will Kirkby: it's weird how people say "follow your dreams" instead of "follow your ambitions" because once i had a dream where i worked for a place that tried to genetically engineer ducks to speak english except the ducks only criticized people's fashion sense


"I was not high I was just mentally high" - Joe in a Skype call

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Maybe because it's late and I'm tired or something, but I found jamesster's comment funnier than I probably should have.


PeabodySam: But I've got a long day tomorrow, so it would probably wise to try to get some shut eye a little early tonight.
PeabodySam: As opposed to last night, where my finger started spontaneously bleeding at midnight.
jamesster: ok
jamesster: wat
PeabodySam: I honestly have no more of a clue than you do.
jamesster: the tooth fairy got drunk

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MisterGryphon sent us some more of jamesster's brilliant wisdom from the LUR.

On 1/23/14, at 11:39 PM, jamesster wrote:

> Fun Fact: The /alertsoff feature in Skype was created when the developers were given a look at their product's future and saw this group.

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[1/23/2014 7:58:34 PM] Brigs: The L.U.R. Department of Sanity has now officially labeled the LEGO Message Boards an Intellectual Disaster Area.

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[9:50:41 PM] jamesster: if I wore whatever I think looks cool you'd be able to identify me as a complete geek from two blocks away

[9:51:45 PM] Philip: if I wore whatever looks cool I'd be arrested for indecent exposure

[9:52:02 PM] jamesster: PFPOPHBFFFT

[9:52:09 PM] Philip: B)

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@  le717:(27 January 2014 - 03:37 PM) Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of LEGO In Vain. However, you can insult all LEGO brick knockoffs all you care to.

@  JimbobJeffers:(27 January 2014 - 03:22 PM) Megaputtaronnylon.

@  JimbobJeffers:(27 January 2014 - 03:21 PM) Piece-a-craggadoodeepantalope.

@  JimbobJeffers:(27 January 2014 - 03:21 PM) Aaah, fraggamuffindo.

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[19:09:15] jamesster: hold on to your buttocks I'm going in
[19:09:17] McJobless: What.
[19:10:16] Cirevam: Begin aerobraking maneuver!
[19:10:54] jamesster: bkdlgzg
[19:10:58] jamesster: i don't wanna go in
[19:11:04] jamesster: you may release your buttocks
[19:11:11] jamesster: ...
[19:11:45] McJobless: I'm going in.
[19:11:49] McJobless: Hard and fast.
[19:11:50] jamesster: WOW DELAYED REACTION MUCH
[19:12:19] Joe9412: Do you think I think about what I say?
[19:12:55] Stan McStudz: No, we don't Joe.
[22:14:04] Philip: it's 1 AM
[22:14:10] Philip: I've been up for nearly 20 hours
[22:14:58] Philip: the earth should be flat like a potato chip and the sun should be a light bulb so we can all have the same time zone
[22:15:03] Philip: real thing I just thought
[22:15:53] jamesster: what about potato chips with ridges all over
[22:16:01] Stan McStudz: EARTHQUAKE
[22:16:26] jamesster: what happens if somebody eats our planet
[22:16:33] Philip: On 1/29/14, at 1:15 AM, jamesster wrote:
> what about potato chips with ridges all over
hum, well, we could have oceans in the ridges and live on the other ridges
[22:16:35] jamesster: does our planet taste like sour cream and onion or dill pickle
[22:16:38] Stan McStudz: DEVOURER OF THE WORLDZ
[22:16:53] Philip: i think i will go with sour cream and onion, i like sour cream
[22:17:00] Stan McStudz: THE WORLD IS MY PRINGLE
[22:17:04] McJobless: But what about those air popped ones?
[22:17:15] McJobless: Where you barely touch them and they explode?
[22:17:24] McJobless: Do we jump and die?
[22:17:36] Stan McStudz: afghanistan
[22:17:53] Philip: we gently tunnel into the air popped ones and we go in there when it rains
[22:18:00] jamesster: our solar system is a tube of pringles
[22:18:15] jamesster: I really don't like pringles
[22:18:23] jamesster: are they even potato chips
[22:18:28] jamesster: what are they made out of
[22:18:29] McJobless: What if Earth was a plate of Natchos.
[22:18:37] jamesster: I WOULD EAT THE FREAKING WORLD
[22:18:42] McJobless: Is rain salsa sauce?
[22:19:00] jamesster: so the rain dance and the salsa dance would bE THE SAME
[22:19:02] jamesster: AHAHHAHAHAISHOUDSLEEP
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