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The Ace Railgun

My new favourite music ever.






I love this song, like a lot.

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Why "ouch"? Is it because it's some kind of commercial House music? Well, I believe this track is different. The melodies are cool, it's pretty particular in matter of instruments, it has a lot of variation. Anyway, this is the only Bounce music I like. The others are cheesy. But this one... I like. I dunno really why, but I like.

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Technically just listening to a Pandora shuffle but this is what's on right now.

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Fluffy Cupcake


(Put it on repeat if you can.... Somehow)

For the record that is my voice over the last hour. Mixing of me asking about Dino pronunciationPepper, Batman, and my own voice. Why aiden enjoys hearing a mix of my voice so much is beyond me.

Go back to an hour ago from this post in the shoutbox if you want to know the origins of how this all started.

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The Ace Railgun

Why "ouch"?


That grammar...sorry, i'm a grammar freak.



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Good ol' Ozzy.

EDIT: Now it's Brentalfloss


How I went from Ozzy to Brentalfloss... I have no idea.

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Thanks Will. Thanks a whole friggen lot, now I'm gonna have this song stuck in my head all month again.

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