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Another Hello from Germany


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Hello Rock Raiders (and Racers..and Agents and Island Survivors and...)


I found my way here today after digging up my really old copy from Lego Rock Raiders and installing it again.


I thought: Oh god, this game is so old, will it even install under Windows 7 64-Bit? To my surprise, it did.


I never imagined, that people tore LRR and other Lego Games apart and wrote tools to mod them. This is awesome!


Oh, where are my manners...


I'm Benjamin, usually go by the nickname "Maxunit".

I'm 25 years old.

I'm from Germany.


I started playing PC, Handheld and Console Games when I was around 5 - 6 years old. I still have a huge Collection of Lego and Rock Raiders is still my favourite set so far. I cannot imagine, why it was canceled a year after it was released. I think I need to dig up my Lego boxes and try to build all the Rock Raider sets again, including the huge base.


I played both the PC and PS1 Version from Rock Raiders. I loved 'em both. Sadly I do not have a PlayStation anymore, but the Game...*mumbles*Emulator*mumbles*


I bet, that I will stick around, lurk and post, request and maybe get into the Map Editor and try to work on one or another Rock Raiders Map :)





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