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multiple issues


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so i guess most or all of these problems have been solved already. but i'm going to list the troubles i'm having, whether they've been solved or not. and i hope y'all could take the time to help a friend out. pweasseeee? *puppy eyes*


so my first issue is that the cutscenes don't play. (yes, i see that there's a thread for that, i'll go look at that in a sec)


next is the music not playing. well actually, i got it to play ONCE. note: my laptop is win8. had to use some sort of weird hack program thing to even get RR to run. and when i got the sound to work, i was using a windows xp mode thing. but that's a whole other issue.


next is the window. i'm forced to use a tiny 640x480 window for some reason. and if i try to change the screen resolution while i'm in game to something lower like 800x600 to make the game window take up more of my screen it crashes. or if i try to make this setting before i start the game it crashes on startup.


next, my game.... does not like to be minimized by ANYTHING. if this happens, the entire thing goes black except for the menus and a few of the lights. and thus i have to restart.

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next is the music not playing.

The best way to get it working is to run Windows Media Player in the background. Most people, I'd say about 90% here (someone correct me), don't have the music playing.


next is the window. i'm forced to use a tiny 640x480 window for some reason. and if i try to change the screen resolution while i'm in game to something lower like 800x600 to make the game window take up more of my screen it crashes.

Yep. You can muck around with Cafeteria to get better results, but some things just won't move.


next, my game.... does not like to be minimized by ANYTHING. if this happens, the entire thing goes black except for the menus and a few of the lights. and thus i have to restart.

You actually can minimize it? :o:P Unless you use Win+D or Alt+Tab it usually stays where it is for me... [/my perspective]

There's not much you can do about that, really.

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The game isn't made for program switching. For me, alt-tabbing doesn't do anything at all. Nothing to do about that. I'm pretty sure most of the other stuff you mentioned you can find in another post, so please search for answers (especially if they aren't hard to find) before posting.

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"You actually can minimize it?  :o  :P Unless you use Win+D or Alt+Tab it usually stays where it is for me... [/my perspective]"


ok "Minimize" wasn't the right word. what i meant was, "if anything decides to steal the top spot on my screen from legorr it has a tantrum and turns black" is that better? :P

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if anything decides to steal the top spot on my screen from legorr it has a tantrum and turns black

Gee, that's funny. Not the 'haha' type funny, but the 'that's interesting' type of funny... :P :P :P :P

It doesn't do that for me - I just checked. In fullscreen, you can't switch to anything else. In windowed mode (tried that yet) it can be in the background fine.

And LegoRR has tantrums all the time on computers. :P


I'm afraid I can't really help you much, apart from offering the advice to use windowed mode. (Change your colour settings to 16-bit and then run the .exe directly)

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*sigh* i've tried that and it doesn't even start.... and xp mode is not workin either. so i guess i'll just settle for the half-***ed piece of crap system that i've got workin now. because.... AT LEAST IT WORKS!!! :) and dat's what matters. 


and it won't let me run it in anything BUT windowed mode. it hangs if i try fullscreen. " had to use some sort of weird hack program thing to even get RR to run" *sigh* stupid 64 bit operating system, why must you be a *****?

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You keep saying "weird hack program thing" but you're not telling us the name of it. Also, LRR runs fine on 64-bit systems, but Windows 8 specifically has trouble with it. Put Win7 on that laptop and I guarantee half of your problems will disappear.

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