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I'm Simplestbeats, but you can call me SB or Beats if you'd like! I'm a huge LEGO fan.

I've done a lot of forum hopping over a few months trying to find one that I can be an active and welcomed part of after having overcame my fear of forums.

So, how are you guys?

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lol username

'Ello! Welcome to the foru- oh goodness is that arcane kids's new bubsy game in your signature

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Wait, didn't Bubsy kill classic Sonic and replaced him with himself? Which is why Modern Sonic looks so different?




Ah, I must be going crazy. Anyway, Welcome To The Forums!

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Quisoves Potoo

Salutations, SimplestBeat!



This is not the Thunder.


Nor is this:



Report all FAKE Thunders to your local  Center for the Maintanance of Identities.

It is the duty of citizens of Rock Raiders United everywhere to combat this insidious threat.


Additionally, should you see encounter any sheep, they are to be reported to the Center for the Defense Against LWMs (Loud Wooly Mammals.)




He is watching. Always.

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