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LEGO Island 2 Character Ages

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IFCINFO:-1 Infomaniac

IFCINF01:-1 Age: 55

IFCINFO02:-1 Occupation: Creator of LEGO Island

I wonder if his parents were ever, like, c'mon and go get a real job.

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What's also interesting is that 12 was the estimated age of Pepper in LEGO Island 2 among fans, since it was generally assumed that he was about 7 or 8 in the first game and a teenager (in this case, 13) in Island Xtreme Stunts, and this outright confirms that theory.


Even disregarding the whole "zillions of years" thing as a made-up number (looks like Tacku was right about that), Infomaniac is surprisingly young.  Only 55?  Huh.  And I guess that makes him 20 years old when he built the Brickster... but did he build the Brickster as an adult?  Because then that would assume that the Brickster was either built far more recently in LEGO Island history than we've been led to believe, or else the Brickster doesn't age... bah, I'm confused by LEGO canon.  Again.


I'll have to check this out more later when I have time, TIME, TIME TIME![/doctorcyber]

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And apparently the whole "zillions of years" thing from LI1 was just ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Silly james... a zillion isn't even a real number!


All joking aside, LI2 was just a trainwreck of canon to begin with, what with the Island expanding and all. I'll take anything I see from LI2 being canon with a grain of salt.

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Man, Silicon Dreams really must have thrown any indications of how time passed in the original LEGO Island out the window. The LEGO Island manual says that the group photo was taken half a zillion years ago, and yet Pepper is the same age as he is in the game. It seemed like nobody ever really aged on LEGO Island - they lived the timeless existence that a fictional character in the hands of a child often does. The Brickster never even ate anything - the sign says no pizza, and there isn't any other food on the island. But then LEGO Island 2 suddenly makes references to the normal passage of time, including most notably Pepper's new appearance. And now we have this, a list of all of the character's specific ages.


It's not necessarily a worse way of doing things, but it is certainly different and not as suited to my preferences, so I can't help but be a little disappointed. Maybe the developers realized that these ages didn't make a ton of sense in light of everything said in the original LEGO Island, and that's why they omitted them?

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The Brickster never even ate anything - the sign says no pizza, and there isn't any other food on the island.


Quoth Papa Brickolini, "That's-a-right, we make-a-pizza, we make-a-pasta, we make-a-lots-a-money."  And do not forget the donuts!  Hah, hah... I'll grab my coat and leave now.


But before I go, I suppose that, while some prisons serve only stale bread, the Brickster gets the special treatment of pasta and donuts every day.  Jailbreak Joe must be jealous!

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Quisoves Potoo

The things one finds unused in game files. Interesting. I find it odd that the designers even considered giving all the characters concrete ages given that LEGO Island, though it does have back stories for the island and most of the main characters, has never had a terribly detailed history. Knowing that Technician Bob is 40 years old tells one very little about the character. Such information seems superfluous.

Now on to the pedantic subject of LEGO Island canon...

Since these ages were not in the final game, I see no reason in considering them part of the actual LEGO Island story. I consider them in the same area as Bilbo Baggins having an adopted nephew named Bingo Bulger Baggins. :P


Thanks for this interesting info, Jamesster. I look forward to your further findings and shenanigans in regards to this game.


EDIT: For some odd reason I wrote "names" instead of "ages." Corrected.

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The age-thing doesn't make an sense at all...

Another question that springs to mind is: For the minifigures, what is beyond the Island? And can they even exist beyond the island?

Trusting these ages would certainly mean that they could. Because given that the Infomaniac is the creator of the island and he is 55, having Papa and Mama aged 62 and 60 respectively, means that they would have been somewhere else before. But where?

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Of course Mama was somewhere else before. Why, she arrived on a boat, silly! She only had the clothes on her back... and her piano.


Except In the cutscene she has a suitcase as well as her piano and clothes...

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