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You know what this means right?

LEGO is gonna make BIONICLE their flagship theme.

Which means there will be a BIONICLE TV show.

Just like Chima.

I don't think there's anything to say it will be their flagship theme next year. The lineup for Ninjago, in fact, is looking to be at least as large and has more immediate relevance to people today.


That being said, I do think that we can expect at least a television special for BIONICLE. It might be handled by Advance, though, and not WilFilm, since they did the latest Hero Factory special. In fact, assuming WilFilm will still be handling the Chima and Ninjago shows next year, I imagine there is little chance they would take on a third show, unless they've grown enough to work at such a high capacity.


I'm not super impressed by either teams' ability as far as writing goes, but then again it's not like I should expect people making glorified toy commercials to put in that extra effort anyway. It is nice when that does happen, though (thanks, LEGO Movie!).


Double post because bonkleses 2.0 are going to be officially unveiled at New York Comic Con and you (yes, you!) can enter for a chance to be there if you are in the area. Thanks, BZP.


I'm kind of tempted to enter but it doesn't seem like a good idea to skip a college class for something that ultimately isn't too important, in the grand scheme of things.


EDIT: Whoa, automatic post merging. What will science come up with next?

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  • 2 weeks later...


My lord, what have they done to the mask of light.





That's... Not the Mask of Light. We honestly have NO idea what this mask and the mask on the early displays are. 


I said a couple things on /r/bioniclelego (Yes, I frequent Reddit. Deal with it) concerning this new mask. While everyone basically agrees that the display mask was/is the Mask of Creation, I'm more convinced that this one is the Mask. The mask we saw in the displays was either a prototype mask depicting an early Mask of Creation, a fake all along (which I highly doubt t this point), or something to do with the Lord of the Skull Spiders. The latter point is the one I'm most convinced of now.


...Or this could all be LEGO trolling us. That mask does look like Vultraz with a crown that looks like Kini Nui.

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My lord, what have they done to the mask of light.





That's... Not the Mask of Light. We honestly have NO idea what this mask and the mask on the early displays are. 


I said a couple things on /r/bioniclelego (Yes, I frequent Reddit. Deal with it) concerning this new mask. While everyone basically agrees that the display mask was/is the Mask of Creation, I'm more convinced that this one is the Mask. The mask we saw in the displays was either a prototype mask depicting an early Mask of Creation, a fake all along (which I highly doubt t this point), or something to do with the Lord of the Skull Spiders. The latter point is the one I'm most convinced of now.


...Or this could all be LEGO trolling us. That mask does look like Vultraz with a crown that looks like Kini Nui.



It could probably be the mask of creation, but i thought it was the mask of light because of the spikes on the helmet. But still you could be right.


Or, like you said, LEGO could be trolling us.

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The mouseover animation for King Vultraz the BIONICLE Product Icon.


I'm going to need a Kakama Nuva to catch up to the hype train.




EDIT: The corresponding TTV podcast for this bit of news. It's like a relevant XKCD but for BIONICLE 2015 news.

Edited by McStudz
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That mask looks like they ran out of ideas and ripped off Sauron. :P


I'm now interested, but I'm climbing aboard the 'meh' train. It's got pretty good lodgings, but you get your money back if the train doesn't reach its destination. Plus, if you're not happy with the destination, it'll take you to a new one. Plus it's really easy to get off, given the slow speed it goes.



But I am interested. Not so much in the plot, but more in the quality of the sets. Last time I checked, Pereki and I were sharing a cabin, so I'll talk to him about it. The first sets had more of an emphasis on Technic: they had TECHNIC on the instructions! But when was the last time you saw gears in a Bionicle set? The last ones were (in NZD) a dollar per piece!* And the Muaka is my favourite. I still don't understand how it works. And the Manas... despite one motor playing up with rechargeable batteries they were the pinnacle of Bionicle. Ok, that's an overestimate, but SOMETHING has to be the pinnacle, no matter how low it is :P . But they just went to ball joints and things went downhill from Mahri Nui.... (at least Voya Nui had Kardas... +5 SET DESIGN)


TL;DR Lego, please add more Technic stuff into it.


*Gresh = 21 parts = 20 dollars = ~0.952 $ / piece

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Last time I checked, Pereki and I were sharing a cabin, so I'll talk to him about it.

It took me much longer than it should have to figure out that this was an extension of the hype train metaphor.


I'm cool with BIONICLE doing new stuff and refreshing itself and evolving, but at the same time I like to hold on to my illusory predispositions and believe that old BIONICLE is objectively best BIONICLE. The congnitive dissonance leads to me attempting to ironically mock myself whenever I talk about my Bioniclepinions.


In short, my opinions are wierd and as a result nobody understands what the heck I'm trying to say when I post in this topic because I'm a crazy person.


ANYWAY, I'm digging the new mask design in the thumbnail image and hope that it is an indication that the gold mask on the display was a stand-in from before this new one was finalized. Either way, the mask looks to be the 2015 story's McGuffin, making for an interesting fusion of 2001 and 2006 story concepts.

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Seriously though, Bionicle goes in the top three of my favourite LEGO themes, or possibly even #1. At least, the original line did. This has probably been said already, but I sincerely hope that LEGO don't go wild with the story like they did ten years ago. And that we get an awesome non-TT game to go with it.


Personally, I'd like to see a goodbye to all previous fluff; not a complete rewrite of it but rather an acknowledgement of it and a new start from a later era. Cut all attachments with the old line (like how Metru Nui and Mata Nui were so intertwined with the elders/toa such as Nuju), but don't forget about it. And, of course, that it doesn't go all Hero Factory.


If they can do well with this, making it what the new Arctic theme was to the old and not another Power Miners, then by dang will I be getting some!

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If they can do well with this, making it what the new Arctic theme was to the old and not another Power Miners, then by dang will I be getting some!

Well Arctic doesn't have a story so that makes things easier. I liked Power Miners, but for those expecting Rock Raiders 2, then I can understand the disappointment.

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Copypasta'd from the Brickimedia Skype group - Bionicle and more:

[4:45:19 PM] The Phantom Terror (Chris): The Bionicle fandom is about to explode

[4:45:22 PM] The Phantom Terror (Chris): Brace yourselves

[4:45:23 PM] The Phantom Terror (Chris): http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=289265

[4:45:29 PM] The Phantom Terror (Chris): TTV's gonna cover this s*** soon

[4:45:37 PM] The Phantom Terror (Chris): And then the hype train will start again

[4:52:50 PM] CM4Sci: oh s*** every single prelim was found

[4:52:58 PM] CM4Sci: LEGO City got a new logo

[4:53:15 PM] CM4Sci: no

[4:53:19 PM] CM4Sci: http://www.familienshopping24.de/Lego_s3

[4:53:22 PM] CM4Sci: browse

[4:53:55 PM] CM4Sci: ninjago is going back to rd

[4:53:57 PM] CM4Sci: red

[4:54:58 PM] CM4Sci: PIRATES

[4:58:25 PM] CM4Sci: uh

[4:59:01 PM] CM4Sci: s***

[4:59:02 PM] CM4Sci: FOUND ELVES

[4:59:03 PM] CM4Sci: HOLY s***

[4:59:07 PM] CM4Sci: http://www.familienshopping24.de/navi.php?suchausdruck=Elves&JTLSHOP=e0j713p7dfe2bjb4q5bclle4t0

Also, guys, take a note from Eurobricks - don't embed leaked images here on RRU. Discussion and links should be fine, but don't embed them.

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Hero Factory just called. They want their s***ty building system back.


A big part of what made BIONICLE great was that the parts were useful for building actual stuff on their own, whereas these are junk if you don't have actual TECHNIC pieces.

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"Lord Of The Skull Spiders" has become "Skull Kraata".


Well crap. Looks like Teridax still has some influence as the main baddie. WAIT... Did Miserix go full-out evil then? I mean, Kraata come from Makuta, and the only surviving Makuta was Miserix at the end...

Implying that this won't be a straight-up reboot. Which I highly doubt because of the Ignika in the top right corner of the set packaging.




Plus a new gimmicky blaster (Hopefully it actually fires, unlike some of LEGO's experiments *COUGHSQUIDLAUNCHERSCOUGH*). And can I just say, Kopaka looks BADASS. Return of the Golden Kanohi...




I honestly can't complain about the new parts resembling Hero Factory. LEGO is doing so many other things right with bringing BIONICLE back. A little old, a little new, a little purple, a gimmicky launcher... It's BIONICLE from the beginning on, and with little Skull Spiders as the new throwaway baddies.


I am now 110% on the Hype Train, First Class.

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Kopaka looks BADASS

I have to reluctantly agree, even though I'm not too fond off the designs overall. Kopaka was always my favorite, I might actually buy that one... but only that one.

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The Ace Railgun

I like Tahu, Kopaka, and Pohatu's  designs so i'll probably be getting those, as for the Protectors, I'm not sure how I feel about their designs yet, though i'll probably get the one with the purple.

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Also, I wanna note Pohatu.


ARE THOSE BOOMERANGS??? The Toa Master of Stone is secretly an outback hunter. Seriously, that would be nice to see Pohatu as an Australian. It kinda makes sense in my head.

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"Lord Of The Skull Spiders" has become "Skull Kraata".

"Skull Krata" technically. Krata is spelled with only 2 A's now. Tough to say what that means or if it was only a typo.

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Well crap. Looks like Teridax still has some influence as the main baddie. WAIT... Did Miserix go full-out evil then? I mean, Kraata come from Makuta, and the only surviving Makuta was Miserix at the end...

Implying that this won't be a straight-up reboot. Which I highly doubt because of the Ignika in the top right corner of the set packaging.

The Ignika appears to be copied straight from a 2008 visual with some rainbow glowy effects added. That definitely screams "placeholder" to me, especially given that we've already got an image of a brand-new McGuffin mask from the LEGO site that would, if it's appearance on the products page is any indication, be a key visual for the 2015 line.


I like that they are (or at least considered) calling the spiders/their leader Skull Krata. It demonstrates verbally how the idea of mask-infecting, mind-controlling slugs has been reworked into mask-replacing, mind-controlling spiders. It's different from what we got originally, giving it a new, fresh feel, but still intrinsically tied to the old ideas. Just what you'd hope to get from a reboot.


In other news, LEGO's announcing on the social media circuit that they are counting down to a 'HUGE' reveal in four days. The countdown image is named 'Bionicle-4-new.jpg. I wonder what this could be about!

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I honestly can't complain about the new parts resembling Hero Factory. LEGO is doing so many other things right with bringing BIONICLE back. A little old, a little new, a little purple, a gimmicky launcher... It's BIONICLE from the beginning on, and with little Skull Spiders as the new throwaway baddies.

The parts don't just resemble Hero Factory - they ARE Hero Factory. I would have no problem if they used more real parts...and maybe I'm just not seeing it, but all that appears before me is a very simple build with some clicking armor for the little children. The fact that they include one or two token BIONICLE parts means little when the actual building experience is the same crap we've been getting for the past 5 years. Putting a nametag for a better line of sets on the stuff they're already doing doesn't make if better if they don't actually improve the sets.


Didn't they already do something with brain crabs in Hero Factory too?

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I'm going to say this:







But meh.

This just looks like Hero Factory parts + Bionicle plot.

I wanted Technic. I didn't want the rubbishy plain ball joints for everything. Yes, ball joints are good but you can't make anything big with them. For that you need Technic.

And you can't get good functions either. I'm going to take Keetongu, a nice set (in my regards). He uses three joints for each limb and one for his head. And that's all. What made him good was his spinning blades and his Rhotuka launcher that would pop out.

But frankly you can't get that with ball joints.

I liked Bionicle because of the sets. Stuff the plot: if it's weird you don't have to listen to it (Mixels anyone? Great sets, horrible plot: solution: don't listen to the plot :P). What made the sets good was their Technic style and the ability to be rebuilt.

There isn't much you can do with the Hero Factory sets other than swap arms and legs and weapons. What made Bionicle special was that, although the smallest sets were plain ball joints, the medium sets had a lot of function. I'll take the Toa Metru: gears? When was the last time you saw GEARS in a Hero Factory set? But these features were what made them nice.

Yes, you can have good features with one-purpose only: the Toa Inika launchers were superb and frankly the best, in my opinion. But there's not much you can do with them other than fire balls.

Whereas with gears you can take them apart and muck around with them and create a whole bunch of new stuff.


This has been your daily unformatted rant for the day... enjoy.


TL;DR I wanted more Technic :cry:

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Two days left. actually it's one now but hey they forgot to put up the three entirely so cut me some slack


But meh.

This just looks like Hero Factory parts + Bionicle plot.

I wanted Technic. I didn't want the rubbishy plain ball joints for everything. Yes, ball joints are good but you can't make anything big with them. For that you need Technic.

And you can't get good functions either. I'm going to take Keetongu, a nice set (in my regards). He uses three joints for each limb and one for his head. And that's all. What made him good was his spinning blades and his Rhotuka launcher that would pop out.

But frankly you can't get that with ball joints.

I liked Bionicle because of the sets. Stuff the plot: if it's weird you don't have to listen to it (Mixels anyone? Great sets, horrible plot: solution: don't listen to the plot :P). What made the sets good was their Technic style and the ability to be rebuilt.

There isn't much you can do with the Hero Factory sets other than swap arms and legs and weapons. What made Bionicle special was that, although the smallest sets were plain ball joints, the medium sets had a lot of function. I'll take the Toa Metru: gears? When was the last time you saw GEARS in a Hero Factory set? But these features were what made them nice.

Yes, you can have good features with one-purpose only: the Toa Inika launchers were superb and frankly the best, in my opinion. But there's not much you can do with them other than fire balls.

Whereas with gears you can take them apart and muck around with them and create a whole bunch of new stuff.


This has been your daily unformatted rant for the day... enjoy.


TL;DR I wanted more Technic :cry:

Of course there's no getting around the fact that the use of the CCBS (HF building system) is a disappointment to you, but from appearances the BIONICLE sets rely much more on a fusion of Technic and CCBS than Hero Factory did. In fact, all of the Masters appear to have gear functions built into them that would presumably allow their arms to swing, a function that a lot of folks were sad to see go back in 2006. I think you can see the gears most easily on Onua's back. They're the four-tooth kind that the Boxor used.

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The parts don't just resemble Hero Factory - they ARE Hero Factory. I would have no problem if they used more real parts...and maybe I'm just not seeing it, but all that appears before me is a very simple build with some clicking armor for the little children. The fact that they include one or two token BIONICLE parts means little when the actual building experience is the same crap we've been getting for the past 5 years. Putting a nametag for a better line of sets on the stuff they're already doing doesn't make if better if they don't actually improve the sets.


Boohoo it's not perfect, yeah get over it you pessimist/perfectionist, change happens. While i'm also not overjoyed with the new Toa sized set designs it could've been a lot worse, we could've not had a BIONICLE reboot at all and been stuck with CHIMA, and LEGO MINIFIGURES ONLINE. So stop griping over it and be happy that you got something.



Snarky responses that exaggerate the minutiae of other people's posts are always lovely. Why don't you try to read what other people are saying and not be a prick just because they don't totally agree with you. I'm entitled to my own opinion about this, and I said that this was merely what I was seeing. I'm willing to reconsider once I see the final sets and buy one.


First, a return/reboot isn't always a good thing. Just because they're bringing back the name does not mean that it will be remotely as good as the original. The Star Wars prequels are not considered nearly as good as the originals, even though they're set in the same universe, with the same name, some of the same characters, same style, and so on. That was an example of a story returning. However, recently, they retconned all the expanded universe stuff for Star Wars, at least that which happens after Return of the Jedi...and, honestly, that was some of the best stuff in the Star Wars Universe.


I wasn't asking for perfection. All I was asking for was decent parts for building. As much as I love the original line of BIONICLE sets, I'll be the first to admit that there were a lot of flaws which could have been improved (and have been by MOCers). I just want a theme that's actual building, not mix and match armor.

Only 2 days left until we reveal the BIG secret! Have you had a guess yet?

— LEGO (@LEGO_Group) September 17, 2014 ">Two days left. actually it's one now but hey they forgot to put up the three entirely so cut me some slack



TL;DR I wanted more Technic :cry:

Of course there's no getting around the fact that the use of the CCBS (HF building system) is a disappointment to you, but from appearances the BIONICLE sets rely much more on a fusion of Technic and CCBS than Hero Factory did. In fact, all of the Masters appear to have gear functions built into them that would presumably allow their arms to swing, a function that a lot of folks were sad to see go back in 2006. I think you can see the gears most easily on Onua's back. They're the four-tooth kind that the Boxor used.

The gears are the glimmer of hope in these sets for me - I'm hoping that we get interesting functions inside the shells of these sets.

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