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LEGO Quest and Collect: Mobile RPG Arriving Sometime (probably)


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I'll just quote the official statement:



Lego is among the most wildly successful and iconic brands of our time, and we are thrilled to be teaming up with TT Games to bring Lego-based online games to mobile gamers,†said Owen Mahoney, president and chief executive officer of Nexon, in a statement. “Players can look forward to the fun and unique game experiences that Nexon is known for, along with the Lego characters they have come to love. This agreement is the most recent example of Nexon's ongoing quest for creative, new ideas for great games, both through our own development and by partnering with other creators of world-class IP.


2016 is the projected release.





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TOKYO – January 16, 2015 – NEXON Co., Ltd. (“Nexonâ€) (3659.TO), a worldwide leader in free-to-play online games, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, NEXON Korea Corporation (“Nexon Koreaâ€), has entered into a licensing agreement with TT Games Ltd. (“TT Gamesâ€), an affiliate of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Inc, under which Nexon Korea will develop a role-playing game (RPG) for mobile devices based on several hit LEGO properties, including LEGO Ninjago and many others. This agreement was made with full involvement from The LEGO Group and is an extension of the licensing partnership between TT Games and The LEGO Group.

“LEGO is among the most wildly successful and iconic brands of our time, and we are thrilled to be teaming up with TT Games to bring LEGO-based online games to mobile gamers,†said Owen Mahoney, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nexon. “Players can look forward to the fun and unique game experiences that Nexon is known for, along with the LEGO characters they have come to love. This agreement is the most recent example of Nexon’s ongoing quest for creative, new ideas for great games, both through our own development and by partnering with other creators of world-class IP.â€

“Nexon’s relentless commitment to quality and fun, their expansive global footprint and their strong track record of developing and sustaining successful franchises around the world make them an ideal partner to expand LEGO into online free-to-play mobile games for the first time,†said Tom Stone, Managing Director, TT Games. “This agreement leverages Nexon’s unparalleled expertise in online and free-to-play games and the power of the LEGO brand to deliver unique, high-quality game experiences to players around the world.â€

The game is expected to be released in 2016 and will initially be available in Asia on both iOS and Android platforms.

I'm... curious? Â¯(°_o)/¯ "F2P" sends up red flags for me, but we'll have to wait and see.

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I'm... curious? Â¯(°_o)/¯ "F2P" sends up red flags for me, but we'll have to wait and see.

Nexon's historically had issues making F2P stuff that wasn't absurdly pay to win, or pure cash-in games.

That said, they may be cleaning up their act as they're currently publishing a game by Splash Damage of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and Enemy Territory Quake Wars fame.

Only time will tell, on both that game and this.

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  • 1 year later...

While there haven't been any news articles or press releases specifically about it, this thing has still been showing up in Nexon's investor presentations - the most recent which is from August 10, just a few months ago. So it's not dead - but given the release date was originally said to be this year, possibly delayed? Unless they're playing it really quiet up to a launch in the next few months or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




http://pdf.irpocket.com/C3659/xoy0/xcWx/pdho.pdf (Page 6, Pipeline, lists "LEGO mobile" as a project. The whole page is labeled "2016 and beyond" so who knows if it's still "2016" or "beyond".)

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Hey, I don't suppose this and the Lego Life App might be one and the same? I mean, it's got interaction with Lego characters and avatar creation, which are at least vaguely RPG-y. And if they've been delaying the game, it's possible that it shifted over from more RPG-type stuff to... whatever it is Lego Life is trying to be.

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  • 2 months later...
lol username







And the logo image directly ripped from the PDF... Good as we're gonna get for now:




... I think they may have set a new record for "most generic LEGO game name"...









The guy with the gold tooth/white skin/eye thing in the thumbnail is named Brickster




^ Also there's this guy and his design is just fantastic

Edited by Terrev
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Lind Whisperer

1:01 Scarlet: "A place where everyone is free to create and do whatever they please!"*

Oh, so you don't have any rules? Well...I mean, that seems like it could lead to griefing, but hey, if it works for you...




2:05 Mad Creator: "Brick World will be mine! Heh, heh, heh."

2:16 Scarlet: :o "What's the world coming to?"


So...you create a world where griefing is (arguably) allowed, and you're surprised that a Bad Guy chooses to grief?



Graphics-wise, though, this doesn't actually look that bad. (If this was intended for mobile, that draw distance at 6:45 is fairly impressive! :thumbsup:)


Game-play wise...not really my thing, but I'm sure there will be some people that enjoy it. :)




*I feel like I'm watching a parody skit from Community. Except...not a parody. :|


*Not exactly helped by the fact that Scarlet's voice actress sounds just like Alison Brie.

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lol username

8:44 PM - PeabodySam: Gilbert the Bad is in this.
8:45 PM - PeabodySam: Wha-?
8:45 PM - Terrev: what
8:45 PM - PeabodySam: ...
8:45 PM - Terrev: ?!
8:45 PM - Terrev: he is?!
8:45 PM - PeabodySam: I repeat my earlier statement.
8:45 PM - PeabodySam: This looks like (even if it doesn't play like) what Dimensions should have been.
8:45 PM - PeabodySam: 10:56 of that "Part 1" gameplay video.
8:45 PM - PeabodySam: Vladek at 10:59.
8:45 PM - Terrev: dang
8:46 PM - PeabodySam: Kahuka at 11:08.

8:46 PM - PeabodySam: That pirate in the thumnbail is "Nobeard".
8:46 PM - PeabodySam: Redbeard sports his 2016 look.
8:46 PM - PeabodySam: 2009 Broadside is just called "Royal Feather", meh.


9:05 PM - PeabodySam: Y'know, what I'm honestly surprised (and, admittedly, pleased) about is the apparent lack of Chima.


Some quick and dirty screencaps... I'm suddenly kinda interested in this...






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Lind Whisperer
3 minutes ago, Legorza said:

Notice mad creator has a red eye... Is anyone else getting a Ogel feeling?

Honestly, I feel like I've seen that face print before, but I'm having trouble placing it...


Closest match(Slime Face):



Near matches:


Doctor Inferno:








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lol username

Looks like an amalgamation of stuff, including bits from the collectible Vampire. The Brickster's face is also edited from a real face, they changed the skin color and gave him a different eye... thing:








9:18 PM - PeabodySam: So there's a weird desert world that's an amalgamation of Ninjago's snakes, wild west, Pharaoh's Quest, and a random dinosaur.


9:20 PM - PeabodySam: This is Unreal Engine.
9:20 PM - Terrev: wHAT



When I go to the Google Play entry, it just shows this...






... But, using Google's cache:


The images:










The description on the Google Play page says it was a beta test, also confirms there's gonna be PvP (though watching the videos I'm not sure if it's actual PvP or just you fighting against another player's team controlled by AI...). Try running this through Google Translate (also, it links to a website for the game):



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* 레고®를 만들면 전투가 한결 손쉬워 진다는 사실. 게임에서 확인해 보자.

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* 상대방의 조합을 분석하여, 승률을 높여랴! 3:3 PVP '닌자고™ 에어짓주 사원'
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(게임 정보 업데이트 예정)
※ 홈페이지 : https://questandcollect.nexon.com
※ 알려드립니다!
* 레고® 퀘스트앤콜렉트는 현재 개발중인 베타 버전으로서 출시 버전과 다를 수 있습니다. 내년에 더 좋은 모습으로 정식 출시 버전을 출시 할 수 있도록 최선을 다해 개발하겠습니다.
* 모든 데이터는 2016년 12월 5일에 초기화됩니다.
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최소 사양: Android / 겔럭시 S4 / OS 4.2 이상

네트워크 사용: 필수.
언어: 한국어, 영어

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개발자 연락처 :

경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 256번길 7

전화: 1588-7701

사업자등록번호: 220-87-17483

통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2013-경기성남-1659 호
통신판매업 신고기관: 성남시
개발자 연락처 :

경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 256번길 7

전화: 1588-7701

사업자등록번호: 220-87-17483

통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2013-경기성남-1659 호
통신판매업 신고기관: 성남시


AAAALSO... From the official website:




Heh. The terrain looks like the old raised baseplates.


The website's image file names call Scarlet (who seems to be the main character) an "angel". She, a police officer named Ms. Cuffs, and Kai are your starting team - 2/3rds female. (Upon watching more videos, it seems they remain the main characters of the story even when you play as other characters.) The opening cutscene also starts with a lego bird majestically flying over a forest while a lady sings beautifully. The villain character designs feel like they're straight out of a JRPG or something (hell, compare the Brickster to Flotsam, a villain from Dark Cloud 2). The facial animation in the pre-rendered clips throughout the first level could be better, but otherwise those clips look really neat.


Overall there's a lot of stuff in this that feels really unusual and fresh for a LEGO game and I kind of love that. Makes me wish LEGO worked with more varied developers around the world more often. I'm hoping the gameplay is more on point than LMO - I haven't watched all the footage yet but there seems to be a time limit for completing levels, which seems like it'd make it more interesting. There's the looming microtransactions but... I'm still kinda interested in this?


I do wonder if this will make its way to the US or other regions - I could easily see LEGO deeming it as something the US market/other markets wouldn't find appealing... Or maybe they'd "localize" it? Time will tell I guess.


MOAR EDITS: Watching the footage a bit more and WOW the LMO vibes are strong with this. Basic gameplay and focus on character selection aside, it even has the power bricks system, almost completely identical to how it was in LMO (before it got cut from that game) - and much of the UI is very similar to the counterparts in LMO too. Prof mentioned some of the UI elements were lifted from Chima Online, as well... Though with TT being involved in both I guess that's less surprising. There are some things it looks like it does better than LMO though - the selection of characters is more interesting to me as it's not just collectible minifigs, and while the game does have a hint of generic-ness to it it still feels like it has more personality than LMO (the major boss battles especially, though I'm concerned with how quickly the player defeated them). The main story is also broken up into smaller levels you're ranked and timed on, which I like. Looks above average for a LEGO mobile game.


King Kahuka is corrupted by the Mad Creator but is promptly defeated when he's crushed by a rock and a pizza simultaneously. The next level is a boss fight with a "Stone Golem" that's like a beefed up version of the Crystal King from Power Miners.


Also at one point a quickbuild appeared for an "Unsightly Ice Fairy". I dunno what it would have done if built but it made me laugh.

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  • lol username featured this topic

My feelings on this are pretty mixed. It's cool to see Kahuka and Vladek and f****ing Gilbert the Bad, and I'm really happy they were able to go with a woman as the protagonist - for like the first time in a lego game not aimed specifically at girls. That's a pretty big deal. The unique characters/worlds are also pretty cool, and I like how they take a lot of queues from the source material to maintain a sense of consistency with other branches of Lego (the city you start out in looks a lot like the Lego City from the commercials, the hills in Pirate world textured like the raised plate in Rock Island Refuge, etc.). 


What puts me off is how the game is set up for microtransactions, and the really strong parallels to Minifigures Online. I thought playing Minifigures was super boring, so from an actual gameplay standpoint, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get a lot of mileage out of this game. I'll probably play it when/if it launches in the US, but when it comes down to it what is really going to be interesting to me is how they treat the world and specifically what they do with classic themes. 

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So, this is just a simplified mobile version of Dota 2 based on specific LEGO themes/sub-themes (and minus the competitive gameplay)?


Awesome, but what a shame its not available for all countries to enjoy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This game has everything that LMO had. Nice environments, repeating gameplay, power plates, leveling up, ... 


I've had a look around and tried for a few hours to get below APK running, but I didn't got further than the splash screen of the game. 

Whoever wants: *snip*

But I must mention that downloading APK's from anywhere else than the play store is quite dangerous. Use it at own risk. 

(oh yeah, I can confirm it is running on unreal engine. ;) )



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Edited the link out of your post as that's dancing around the line of our no piracy rule - it's a free game but I'm not sure linking to those sites is allowed. A bit of an unusual case.


Anyway, I also found an upload of the game's cache somewhere (though the link on the page curiously vanished a little while after I downloaded it). It seems the apk downloads the bulk of the game data to there. It was all Unreal 4 formats I wasn't sure what to do with though - except the prerendered cutscenes from the first level, which were just MP4 videos without extensions.

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  • 1 month later...

I just found out this game in yesterday tomorrow.  I downloaded the apk file of the game and  decided to do some research:


As mentioned above, version 0.50 of the game is using the Unreal Engine 4.12, when the game launched, it downloads the remaining game files from the patch server. Interesting, patching files of Version 0.20 are still stored in the patch server, build date was 2016-06-13, complied with Unreal Engine 4.11, this is a welcome screen of the 0.20 Version:




As you can see, this is not the logo of the current version (0.50). I also extracted the game files of Version 0.20, but didn't check those files yet.


Meanwhile, I did some reverse engineering today and successfully got into the game. Here are some screenshots captured (Version 0.50):









For my opinion, based on the information I received, this game looks fine, not too bad.

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Ah man, it's always a treat when you poke at patching servers, hehehe. Very curious to see what else you might find, especially in the Version 0.20 files.

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  • 1 month later...

In case someone want to know, Lego Quest and Collect just updated to Version 0.66, build date is  2017-04-11 (2 Days ago) The last public update was on  2016-11-30 (Version 0.50). This update is not compatibility with the Version 0.5 executable, I tried to modify something and bypassed the pathching server version checking, but the version 0.6 game data is not working at all in the version 0.5 executable. Meanwhile, I am still trying to extract the original game files in Version 0.2 and this newest version.   


And at least we all know that this game is currently still getting developed and not dead yet. 



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  • emily changed the title to LEGO Quest and Collect: Mobile RPG Arriving Sometime (probably)
  • 4 weeks later...

A little update, game is now updated to "version:0.70.55221" , built date is 2017-05-08 (2 days ago).  It looks like the game will release in Summer 2017. 

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  • 6 months later...

Things that happened since the last post in this thread:

- The game launched in parts of Asia

- It's closing on February 18, 2018



Hello, Heroes.

This is the LEGO® Quest & Collect Team.

With heavy hearts, we regret to inform you that LEGO® Quest & Collect will be closing down the service.

From the first day of the service, many Heroes showed us great interest and enthusiasm for the game.

Though we have searched for ways to provide more contents and enjoyment, we have concluded after a long deliberation to close the service.

There will not be any content updates in the future, but we will make sure to assist you until the end of the service.

Please see below for the exact schedule of the closure.


If you have any question about the closure, please do not hesitate to reach us at the customer center.

help_Quest&Collect @ nexon.com
[In-Game Customer Center]
[Yellow box at the top right of the game screen - Option – Support – Customer Center]


We sincerely thank all Heroes around the globe for their support towards LEGO® Quest & Collect.
Thank you.


Whew, that one went fast


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