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The RRU Cards Against Humanity Deck! (Check OP)


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From today's session:


Stop making McJobless angry.... -> get rid of it.
Get rid of the Sam Sinister username card. It's a pain in the butt.
Just don't ___ and things should be ___. -> get rid of it.

White Cards:
Four Underscores.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Arthur Parsons
Vinny's Corruptions

Brian Bleach. (spelling is intended on this)

Edited by WillKirkby
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I Am Not Here
Alpha Team erotic fanart



*Stares at you*


Black Cards:

Eva's sketchbook contains drawings of ___  

Meanwhile on LEGOverse, __


White Cards:


Rocket Racer



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Black Cards:


Papa Brickolini's darkest secret is that he is actually ___.


Watch out for the ___ster!


And, you can change ___!




Its the ___maniac!


And, you can change ___ to ___!


If you select the ___ brick, you go!





White Cards:


The Brickstermaniac








Papa Brickolini






Captain Click's Cave






Atack of the Flours


Fat LEGO Island Character Fan Art

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White Cards:

A Big Blocky d***

A Bigger Blockier d***

The Biggest Blockiest d***


That reminds me, i had one last white card:


Nick D***

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

A ___ is attacking your base  -->  drop the "A"
"Stop making mcjobless angry"  --> get rid of it.

The three virtues of Bionicle are ___, ___, and ___


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  • 1 year later...

I have made the above changes, except for the card additions (the white already existed in some form, and the black is part of your alternate deck).


Furthermore, I have removed the following cards:



  • RRU Radio, hosted by Cyrem. Currently Playing: "_" by _.
  • _ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • LEGO Universe 2 will be released when _ stops _.
  • The Bad Translator managed to translate _ into _.
  • Drill Master's newest music track is called "_".
  • Why is it always Jamesster with _?
  • Don't feed _!
  • Ogel's latest plan is to take control of _ , and thereby become world ruler.
  • _ was an early predecessor to Ninjago. The biggest common feature between them was _.
  • How do I run _ on Windows 7?
  • Member profile report: Contains multiple instances of _ without owner's permission.
  • _ , proud home of _.
  • Apparently in LEGOLAND, Inspector Hitler won't pass the final park unless you have a literal forest of _.
  • Small Digger, Granite Grinder, Chrome Crusher, _.
  • I'd rather be _ than play the PS1 version of Rock Raiders.
  • Johnny Thunder's latest picture is set to feature _ as he embarks on an epic journey to the land of _.
  • Rocket Racer really fell out of the game after losing the galactic racing championship. Last I heard, he went into the _ business.
  • _ ain't like _.
  • RRU's newest member is _ with the username _.
  • The denizens of _ are losing a deadly war against _. That's karma for ya.
  • Vinesauce's stream is just Vinny investigating the logistics of _. Somebody should probably stop him.
  • The protagonist of The LEGO Movie 2 will be _. The antagonist will be _.
  • Luigi, you've got _. I don't even know what that means.
  • Stop making McJobless angry; we need to keep _ charged in case somebody bumps another 15 topics.
  • Who is getting banned today? _.



  • four underscores
  • the post-a-thon award
  • Freedom Planet
  • hyperkinetic rabbity thing
  • the story of Angel and Tony
  • raiderball
  • Halo Raiders
  • flying trains
  • Le Vee
  • Mr. Spambot
  • Rock Raiders United Incorporated Tower
  • that time when google removed common words
  • the circle of stupidity
  • Dank Bowls


This leaves roughly 72 Calls/Blacks and 246 Responses/Whites.


The reasons for the amount of removed cards are along the lines of; I absolutely hate multi-card rounds, but I have left in the ones that actually work. I also got rid of some cards that just weren't as funny as they originally sounded, had grammatical issues with the majority of the deck or reference really obscure jokes that nobody knew. If you believe you can fix these cards to be better, let me know and I'll re-add the updated versions.


I have also made a s***load of card edits; I fixed a lot of grammar issues, converted some of the better multi-card blacks into single-cards, changed usernames to more relevant ones and hopefully made some of the cards a bit funnier.


I will be adding Kirk?by's Alternate RRU Deck to the OP so people know to add that one as well. I'd also like to modernise and update the original RRU deck with even more cards, particularly with quotes from the Discord and our movie nights (especially the hilariously awful showings of Galidor). Please keep suggesting new cards for the deck, and I'll try to add some of my own ideas as well.

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2 hours ago, WillKirkby said:

13 month necropost. Nice.

It'd be even more impressive if we didn't just have a 4 1/2 year necropost. Can't beat this on quality though.

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Fluffy Cupcake

I think it's a decent sign the people of RRU are to a certain extent bored and perhaps restless when they have nothing better to do then to make comments on necros instead of making better, more constructive posts. Perhaps it's that I'm just losing satisfaction in certain things around here, but I'm also noticing some secondary topics to be quite popular, and on some days domineering. I'm not telling people to stop or change their activities, rather this is just my observational spur of the moment thought on some of the activities going on around here that I thought I'd throw out there. Perhaps it's the break from my computer and regular RRU life finally getting to me, who knows, but this kind of behavior isn't new for sure, I'm just noticing it more.

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