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Adjusting firepower


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For the purpose of this, I'll be demonstrating with the bazooka's bolt.

Look for where it says the following:

	name "BazookaBolt"

In this area, you can change the size of the bullet, the blast radius, and how much damage it inflicts.

It should look like this when you first see it:

	name "BazookaBolt"
	VFX_muzzle "Baz_BoltMuz1"
	VFX_bolt ""
	VFX_hit "Dynamite_Explo1"
	debris_moving "STEP_Dust1_MINI2" 100
	scene gsc "Chars\Misc\Items\BAZOOKA_MISSILE.Gsc"
	speed 5.0
    duration 6.0
	gravity 0.0
	radius 0.1
	scale 1.2
	scaletime 0.1
	DetonateRadius 0.75 //0.5
	scene builder
	glow_obj "none"
	shadow_obj "none"
	part_hit "none"
	damage 1
	deflected_bolttype "none"
	rand_angle 0
	sfx_shoot "Wpn_BazookaFire"
	sfx_hit "Wpn_BazookaExplode"
	sfx_hit_gameobject "wpn_BazookaExplode"
	seek_delay 0.01
	seek_factor 0.05
	flags "impact_detonate" "shoot_flash" "orientate_muzzle_vfx" "no_shadow_cast" "no_deflect" "no_deflected_bolt" "can_destroy_shiny" "seek_target" //"shoot_along_barrel" 
	BoltAbility "BazookaProjectileLoopSound"
	CanInteractWith "RangedSmashable"
	CanInteractWith "LEGOsilver"

For demonstration purposes, let's change the scale, damage, and DetonateRadius to the following:

    scale 5.2
	DetonateRadius 8.5 //0.5
	damage 4

This is what a couple of rounds fired can do in-game using these settings:


EDIT: Not shown: the size of the projectile. I wasn't quick enough to take a screenshot of that.

Edited by Wognif
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=D I saw this coming sooner or later! Is changing damage necessary to amplify the blast? =O

​It isn't, but if you wanted to insta-kill mobs, its necessary.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, the size of the bullet has no effect on the devastation either.
So you could literally fire a round the size of a dragon that does no damage to the landscape, or (not recommended!) a continent destroying bullet half the default size.

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