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LEGO Nexo Knights


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The Ace Railgun

I'm honestly not sure what to think of Nexo Knights yet as I don't yet own one and haven't built one of the sets. Also I agree with JJ about the stereotypes.

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  • 1 month later...

Final set images leaked!

(shoved in spoilers 'cos there's a ton of them)

Hidden Content

(okay, this one deserves to be out of spoilers)



EDIT: Polybags too!




You get the idea l405G.jpg


While I agree with the rants on the first page, Pereki's in particular... we're basing so much off a couple of seconds' worth. We'll just have to see. In any case, I've never been bothered by a bad story. Just get the sets. l405G.jpg

Also, from stealing something in the Leaks topic a while back: "We are launching a new home grown line of toys aimed at boys." (Second post down from Ayliffe). So I don't think they paid much attention to what the girls thought of it...

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Opportune timing for this topic to pop back up, because: Knight is Coming

8 'short films' are going to be going up on the site in addition to the 20 episode TV series.

Series has not yet premiered and Jestro had already said "IM SO GOOD AT BEING BAD" twice. I spy a drinking game for all you 21+ year-old jaded and cynical lego fans out there

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8 'short films' are going to be going up on the site in addition to the 20 episode TV series.

Series has not yet premiered and Jestro had already said "IM SO GOOD AT BEING BAD" twice. I spy a drinking game for all you 21+ year-old jaded and cynical lego fans out there

I think I know what RRU's (terrible) movie k/night will have a lot of next year.

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I can't even really bring myself to feel anything about it. It's literally what it says on the tin: every scene we've been seeing in the previews, extended to 5 minutes. No backstory, no context for  why the heck this is happening, as much an ad for a story as the actual ads are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having seen some of the new sets at BRICK 2015 last weekend I have to say that they look a bit nicer "in the plastic" then they do in some of the renders online. Clay's Rumble Blade is especially neat-o, and whilst I was there Mark Stafford was on hand to chat about the model itself (Brickset has some images of the prototype builds here: http://brickset.com/article/18161/70315-clay-s-rumble-blade-prototypes ). Oh yeah, and it turns out Axl's upper body is all a singular new piece that includes a faux-half-torso, and the arms connect in via hole which you may be able to shove technic pins in? Not sure if it'll actually fit technic pins, but it's  hell of a lot better than it being an armour piece that covered a torso with smaller arms.

As for the TVs series... eeeeeeeeeh. It's a tad better than Chima, but it still lacks the quality of Ninjago, both plot-wise and animation-wise. There were a couple of nice moments, but everything else felt a bit padded and... bland. Also the Nexo powers felt incredibly shoehorned in, and deus ex machina'd the ending completely. It has a smidge of potential, but at this rate I can't really see the show taking off as much as Ninjago did.

In other news, the Merlock 2.0 app/game thingy is apparently coming out tomorrow. Whether this theme sinks or swims is dependent on the game, so if this doesn't turn out to be a decent app then we'll probably have another Chima on our hands.

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I think this must be a record for me. I found some of next year's LEGO sets two weeks before the street date. I remember it was almost New Year's before I saw new sets last year (BIONICLE in particular).

They also had a couple other Nexo Knights sets, and a bit of Batman Vs. Superman.


What's good, kids?

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I think this must be a record for me. I found some of next year's LEGO sets two weeks before the street date. I remember it was almost New Year's before I saw new sets

-snip snip snip-

Interesting windshield piece. Also interesting wheels. Overall... Interesting.

Edited by Yajmo
did some snipping
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Just had a go at the new app game thingy wot came out recently. It's... actually not that bad, to be honest. Well, it's not too bad in contrast with the rest of lego's apps anyway. The voice actors from the show are all present, the Nexo powerups scan and work well (the shield in the logo is a Nexo power too, which is kinda neat), and altogether it feels like they put some actual proper effort into it. So yeah, may be worth a download if you like this kinda thing.

Oh, and all the Nexo powers in TLG's official set images are specially designed to not scan in the game. Clever move lads, clever move.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Credit where credit is due, episode 3 just came out and it says a lot more good about the show's future than the shorts have indicated. Jestro and the Book of Monsters are pretty good together, even though Jestro's corruption in the first episode is still really awkward and nonsensical. Ava and Merlock are fun too. But the main knight characters are still really boring, especially Clay who is one of those characters where its all "his problem is that he is too perfect." He even has a tragic but thus far practically unmentioned backstory as an orphan to add faux emotional weight to his character.


I don't really see where the story could go at this point and its already begun to feel repetitive with the same thing going on over and over in the shorts. But we'll see!

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After also watching episode 3, I'm kinda in agreement with what Pereki said. Although most of the characters are slowly developing personalities, the knights themselves still seem like pretty bland characters that could be summed up with a couple of words each. Heck, I feel like doing that now so here we go:


Clay: The "oh I'm literally perfect at everything gee I'm so great" one, winner of most boring character 2016.

Macy: Literally Nya's character copy+pasted over to here, but with the sister thing replaced with royalty stuff. Probably explains why she's the 2nd most decent knight character-wise.

Axl: Food jokes, food jokes everywhere. Literally has no character otherwise. Next!

Aaron: The worst of Sonic's "too kool for skool" attitude combined with a hippie. Probably my least favourite due to the former. 

Lance: They tried to give him the most unlikeable personality by making him rich and such, but in turn they accidentally gave him more personality in general, somehow making him a bit of a better character in general and my favourite knight.


Other than that, the other characters are slowly getting there character-wise. Jestro and the Book's dialogue is still the highlight of the show writing-wise, and I can see the show leaning towards a self-contained plot per episode outline instead of Ninjago's current story-heavy format. Either way, I'll keep watching it for the moment to see if there's any improvement.


Oh yeah, and the minifigures themselves are actually surprisingly nice to photograph, so I did this


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The Macy short has her (predictably) talking about how she's NOT JUST A PRINCESS and she says, in words, "#notalltiaras"


do... do the writers even understand what they are referencing???

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I honestly didn't know that Lego was capable of releasing good games after 2007 (CrystAlien Conflict and Treasure Trench). That things is actually enjoyable. And - get this - difficult! I haven't had that feeling since LSW1's podrace!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is time for memes!


I decided to write a bingo board for Nexo Knights, seeing how chock full of tropes it is. However, Jestro is attacking a village I have not yet finished it because I need your nexo power help!


My problem is I do not know what all to put on the tiles. I would like to get as many non-duplicated tiles as possible from ep. 1-5 as well as update it with new tiles after every episode. That way, the bingo board will always be available to use when the next episode plays. Here is the current list of tiles. I need your help writing new ones as well as rewording the existing ones. The tiles should be as short and specific as possible (if you need a good reference, see the CSI: Cyber Bingo board). Just post your entries here and I'll go through and add them. :)


If you would like to play the game in it's current state, it is available here. Do note that I have used some modern JS features so you'll need a real web browser to play (the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox will work). Styling is also WIP. I do want to make the board smaller, hence why tiles need to be as short as possible. I also welcome styling suggestions. :)

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On 1/21/2016 at 7:02 PM, aidenpons said:

I honestly didn't know that Lego was capable of releasing good games after 2007 (CrystAlien Conflict and Treasure Trench). That things is actually enjoyable. And - get this - difficult! I haven't had that feeling since LSW1's podrace!

Wow, just played it and fully agree. For the record, I never thought the LSW1 Podrace was too hard on my PC, but...


I'm very surprised. This is the first LEGO.com game I've fully enjoyed in years.

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  • 2 months later...

.... I'm still confused as to what Lego was thinking when they thought up this theme. Evidently they must have been thinking:


What do kids like?

  • lasers
  • flying things
  • dragons
  • wizards/spells/sorcery/mysterious relics
  • giant big tank thingies
  • gatling guns
  • swords

and then some wisecrack must have said "Why not all of them at once!"


.... and Nexo Knights came out of that

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7 hours ago, aidenpons said:

.... I'm still confused as to what Lego was thinking when they thought up this theme. Evidently they must have been thinking:


What do kids like?

  • lasers
  • flying things
  • dragons
  • wizards/spells/sorcery/mysterious relics
  • giant big tank thingies
  • gatling guns
  • swords

and then some wisecrack must have said "Why not all of them at once!"


.... and Nexo Knights came out of that

Space Knights isn't exactly an all-new concept. I don't see why everyone's so shocked about Nexo Knights. The "Why not all of them at once!" approach kind of feels like what was done for Ninjago, actually. :P

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