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Lego Noticed Funko Pop


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Welcome back Rock Raider! Collect five Brickheadz in this mission!



P.S.: Wow, three pages already. I guess, that we will need a new subforum by next week ;).


P.P.S.: Depending on the popularity* of this theme a new section in the Uploader might be helpful one day (to share the files).


*the range goes from "it's just a phase" to "it will stick around forever, forever, forever, forever..."

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It's amazing how quickly we went from "this is dumb and I'll never touch it" to "I CAN'T STOP MAKING THESE HELP"

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Fluffy Cupcake

It's amazing how I totally missed the boat and have been completely ignorant to this topic the whole time.


...but now that I'm here, that's some amazing stuff RRU! :af:

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@Pranciblad: I had similar thoughts yesterday. Maybe we will need "Brickheadz Anonymous" one day XD.


Can you imagine the possible impact, this will have on LEGO Ideas?:


Employee A (sunk into thoughts and analysing reports and realizing something horrible): "Oh no... ...Oh no!"

Employee B: "What's the matter?"

A: "Look at these reports!"

B (gasps): "This... ...is... ...insane!"

A: "At the moment Brickheadz have only overtaken LEGO Ideas, but soon they will control everything... ...EVERYTHING!"

B: (falls onto the own knees and rises a fist to the ceiling): "Damn you, LEGO! What have you/we done?!?"


P.S.: Do'h!




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I think it's safe to say I know what my friends are gonna be getting for christmas. Plenty of bricklink orders ahead...

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Having a go at recreating Tracer. Turns out her hair is tricky. Here's where I'm up to so far:


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Fluffy Cupcake
5 hours ago, AaronBurner05 said:

I'll be happy if anyone not named "Red60" already knows what this is xD

I've played Blockland, but not enough for it to cross my mind had I not seen it talked about in chat. ;P

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Instead of cheesy superhero merchandise, LEGO should have a "build your own brickhead and buy it" thing on their site. I bet they would sell much better. Heck, I'd make a few and buy them! :money:

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Fluffy Cupcake

I know barely anything about Overwatch other than Tracer seeming to be the most popular character.

Whenever I see something OW, behold, Tracer! :P


Anyhow, nice job!

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I realize the H is supposed to be the body but I can't stop seeing it as Brick 'H'eads and it makes me very suspicious of the H

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The Ace Railgun

Figured I'd make a few because why not. I'm getting better at hair.






Misaka Mikoto


(We need a better skirt piece)




And Almight



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wow, the Dr. Strange brickhead (didn't know that was him) has its facial hair print right-side up now. I'm not confused anymore.

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The Ace Railgun
8 minutes ago, aidenpons said:

what is going on in this topic

We noticed Funko, and are giving LEGO ideas.

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