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Data File Changes while Running Game


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This afternoon I decided to see how Rock Raiders would react to file changes while the game was running. The game do not lock the files while the game is running so the are free to be edited. What I found was the I can make changed to the data files that are loaded when going into a level. This mean I can change textures between levels and when you restart the level you will see the texture change. I have only tested this on the level textures, model edits and Lego.cfg. However it will not reload changes to Lego.cfg so that is pointless and I didn't notice my changes to the models after a restart.

The only real use for this would be for changing things like the water/lava textures between levels so you could for example have water on one level and mud on the next. But there is one problem, that is, a lack of a trigger to an external program to say 'change this texture now'.

Even though this is rather pointless, it is still something worth mentioning,

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Yes, I had this idea before, but I never tried it. But only water and mud? How about testing a different texture against another? There are possibilities for this though...

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Well I could give it a try, but I didn´t yet had any time to look into this so here are my questions:

You said you can edit the files on runtime by adding them to the WAD Archive or to the memory?

Or just by copy and pasting them into a Folder called LegoRR0.WAD?

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