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Is possible to make a lego game?


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Hi, I always wanted to make a lego game, esentially with a map and some unlockable and playable minifigures, what is the best way to do that?

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lol username

It has been prophesied that one day a LEGO game will be created. This forum is a shrine created in preparation. Sometimes we pretend LEGO games have already come to our world, and that we mod them.


Seriously though, to answer your question, you can play around with engines like Unity or Unreal if you wanna. Plenty of tutorials online for both.

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24 minutes ago, Ringtail said:

please don't throw minifigs in the blender your mother will be furious


This implies that said minifigures won't be furious 

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How to make a LEGO game (in Blender):


1. Getting the models you need.


For this tutorial, we're gonna assume you don't have any modelling, texturing or rigging skills in Blender, and that your latest 3D masterpiece was this:


If this doesn't apply to you, then leave the tutorial now.


So, you can't make stuff in Blender... how sad...

...but don't worry, there are a bunch of guys on the internet who've already made the stuff you need... for the most part.

And luckily, these "assets" are available for free! So just steal other people's hard work and pass it off as your own (no one will call you out for "borrowing" other people's work.)


Look at this nice Minifig model, for instance:



Aaaaaand stolen! Err--I mean; Downloaded!

If there isn't a model for something you need, just send a message to some random person on the official Blender Fourms;


...and, if you're lucky, he/she may never talk to you again.


2. Making the game


There are tutorials for this sort of thing on the internet, look it up, its not that hard.




3. Give up


Games are hard to make in Blender, which is why professionals use Unity... or Unreal Engine... anything other than Blender.

Clearly, the tutorials aren't helping you, so lets redo step one; We're gonna steal someone else's LEGO game.


Here is a good one for us to "borrow". >:)





But it seems this person is... protective of his game. He hasn't posted a download for it anywhere, but I bet we can smooth talk him into giving it to us...



...I'm sure he'll be happy to give me his ga--

Oh, he replied!:




...well c***.



4. There is no step four


You are basically on your own at this point. You can either spend the next couple of years slaving away at your game, or give up now. There is no right or wrong answer here, it's all up to you.








Sincere apologies to anyone possibly offended by this "Joke"

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On 1/3/2017 at 9:04 AM, Ayliffe said:


This implies that said minifigures won't be furious 

It's hard to be furious when you're atomized.


It's definitely possible, but developing a decent game takes a lot of time and effort. Speaking as someone who has worked with teams for games, it's way more work than you'd think at first (especially for the programming side). Out of some five real 'completed' (made a finished product by a deadline) game design projects I'd only say that one of mine is remotely worthy of being a portfolio piece (again these were all team efforts). Point is, it's hard work to make a serious game.

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