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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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You run like hell down the stairs and swing around the corner. You peek back up, and see another floating green array appear where you were a second ago. "Aw, crap!" You hear the newcomer say. "Sound the alarm!"

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[i'll salvage something from that mess you just posted.]

You take off through the room, trying to ecsape notice. Suddenly an alarm goes off, and the whole room lights up. The guy at the computer stirs, and mumbles, "aww... what..." You hear someone coming down the stairs that you were just at.

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You run faster, heading for the barricade you went through. You pass a pair of staircases identical to the ones you were on a second ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You charge up the stairs and run in to somebody, knocking him/her over. Their head hits the floor and they don't get up. Three other people notice, and point some kind of rifle at you.

[sorry guys, I have a life]

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You run back down the stars in a fergin' hurry, and bullets ricochet off the wall behind you. One of them catches you in the leg, but you don't pay any thought to it at the moment. You reach the bottom of the stairs and run into the hall, the dismantled barricade in sight. You hear a shout behind you, and then you feel a sharp pain in your back, followed by a series of additional pains that hit in seemingly random places in your posterior side. You feel one catch you in the back of the head, and your vision goes black. The last thing you see is the floor rushing up to you.


[will post the opener for part three in a few days, look out for it.]

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[no POV shift]

You feel like you are moving. Your vision is cloudy, and you can't make out anything... well, you can distinguish motion, but that's it. You feel something pressing into your gut and your body is bent over the point of contact... You are probably being carried by someone. You start to make out someone speaking:

"... just plain gross, Phil. I can't believe you just said that."

"Whatever dude. I'm just sayin'..."

"No. Absolutely not."

"Well, then, what do you intend to do with it?"

"For now, throw it with the others. When we have the defenses secured again, we'll burn it."

You hear a door open. You then get thrown somewhere and land on your back, smacking your head against the floor. Ouch.

"Man, that's gonna stink later..." says the second voice.

You hear the door slam shut. Your vision clears after a few minutes.

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You try to stand, but you can't seem to do it. Your legs appear to not work. Your arms do, though; you hoist yourself up and look around. You can make out some figures in the dark, but you can't make out what they are yet; your vision hasn't cleared enough. There are seven objects that you can see: three that are large and rectangular, three that are thin and tall with wider ends, one that's of a medium height that has a few lights blinking on and off.

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You pause, and allow your vision to clear a bit. You hear footsteps in the background, and you hit the floor. You hear the door quickly open and close behind you. "Okay, nobody saw me..." Says a familiar voice; Phil, if you deduced correctly. He walks over to you, and flips you over. He doesn't notice you aren't dead. He mutters something under his breath, and puts his hand in your pocket.

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You remain perfectly still. He looks in your other pocket. Footsteps are heard outside. Phil freezes, then jumps out of the way and hides behind something. The footsteps stop outside the door, and you hear two people debating about something. Phil swears under his breath.

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You look around, and do not find a weapon. You still hear voices. You also hear a muffled clattering behind you.

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