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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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As this topic happens to be pinned, bumping does absolutely nothing.


Oh and furthermore, he happens to be unable to get to a computer on a regular basis. His isn't working.

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You shoot Roy a dirty look, then turn back to the guy. "Why were you trying to kill us?"

"It's because they think we're a danger" Roy says for him. "They don't discriminate. They know a bunch of the subjects got animal characteristics, and some got healing capabilities. Their orders are to shoot first and ask questions later." He turns to the soldier. "Ballpark?"

"Yeah... s-something like that..." he stutters.

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"Fine, you ask the questions, then."

Roy crouches next to the soldier."How do we get out of here?"

He shudders. "I don't know...."


The soldier squeals. "No! Seriously! I don't know!"

Roy glares at him. "Somehow, I doubt that."

"I'm telling the truth! Please, don't...."

Derek Snarls. "He's worthless." he says.

Robert moves somewhat between Derek and the soldier. "Where have you put our weapons?" he asks.

"Uhm..... I don't know... probably in the armory!" he winces, as Derek bares his fangs at him.

"And where would that be?" Pries Roy.

He points, shakily, in the general direction where you came from. "First left... one of the rooms on the right side of the hall."

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You walk over to him, and force him to his feet. He yelps. You wrap your left arm around his neck and hold your rifle over his right shoulder. "Alright, let's go."

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You walk down the hall and take a left turn. As you move down that hall, three people pop around the corner on the far side and point their firearms at you. The guy you have taken as a meat-shield suddenly grabs your rifle and forces it downward, causing you to lose grip. He kicks you in the gut and knocks you over. Roy and Robert react near instantly; Robert crouches on his haunch and turns his back to the soldiers, while Roy uses Robert as a shield and opens fire with a stolen handgun. Chaos ensues. Two bullets catch you in the side as you try to scramble for safety, and Roy's shooting takes out one of the three down the hall, and cripples the soldier you captured earlier. Derek, who took cover behind the corner, suddenly jumps into the fray and darts across the hallway, jumping onto the opposing wall, and jumping off as he twists and fires at the two soldiers down the hall. He fires one bullet, and a clicking noise is heard. Derek shouts the F word right before he gets clipped in the shoulder. Roy jumps out of cover and throws Derek (literally) out of the way before jumping back behind Robert. There is a brief pause. The formerly captured soldier scurries behind a door on the right side of the hall and the remaining soldier of the three (because Derek killed one of them with his little stunt) opens fire on Robert. Each shot hits, but by the sound of the impacts, one would think he was shooting a tree. Roy reloads his gun and fires back. The firing ceases. Roy says, "Crap, he hid behind the corner." He sets his gun down and runs over to Derek, and attempts to tend to his wounds.

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You scramble over and grab Roy's gun, then hide behind the corner and fire a few shots down the hall. Robert looks at you with a "wtf?" face, and is motioning you to come closer. He is mouthing something to you.

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Error: violation of base rule.

Even though the point of view changed, the rules haven't. (Don't let Roy/main char die, don't let Robert die).

Seriously, you are one of the LAST people I'd expect to post something like that.

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Listen to Robert.

I believe that attempting to kill Roy or any of the others will do nothing good for this game, so please don't post anymore stupid posts like that Dr.

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You creep closer to Robert. He whispers to you, "Ok, we're going to use the same tactic I used with Roy. I'm going to move backwards, and you use me as a shield to hide behind and return fire when you get a chance."

"But what about you?" you ask.

Robert pats this... giant... shell... on his back... that you didn't notice before. "They can't shoot through this." He starts inching backwards.

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You crouch behind Robert and follow him. You hear footsteps coming from around the corner, and then four people aim their guns around the corner and fire at you. You crouch, trying not to get hit. You hear a series of thuds as Robert's shell takes a few hits. The firing dies down slightly as a few people reload. You peek above Robert and take a few potshots at the source of the firing. You hear someone scream in pain. The firing stops for a second, and then picks back up. The thuds continue, but Robert keeps moving backwards. You hear mutters of disbelief at the lack of damage over the comm on the headgear. The firing stops and they all reload.

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*Idiotic post pingas'd*

Throw the grenade you have been hiding from everyone where the gunshots were coming from and do a dramatic movie style jump-dive to the side.

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