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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Aki Dazrold

You pop over Robert and lay down some fire at the corner the soldiers are hiding behind. You hit nothing but concrete. Your gun clicks, and you swear under your breath. You see something scurrying on the wall next to you...

Three soldiers appear from behind the corner and fire a few shots before Derek pounces on all three of them. The shriek in shock and try to shoot him, but can't. Roy runs past you and Robert and both he and Derek proceed to beat the snot out of the pinned soldiers. Their screams of fright cease over the comm. Derek stands and walks over to you. "Did you see where that guy crawled off to?" He bares his fangs.

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Aki Dazrold

"No..." you reply.

Derek grunts and walks around a bit. His gaze rests on a door midway through the hallway. "Didn't he say the armory was somewhere around here?"

Roy runs up to him. "Hold still you stubborn sunnuva..." He tries to finish treating his wounds.

Robert Walks up to the door in question. "I believe he did."

Derek shoves off Roy and walks over to the door. "Move aside."

Roy and Robert grab him before he walks in. "Wait! There could be someone in there. Someone hostile, for that matter."

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Aki Dazrold

Yeah. Seems like everyone forgot this existed.

No friggin clue how that happened.

You press yourself up against the wall, and give the door a small shove. It creaks open a little bit. You shove it harder and dash into the room sideways. You hear a loud BANG and the door gains a large hole. You see someone with a shotgun sitting in a chair, and he snaps his head in your direction when he notices he missed you. He swears and cocks the gun and aims it at you.

"Derek, NO!"

Derek flies in the door and pounces on the guy, breaking the chair and knocking him to the floor, in addition to pinning the gun between their bodies to where the guy can't shoot either of you. Derek grabs the soldier's jaw and moves his head around, examining his facial features while he inhales deeply. "Yep, it's him." He then bites into his right carotid artery, spraying blood everywhere. The man gives a scream of agony (the kind that's painful to hear), and the shotgun goes off. The blast hits nothing but wall, and the screams suddenly die. Roy rushes in and tries to pry Derek off the corpse, with success on the second try. Derek stands and licks the blood away from his face.

(if anyone can tell me how that killed him so quickly, you will get a cameo in the storyline. Hint: you need to know a bit about anatomy and about Derek)

Finally, after like, 2 weeks, someone posts!

You could have posted, you know.

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(First off, since hes kind of spider like, he should have sharp teeth. Second, he has poison in his fangs. BWAHAHAHA!)

"What the...? How did you do that?"

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Aki Dazrold

Roy rushes past and starts searching something.

Derek looks at you. "Do what? Jump at him and kill him? It's what these guys did to me... ever since they ran their experiment, I've been a friggin human spider."

Roy comes up to Derek and says, "Sit down, you stubborn SOB" and pushes him onto a table. Derek mutters a protest, but stop when he notices the gauze and sutres, etc. that he somehow aquired. "Wait, where did you get those?"

Roy replies, "Found our stuff, including the med cabinet Robert had." without stopping trying to tend his wounds (for the umpteenth time).

Robert comes in, and throws some kind of switch near the door. The room illuminates. You cry out in pain, and quickly remove the night vision goggles from your facce. Ouch.

[you're half right. He has venom, which is what killed him. The other part of the answer was to tell why the venom managed to kill him so quickly]

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(Cause he bit right into an artery that goes straight to the heart. Literally. Straight. If I could make a diagram, I would. The venom only had to move maybe a foot before it hit his heart.)

Tell Robert that he could have given some sort of warning before turning on the light.

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Aki Dazrold

"You could have warned me before you turned that on, you know." you say to Robert with an agitated tone.

Robert glances at the goggles on your head and says "Oh... Whoops." He walks into the room and starts looking for something. "Dang, these guys have all sorts of weaponry stashed here." he comments.

Derek fidgets as Roy tries to sutre his bullet wounds.

(Cause he bit right into an artery that goes straight to the heart. Literally. Straight. If I could make a diagram, I would. The venom only had to move maybe a foot before it hit his heart.)

[You are so incredibly close to the answer, you could reach out and molest it. Had he bit into one of the jugular veins, this would be correct. The vessel in question does come directly from the heart, but it flows away from it, not towards.]

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Aki Dazrold

[no, you didn't ditch it. even if you had, the patrols would have likely scanvenged it and put it in here anyway. btw you've won.]

You look around for your crowbar and spear. You find the spear first, and you sling it before searching for the other device. [sling it as in put it on your back via the attached strap, the wise-crack who decides to say something about throwing it]

You have difficulty finding the crowbar at first. Robert moves next to you and hoists a large single-sided sword with a slight curve and another with a straight double edge. His eyes light up. "Hell, I'll take this one any day!" He raises the curved one slightly and puts the other back where he got it.

You then discover your crowbar. You retreive it and turn towards the other three. They all stop what they are doing and look at you nervously.

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Aki Dazrold

They are eyeing the crowbar nervously. Roy pipes up, and says, "Nothing... Nevermind" and continues what he was doing.

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Aki Dazrold

You shrug, and look for moar weps

There are a plethora of usable weapons, but not many catch your fancy. You find a shotgun that appears to be magazine-fed (weird) and some C4, and a small pouch that you can belt to your waist that you can store some stuff in (i.e. C4+extra magazines). Robert starts practicing with the blade he found (you think it's called a "Zanbato"), and Roy finishes dressing Derek's wounds. The two then go on a weapons search.

After a while, you appear sufficiently armed. Robert has broken off the giant shell (eww) and given it to Roy to use as a riot shield. Shortly afterwards, a bunch of spines grew from his back to replace it. He has made a makeshift pouch and has tied it to his side, and the remaining medical supplies are stashed in it. He has the zanbato over his shoulders. Derek has three daggers of varying lengths sheathed and attached to his belt, and a pouch that contains a variety of throwing weapons. He also has some kind of handgun in his back pocket. Roy has procured a long 1 1/2 hand sword plus sheath, a 38-Special revolver and a Glock. He also has a rifle strapped to his back that was procured from a dead soldier; for some reason, a rifle of the same design is nowhere to be found in this room. He also has the pseudo-riot shield. You strap the shottie to your back so that it doesn't impede the spear and just hold the crowbar. You all feel quite confident at the moment.

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Bring up the fact that Roy looks like whatshisface. (Jack?)

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Bring up the fact that Roy looks like whatshisface. (Jack?)


My suggestion

Say "So are we we going to form a plan or are we doing this Leeroy Jenkins style?"

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Not sure that she would remember who Leeroy Jenkins is. Or any of them. They haven't got in touch with a CPU anytime recently. But, "Whats the plan?" is good. Still prefer my Idea though..

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Aki Dazrold

You turn to Roy. "Out of curiosity, do you know some-"

Chatter over the headpeice interrupts your train of thought. Not that it had before, as it was kinda chattery the whole time you've been in here, but you just happened to catch the phrase 'lit up room' over the conversations. Shortly afterwards, the feed went quiet.

You freeze.

Roy looks at you funny. "Do I know..?"

Derek perks up. "Shh~" he hisses curtly.

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