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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Say "Seriously, I think we should get out of here. They already know our location, let's not sit here and get shot like idiots."

sorry, on itouch. Blame apple if I spelled anything wrong/ said something stupid because I can't reread.

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Aki Dazrold

"Seriously, I think we should get out of here. They already know our location, let's not sit here and get shot like idiots." You say, careful to not say it into the headpiece.

Derek shakes head head. "A little late for that."

Then you hear the footsteps. Everyone moves out of the way of the door (as it has the huge hole in it)

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Aki Dazrold

Roy (who is behind you) readies his riot shield and pulls out the 38 and moves out at a 45 degree angle to the door. Robert (him and Derek are across the doorway from you) inches closer to the door, and readies his weapon, holding it above his head. Derek slinks up the wall and pulls out the sidearm, positioned above and behind Robert. You set the crowbar down and ready the shotgun, moving out like Roy did but at a 30 degree angle instead.


Breach charges go off and what was left of the door goes flying, and two guys with machine guns jump through, evidently pulling the trigger. Robert cuts one of them in half and the other hits Roy's riot shield and gets a 38 special to the face. You see some small object go flying into the room. You realize what it is too late, and your vision goes white at the same time as your ears make a loud ringing noise. In shock, you pull the trigger of the shotgun and hold it. You feel the gun recoil several times in rapid succession rather than a single time like you expected it to. Your vision clears enough to see an additional body lying in the door frame. You faintly hear "...the damned explosives at??" over the headpeice and in person. Somebody points a gun around the corner and starts blind firing into the room, hitting nothing of import. You quickly fumble for a magazine and reload your gun. What the heck is this thing?

[note: for this part of the story, you can issue a command to any of the four characters instead of just the one the response refers to as "you". Note that the players will lose this freedom once the point of view shifts in the next part. ]

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Roy: Use riot shield to keep people from getting into the room.

Derek: Use mad ninja skillz to shoot them from above.

Robert: Fling back any and all explosives that get into the room.

You: Murder all who get into range with your fully automatic shotgun of hate.

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Aki Dazrold

Roy moves towards the door enough to where he can block anything being shot into the room but someone can't shoot him from the side very easily. Derek crawls above him, and start to shoot some people that he gets a glimpse of. Robert positions himself behind Roy, keeping an eye out for any explosives that are thrown into the room. You move closer to the door to where Roy doesn't get in your way, but you can see out of the room. You see a bunch of people standing there, and they see you. You swear and pull the trigger, unloading three shells into the group before you press yourself against the wall. You hear a 38 special report.

The soldiers outside the door aren't coming into the room. The guy who was blind firing is dead.

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Aki Dazrold

You look around for an explosive to chunk at them. You find what appear to be three fragmentation grenades.

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Aki Dazrold

You have no more genades. You have the C4 still, but that doesn't really fit the situation.

Robert looks for another way out. He finds a ventilation shaft, but it's a bit too high up to reach, and the cover would be hard to remove anyway.

Suddenly, an impacting sound is heard from the shaft cover.

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Aki Dazrold

You wait intently, staring at the cover. It dents in towards the room each time it is struck. When it finally comes off, a person in soldier garb with the goggles on their head jumps down. He has no weapons. He looks up at the room, and says, "ohhh..... this was bad timing."

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Ask if there was a way they could all get out.

(or is the vent big enough? If so...)

Ask how they are all supposed to get up there.

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Aki Dazrold

"How are we all supposed to get up there??"

"Who cares?" Shouts Derek.

Suddenly, feet start scampering outside the room.

Phil turns kinda pale. "They just rigged the hall with a very powerful explosive. If you want to stay alive, you better leave now. Just... that way." He points to the shaft.

Robert steps up to you. "Alright, I'll lift some people."

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