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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Aki Dazrold

Robert hoists Roy into the shaft, followed by Phil. Derek leaps up onto the ceiling, putting his gun into his back pocket. You look for something to use for Robert.

There is a busted chair, a very old-looking table that probably couldn't support his weight, and a weapon rack that is bolted to the wall.

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Aki Dazrold

It ain't gonna happen. The stuff will break, and Robert's not gonna be able to yank that thing off.

[Think logically here. Consider everybody's qualities and their current location]

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Have Derick host Robert, Roy and Phil into the airvent with you helping

Then have Derick pull you up

Then flame me because this probably goes against something you said earlier

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Aki Dazrold

Have Derek host Robert, Roy and Phil (who are already in there) into the airvent with you helping

Then have Derek pull you up

Then flame me because this probably goes against something you said earlier

[minus the colored parts, that was fine]

Derek drops from the ceiling, and the two of you lift Robert into the vent, and Roy pulls him in. Roy and Phil then crawl through the vents away from here. Derek lifts you up, and Robert pulls you into the vent. Derek leaps onto the cieling and crawls through the vent hole. Robert has continued through the vent, with some difficulty due to his obvious predicament.

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Heheheh. You lost all your Magic cards.

Yeah, follow the others. Stick together.

Edit: According to Dragon you lost them. Shall I label her as a liar?

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Aki Dazrold

You follow the others. Derek is behind you.

Suddenly, the explosives go off. Even in the safety of the air vents, you are knocked from your crawl. You hastily get back up and keep going.

A few minutes later, You drop into a room somewhere. Phil and Roy are discussing somthing, Robert is checking the medical supplies, Derk is scouting the surrounding area.

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Aki Dazrold

You look around. The room appears to be filled with large machines that you can't tell the purpose of.

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Aki Dazrold

Eavesdropping is rude, too. But, you feel a bit curious...

"...w can we trust you? You are one of them."

"Yeah, but I didn't sign up for this sh..."

Bah, uninteresting.

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Aki Dazrold


"Where are we?"

Phil answers. "We're in the machine room. A good chunk of this area's power comes from here, and a computer terminal or two is here as well. Not that it does us any good at the moment."

Derek peeks out of the room.

Robert starts looking aroung for anything useful.

Phil and Roy resume their conversation.

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Aki Dazrold

You start poking around for anything of usefulness, along with Robert. Your search yields the following:

small torn packages [teh heh heh heh]

a single bullet shell

a broken rifle stock

a crapload of spare cords and wires

a cabinet of some kind that has the label, "old crap"

a stuffed penguin

an air pump that appears inoperable

a grenade (which upon further investigation, appears to be unused and still operable 0_0 )

a blueprint that has been half burned up

a dead rat (it must have been killed recently; there is no smell)

a stash of nsfw magazines

two daisy-chained extension cords, one of which is missing the female end

six pounds of marijuana

seven pounds of cocaine

several upon several pounds of other narcotic drugs

a peice of random twisted metal

an imprint in the wall that resembles somebody's face

somebody's nose

a broken wood baseball bat

a hacksaw

a peice of lead pipe

a block of unmolded plastic

a small keg of gunpowder

instructions on how to build a gnome cannon

a 20-sided die

a pack of cheap cigarrettes

sunglasses with a bullethole through both eyes

an autographed picture of some guy named Rick James

a copy of Little Big Planet that has been scratched to hell


crappy tape

wire cutters

busted bolt cutters

a circular saw blade in near-perfect condition

and a bong full of black powder

You and Robert sit back, a bit exhausted from this venture.

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