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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Make the Gnome cannon.

Grab everything useful. (Gunpowder, grenade, circular sawyou never know when you may find a gravity gun pic of Rick James just cause it's awesome,cigarettes, extension cords, and the Gnome cannon ingredientsYou never know when launching a Gnome at someone will be useful.)

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Aki Dazrold

You pick up, and pocket, the tape, grenade, and wire cutters.

As for the saw blade... there's no friggin way you will be able to carry that for long. Besides, it's a little impractical as a weapon...

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Aki Dazrold

You pick up the lead pipe for some reason. This seems near worthless compared to your crowbar with the exception of its length.

The room has been scoured to completion already.

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First, twist one end of the pipe so that it seals, then pour the black powder from the bong in, then twist the other end over it. You now have another primitive explosive.

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First, twist one end of the pipe so that it seals, then pour the black powder from the bong in, then twist the other end over it. You now have another primitive explosive.

Rockmodder now scares me.

Don't use the bong powder, use the gunpowder, and break the sunglasses' glass into the pipe, do the same with the little big planet disc. Hell, add some random narcotics too, except those that could be useful in a medical situation. You now have a really primitive explosive, except now it has shrapnel and drugs in it. After you're done, offer the cigarettes to whoever smokes here Robert.

Edit: Thanks Zjean.

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[comment] Haha Epic I SHOULD scare you. I have a homebuilt taser, a blade that can stick in my bed when thrown; made from an old CD drive cover, and a quad-sling rubberband catapult that can shoot pencils through packing cardboard. [/comment]

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[comment] Haha Epic I SHOULD scare you. I have a homebuilt taser, a blade that can stick in my bed when thrown; made from an old CD drive cover, and a quad-sling rubberband catapult that can shoot pencils through packing cardboard. [/comment]

[comment] I have (and had) more then 5 friends IRL [/comment]

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Aki Dazrold

[holy crap. I was playing Gears 2 when I read those posts. I started lmao-ing up until I realized there was a boomer standing over me]

You consider making another makeshift bomb in this manner, but then the following occurs to you: How in gods name are you going to seal off the pipe by twisting it?

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[comment] You figured it was a softer lead pipe used for plumbing [/comment]

You think twice and make an incision in the stuffed penguin with a sword, and fill it with the black powder. you then roll the blueprint into a wick and insert it in said incision, for an easier homemade bomb.

[comment] There's always a way with explosives. [/comment]

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finish the explosive and then flip the night vision goggles back on to see if they have ultravoilet or infrared sensitivity, and if they do, look at the machines for potential control wiring.

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Aki Dazrold

You stuff the penguin with black powder without using the blueprint as a makeshift wick. Doing so seems pointless, seeing as it will probably fall out easily.

You flip down the night vision goggles, and look for an infrared or UV feature. You find, after some fiddling, an IR feature, which you activate.

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Aki Dazrold

None of the computers have monitors, only terminals. If you had some kind of graphical interface or something you could plug into it, maybe you could find-

Oh wait, you do have one. You plug in your headpeice to a terminal on one of the monitors. You try to access any kind of file that resembles a layout, but the lack of nearby power limits you to a black screen. Doh.

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Aki Dazrold

There is what appears to be a manual override system, but you have no clue how it works. On top of that, it appears to be locked from a remote location, and it would take you a long time to get around it if you had the correct skills, which you do not.

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