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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Say "You got any better ideas?" All bad-[Please Talk Properly] like.

[comment] This is the 802nd post.

802 + Large-#-of-posts-from-the-old-forum = 1,000+

Congrats. [/comment]

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Aki Dazrold

"You got any better ideas?" You say, all badass-like.

Phil pauses for a minute. "Well.... sure, go ahead. Break some stuff."

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Aki Dazrold

You keep whacking the generators. One of them flashes with a large spark; the light produced is adequate to cause retinal injury thru the night-vision goggles. OOOOOOUCH.

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Continue whacking stuff. And turn the nightvision off.

[comment] I'm going to keep saying this until something happens. I really have no idea what to do.

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Aki Dazrold

You keep whacking stuff.

Derek suddenly rushes into the room, shuts the door behind him, and grabs your crowbar. "Shh... patrols are nearby. Don't make too much noise."

[try something with all that crap you found]

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Examine instructions on how to build a gnome cannon, blueprint that has been half burned up, and the old crap cabinet.

I would say examine 'torn packages', but I suspect it may be a sexual joke...

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Aki Dazrold

1) You read the instructions. they say:

"Step one: with a knife, hollow out the plastic in the shape of a gnome with a hole on the rear

Step two: insert pipe into gnome's hole

Step three: fill pipe and gnome with the provided gunpowder.

Note: this weapon hasn't been tested for crap, so I am not responsible if you blow yourself up."

2) the blueprint looks like:


3) You open the cabinet that says, "Old Crap"

Inside, you find:

  • a cassette tape player
  • a pocketknife that is missing the blade (go figure)
  • some movie that stars Richard Gere (whoever that is)
  • an audio cassette box labeled "Dirty Jokes and Beer" by a guy named Drew Carey

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See if the room you are in is on the blueprints

and/or play "Dirty Jokes and Beer" to see if it's what it says it is.

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Aki Dazrold

You can't tell if this room matches the blueprint in any way, as there are no distinguishing features on the print that you can compare, and you don't want to risk getting caught by partols (as Derek mentioned earlier). That being said, listening the the casette player might make too much noise.

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See if there is a TOTALLY OBVIOUS HINT Somewhere in the room.

I also like how I'm the only one playing.

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Aki Dazrold

[That's because everyone else is only watching. Lazy bastards.]


a single bullet shell

a broken rifle stock

a crapload of spare cords and wires

a cabinet of some kind that has the label, "old crap"

a stuffed penguin

an air pump that appears inoperable

a grenade

a blueprint that has been half burned up

a dead rat (it must have been killed recently; there is no smell but now it's starting to)

a stash of nsfw magazines

two daisy-chained extension cords, one of which is missing the female end

six pounds of marijuana

seven pounds of cocaine

several upon several pounds of other narcotic drugs

a peice of random twisted metal

an imprint in the wall that resembles somebody's face

somebody's nose

a broken wood baseball bat

a hacksaw

a peice of lead pipe

a block of unmolded plastic

a small keg of gunpowder

instructions on how to build a gnome cannon

a 20-sided die

a pack of cheap cigarrettes

sunglasses with a bullethole through both eyes

an autographed picture of some guy named Rick James

a copy of Little Big Planet that has been scratched to hell


crappy tape

wire cutters

busted bolt cutters

a circular saw blade in near-perfect condition

a bong full of black powder

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Swipe the die for a keepsake of the place, poke the dead rat, and if nothing happens check out the weird face thing.

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Aki Dazrold

You swipe the die. Never know when one of these will come in handy.

You poke the rat. It starts to smell really bad. You pick it up (with two fingers, at arms length) and throw it into the vents.

You examine the face imprint. Ouch. Whoever left this here must have been in some serious pain. Maybe that's where the nose came from?

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Aki Dazrold

The imprint won't fit you. You can tell by looking at it.

Derek peeks out of the door. "I think we're goo-"

Everything suddenly goes black. You try to speak, but your breath seems to get sucked out of your lungs.

Then you are back in the room. You can see Roy, Robert, Derek and Phil looking around, confued. What the...?

Then you notice something odd... Most of that stuff is back where you found it. How the hell?

Suddenly, someone bursts in through an air vent. All eyes turn to him, and he sweeps the room with his. Without warning, he generates a huge amount of lightning out of nowhere and blasts you with it. You go flying backwards and hit a wall. The attacker then attempts to repeat the process at Roy, but he rolls to the side, and fires his 38. The bullet gets caught in an electric net, and the shell makes a soft tink as it hits the concrete. You get to all fours, and notice the shell. Wait a minute...

Roy pockets his gun and charges the guy. The guy jumps into the air and roundhouse kicks him across the face, sending him careening across the room. Derek sneaks up on him and breaks his arm. Clean off, for that matter. Then, to your shock, the arm instantly regrows itself, and the arm Derek is holding takes on an almost plastic-like sheen. He drops it in surprise. The guy brings his new arm up and elbows Derek in the neck, and attempts to follow up the attack when Robert slugs him across the face. The attacker shifts his attention to him and tries another fancy move, which Robert parries. The man hesitates, and Robert grabs his head and bashes it into the wall next to him, face first. The guy curls his body around some of Robert's spines and breaks a bunch of them, without breaking them off completely. Robert howls, and the guy wrenches free of his grasp, and grabs Robert's head in the same way, and smashes his head into the wall in the same place, same manner. The wall cracks and crumples under the impact. Derek jumps off from the ceiling and lands on the guy's head, and quickly snaps his head 180 degrees. To his surprise, the guy's head keeps going for a full circle, and the guy then grabs Derek's leg and throws him at Phil. They collide, and land in the corner. Robert then attacks him again, and the two get in a CQ fight, and neither seems to yield. Robert then spins, using his loosened spines as a distraction, and uppercuts the guy in the nose so hard that it breaks and flies out the back of his head. The guy stumbles back a bit, and then everything goes black again. When the darkness subsides, you are back... Well, in the same room. But now it's in the same order that you left it in...

"What... the... hell..?" Asks Roy, as he stands up.

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