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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Aki Dazrold

Did we just go back in time?? You wonder to your self.

Phil pipes up, repeating what you just thought.

"I think we did..." Replied Robert.

Derek Stands up and moves toward Robert. "Ok, you mentioned something about my fighting style when we met. But now I'M curious: Where the hell did you learn that style from?"

"A man taught it to me. He was my sensei, I suppose you could say. His name was Marcus."

Derek looks askance. "Marcus, eh? Never heard of him..." He mutters to himself.

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Better yet, scratch the wall (for time reference) then look into the vent.

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Aki Dazrold

You look into the vent. The dead rat is still up there, and it smells bad. Eww.

You drop down, then smack the wall with your crowbar for no reason.

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Aki Dazrold

"Does anyone have a watch?"

Phil checks his. "It's 5:00, April 7, 2156" he replies. "Why do you ask?"

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[comment] 1) you forgot to comment. 2) It will be used as a reference in case of another time travel occurance. [/comment]

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1) I have have been doing this almost this whole time and haven't gotten in trouble, and 2) We know that we are traveling back in forth between two points in time.

And three 3) It will make large amounts of noise, attracting the patrols that you want to avoid. It would be better to write it down on something.

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Aki Dazrold

You scratch the time and date into the wall with your crow.

[Derek already said you were clear, right before the time shift.]

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Reflect upon your existence and how you got into this mess.

Then send Roy to explore the hall.

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Aki Dazrold

You reread the last few pages of your adventure, thus saving the host from retyping all of it.

You then send Roy out into the hall. It looks clear.

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Take your team with you down the hall, having Robert quietly kill anyone should you encounter them.

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Aki Dazrold

You and your team leave the room. Before you do so, Roy pilfers something from the cabinet...

The hall goes Left and Right. Derek informs you that the patrols went to the right, so your team heads left. You eventually come across a room that has a higher ceiling and wide-open space. At least, it would have been wide-open... were it not for all the stuff cluttered about. Most of them appear to be sandbag encampments...

Wait a second. You recognize this place. You've been here already...

You suddenly hear some chatter over the headset. Phil hears it too. "uh oh..." he says.

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Aki Dazrold

You dive behind one of the sandbag encampments. Phil does the same.

The other three look around confusedly. They see what you two did, and decide not to question your motives. They also take cover.

You hear footsteps all around, but you can't see jack. The lights are too darkened.

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Aki Dazrold

You put on the Goggles. You can now see people, several of them, all around you. Not just from where you just came, but from three other openings that came from all sides of the room. Oh crap, you're surrounded.

Then you notice something that they all seem to be setting up. Are those... floodlights?


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Aki Dazrold

You remove the goggles and shout "Shut your eyes!"

The floodlights come on. You hear people shouting, and guns start shooting. Bullets hit the floor around you from the other places people are shooting from. Phil yelps.

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Does riot shield still exist?

Try to kill people shooting at you in any fashion thinkable. Such as throwing the prinny at them.

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Aki Dazrold

Roy positions the riot shield so that a bunch of the fire is blocked. There are still people shooting from behind you and the other way, and almost everyone goes prone to avoid getting hit. Robert doesn't. He is darting his head back and forth, apparrently trying to determine who and how many is shooting from where.

[be specific. Also, keep in mind that you still have control over everyone exept Phil]

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Throw the prinny at one of the floodlights then shoot it once it gets there. It will (hopefully) explode.

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Aki Dazrold

You chunk the gunpowder-filled penguin at one of the floodlights. It hits the ground next to it. One of the soldiers looks at it frightened-like, then falters when he sees what it is. You then, sadly, realize that you lack a long-range weapon.

Robert has broken off the giant shell and given it to Roy to use as a riot shield. He has made a makeshift pouch and has tied it to his side, and the remaining medical supplies are stashed in it. He has a zanbato. Derek has three daggers of varying lengths sheathed and attached to his belt, and a pouch that contains a variety of throwing weapons. He also has some kind of handgun in his back pocket. Roy has a long 1 1/2 hand sword plus sheath, a 38-Special revolver and a Glock. He also has a rifle strapped to his back that was procured from a dead soldier. He also has the pseudo-riot shield. You have the auto-shottie, the spear, and the crowbar.

You facepalm, then get hit in the shoulder with a bullet. Yowch.

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