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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Aki Dazrold

Roy takes a pot shot at the penguin, and hits it. Nothing happens.

"ah, gad dangit-"

THEN it explodes. WTFE

1/4 floodlight setups pwnificated.

You get shot three additional times.

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Aki Dazrold

You praise all that is holy for your regenerative capabilities, as you become quite holey yourself (+6 to bulletwound score! yaaay(score is now 10))

You then wish you knew something you could do about the floodlights. You wish somebody could give you a creative idea.

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Rush the floodlight, grab it, then whack the other flood lights out of the way with it.

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Aki Dazrold

You throw the grenade at the floodlight setup to your left. The grenade explodes and takes it out.

2/4 floodlight setups pwnificated

+2 bullet wounds

Phil and Derek have, somehow, avoided being hit so far.


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Aki Dazrold

Roy pulls out his G18 and makes a sweep from right to left, allowing the recoil to give the sweeping motion, firing on one of the remaining light setups.

Derek leaps WAAAY up and sticks on the ceiling. He shoots about two shots from his pistol before he jumps back down. "Dammit, they can see me up there..."

Bullet hits


You: +1

Roy: 0 (somehow)

Phil: 0

Derek: 1

Robert: Let's just not count him.


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Aki Dazrold

You take out your gun!

You take aim at the other setup and pull the trigger. You unload six shells by mistake. Dang, you still aren't used to this thing.

You appear to injure no one.

Robert lacks a ranged weapon.

Bullet hits


You: +2

Roy: 2 (somehow)

Phil: 0

Derek: 1


[in case nobody got the hint from the last response, if someone else posted in front of you, and didn't specify one of the characters, you can give that character a command before the response is posted (like how I just did)]

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Aki Dazrold

You shoot twice, and the gun clicks. dangit. *reload*

The shots don't hit. A shotgun is kind of impractical for this task.

Bullet hits


You: +0

Roy: 2

Phil: 0

Derek: 1


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You shoot the floodlight with however many rounds it takes to take it out.

[oh screw]

you pick something up and throw it at the floodlight.

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Aki Dazrold

[you kinda gave that command wrong, but...]

You search for something to fling at one of the lights. You find a piece of chipped concrete. You sling it at one of the lights. Over the gunfire, you hear "MY EYE!!".

Bullet hits


You: +7

Roy: 2

Phil: 0

Derek: 1


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Aki Dazrold

Robert takes one of the sandbags, and throws it at one of the setups. He knocks it over, and busts one of the lights. The soldiers waste no time in setting it back up.

Bullet hits


You: +0

Roy: 3

Phil: 0

Derek: 1


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Grab the riot sheld and run at the flood light, set legs to RAMMING SPEED.

Phil: Throw crap and hope to hit another eye

Roy: Cover you


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Aki Dazrold

Roy lends you his riot shield, and you hold it in front of you with your spear in your other hand in a sparta-phalanx manner. You then rush one of the setups.

Roy and Robert stand up in a distracting manner. Roy duals with his handguns and opens fire at the other setup, while Robert starts hurling sandbags. No gunfire is supplied from that sector, and the fire from the one you are charging is only hitting the shield. The gunfire from the other two sectors is rather inaccurate due to the lighting imbalance, but they still hit some stuff.

Error: Phil is not controllable.

You get to the setup and knock it right over. You then slay one of the soldiers with a well-placed thrust and another with an accidental swipe. There is a third soldier whom you attack, but he parries it with his arm and grabs the shaft.

Bullet hits


You: +2

Roy: 3

Phil: 0

Derek: 1


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