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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Aki Dazrold

You slash the power cord with your spear.

3/4 floodlight setups pwnificated.

Bullet hits


You: +0

Roy: 5

Phil: 0

Derek: 2


Ur mans are getting hit from lack of action.

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Aki Dazrold

You desire to take out the other light, but you don't know how. Getting hit with a bullet still hurts like hell!

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You has shield. Use it & charge. Roy has Glock. Use it. Phil has rifle. Use it. Suppressing fire is great. Derek has handgun and other stuff. Use them. Robert has Zanbato. Use it after charging last lighting area. You use AA12 upon getting to close enough range.

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Aki Dazrold

Phil has rifle. Use it.

Wrong, sir. Phil has no weapons.

You steel yourself, and then charge towards the remaining setup. Roy strafes one of the former encampments with his Glock, while Robert grabs his beatstick and charges towards the other. This combination of distraction is enough to remove the fire from the side. Sweet.

You ram the last setup with the shield and knock it over. There are four men guarding it. One of them grabs your shield and forces it out of your grip, while the other does the same with your spear. The other two, who stand in close proximity, start to withdraw handguns as you withdraw your gun. You quickly decide who to shoot.

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Its an AA12. A spamgun shotgun. You shoot all of them.

Have Phil take Roy's rifle and shoot at least one of the guys staring you down.

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Aki Dazrold

You hold down the trigger and sweep from left to right. You kill all but the guy on the right, who is lucky enough to reflect your last shell with the shield he stole. He bashes you with it, knocking you over.

Roy gives the rifle to Phil and commands him to shoot. He uneasily gets up, and takes a shot in your direction. He hits the guy with the shield right between the eyes. Phil then gets hit by a bullet from somewhere else.

Bullet hits


You: +0

Roy: 5

Phil: 1

Derek: 2


You should probably take out this light thing now...

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He could have charged it like I said when I said: Robert has Zanbato. Use it after charging last lighting area.

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Aki Dazrold

He could have charged it like I said when I said: Robert has Zanbato. Use it after charging last lighting area.

I know, but I tweeked the action so Mariam woudn't get pegged by bullets so many times. So, that makes you the one not paying attention. ;P

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Aki Dazrold

You retreive the spear and cut the power cable.

4/4 light setups pwnificated.

You hear shouting nearby. Reinforcements might be coming, Better get to cover.

You hear shooting from somewhere. Roy is returning fire to the source.

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Aki Dazrold

You don the goggles. You can see people coming from... somewhere. Probably staircases on the sides. If you remember correctly, there is a floor beneath you, so the soldiers must be moving around down there to flank you from all sides. Crap.

You take cover alongside the other four in the center of the room. You assume a direction to be North.

North hall: 3 soldiers

East hall: 0 soldiers

South hall: 5 soldiers

West hall (where you just came from): 0 soldiers

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Aki Dazrold

You go to the east hall. Right as you get there, three men come up from the right stairwell. You have enough time to think, oh sna-, before one of them shotgunns you in the chest and sends you flying backwards. For three seconds, you can't breathe. Then you can. You watch as your skin and bones regrow before your very eyes. This whole immortality thing is still a bit much to get used to... Unfortunately, it doesn't work on clothes. Now you have no top... this is kinda embarrassing.

You are currently halfway between the other four and the soldiers that just attacked you.

North hall: 3 soldiers

East hall: 5 soldiers

South hall: 4 soldiers

West hall: 0 soldiers

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