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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Roy: Glock them.

Robert: Catch you and keep going. Kill any who aren't dead by the time he gets there.

Derek: Just be a ninja.

Phil:Put on NVGs and snipe anyone you can.

You did pick up the shield after loosing it, right?

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Aki Dazrold

Roy Looses a stream of bullets at one of the groups. Robert runs up to you in a rescue attempt, whilst you stand up and pull out your crowbar. Derek, who has an advantage for a short time, leaps onto the ceiling and scurries out of sight.

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Aki Dazrold

You, Roy, and Robert charge the east hall. Robert in front, of course. The men there unload into him, and panic when they see him take no damage. Right before Robert gets to them, he leaps up into the air and does a spin. When he lands, he brings down the zanbato on one of the soldiers and cleaves him in half. Longways. The weapon gets stuck in the ground as the victim falls apart. Without using his other hand, Robert pulls the sword out of the stone floor, and part of the floor comes up with it. He then swings the weapon at another guy and breaks the stone over his head. Roy shoots one of the guys in the head with his 38, and you bash the other two's heads in Gordon Freeman style.

North hall: 4 soldiers

East hall: 0 soldiers

South hall: 6 soldiers

West hall: 7 soldiers

You suddenly realize that this was the hall you came from. Dangit.

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Aki Dazrold

There are three people to pilfer clothes from whose suits haven't been ruined already by blood. You take the shirt and jacket from one of them that seems about your size. You feel something in the chest pocket...

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Aki Dazrold

It's a bomb. You'd estimate it's a lot more powerful than its size would denote. As to how it works, you have no clue.

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If it's active, chuck it at the West hall. If not, pocket it. throw it anyway then shoot it to make it go boom.

Improved. Bec ause I'm too lazy to write it myself.

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Why is there a space between bec and ause?

Also, it might be better to keep. who knows when you might need a small high powered explosive?

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Aki Dazrold

You honestly have no freaking clue if it's about to explode or not. There is a green light illuminated on what you think is the front side, but not much else is distinguishable.

The back (or what you assume to be the back) has some kind of removable slat on it... and whatever is beneath it is really sticky.

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Green light mean's its safe. At least, the light runs red when you throw it. Keep the bomb. Just don't accidentally stick it to yourself.

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Aki Dazrold

[epic got there first...]

You chunk the bomb out into the room. Phil jumps out and catches it before it hits the ground, and he subsequently dives for cover as a barrage of bullets pelt the floor around him.

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You sir, are a dumb [Please Talk Properly]. You shouldn't waste grenades, which is exactly what you are doing. Sticky bombs are very useful, and therefore deserves to be saved until you need it.

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Aki Dazrold

You shout something at Phil. He does something to his headpeice, and then your hear <Hush, you!> over yours.

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