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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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Aki Dazrold


You start to go to Phil, but then two things cross your mind: There are still bullets flying out there. Even though you're immortal and all, those still hurt. Plus, you just got this new jacket and you don't want to ruin it. Secondly, maybe the other dead bodies have explosives like it on them?

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Aki Dazrold

You try to give the NVGs to Roy. He makes a gesture that says, "no thanks". He can apparently see just fine.

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Aki Dazrold

[i'm afraid not.]

You have no intention of running down this hall. This is where you came from, and you don't want to go in there again.

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Aki Dazrold

North hall: 5 soldiers

East hall: 0 soldiers

South hall: 4 soldiers

West hall: 8 soldiers

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Aki Dazrold

"Let's go to that hall..." you gesture towards the hall in question.

"Okay..." they respond.

You cautiously peek around the corner. Bullets start hitting the wall and floor around you, and one of them catches you in the shoulder. Ouch. So much for keeping the suit clean.

You can see Phil. He is still hunkered down, avoiding the fire.

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Aki Dazrold

Roy takes a few shots around the corner at the south hall (seeing as he's the only one with a longrange wep). He kills one person and injures another.

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Aki Dazrold

You twist like a baseball pitcher, and throw the crowbar as hard as you can muster. The bar flies in a seemingly straight line and connects soundly with someone's face. He drops like a box of rocks.

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Everyone in the room: Holy [Please Talk Properly]!

As Derek is being a ninja, can he drop down behind the people in the south hall and assassinate all of them?

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Somehow dig through the floor and find a Bazooka

If that won't work, take cover and let Derek kill some peoples

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Aki Dazrold

You witness a shuriken plant itself between the eyes of one of the remaining soldiers as Derek drops down from the ceiling and gets both of the last two soldiers in a headlock. Except, he put a knife in their necks, so..... yeah.

Another soldier, likely a reinforcement, comes up the stairwell joining where Derek is standing. He sees no live men and swears. Before he can take a shot at him, Phil parks a bullet between his eyes.

North hall: 5 soldiers

East hall: 0 soldiers

South hall: 0 soldiers

West hall: 8 soldiers

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Aki Dazrold

"Lay down some cover fire!" You say to Phil over the comm. The three of you scurry towards the south hall as he and Roy shoot at the other two halls.

When you make it to the south hall, you take out one of the bombs. Before you can throw it at the west hall, <DON'T THROW THOSE DAMMIT!> comes from Phil over the comm. You wince.

[note: You can still give commands to Roy Robert and Derek as well as the current character. Control of Phil, however, has not been given, so to make him do something, input the command similarly to how Zjean just did.]

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The two other guys: Cover the West hall

You: Cover the North Hall

Also: While working out these commands, think of a escape route.

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You & Robert: Take a gun from one of the dead guys and fire it at west hall so Phil can make his way over to you.

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Aki Dazrold

You shout for the others to cover the hall to the left, and Roy opens fire, while Robert picks up a dead body and throws it in that general direction. He appears to hit somebody.

You pilfer a rifle from one of the remaining soldiers and open fire at the north hall. You beckon for Phil to come hither. Derek scurries off and makes himself unseen again.

Phil doesn't move. He apparently prefers the cover he has to standing in the hall without it.

You and Robert get hit by bullets a crapload of times. Roy gets hit twice.

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