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The 7th Guardian ~Questions for Readers~

Sorry, I got caught up on other stuff, but Chapter 2 will be distributed soon (probably tomorrow night) :: Questions for Readers:: 1. Should I continue making chapters short like Chapter 1, or would you prefer longer, more detailed chapters? 2. What is your rating of the story so far? 5- Great, very descriptive 4- Good, could provide more detail 3- Average, needs some improvement 2- Not Good, needs much improvement 1- Bad, needs to re-learn writing sk

Drill Master

Drill Master

The 7th Guardian ~Prologue~

Thank you to all of your ideas for my comic story, but I've changed my mind on making a comic. Instead I am making a story that came to me in a dream last night. So I hope you guys like it. Ladies and gentlemen of RRU, I give you... The 7th Guardian ~Prologue~ Long ago, in a place called The Realm of the Elements, lived six Guardians. Each Guardian was the protector of one of the six elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Life, and Death. The Guardians lived in The Elemental

Drill Master

Drill Master

The 7th Guardian ~Chapter 2~

:: Warning. This story has strong material not suitable for young children. Reader descretion is advised:: ~Chapter 2~ The bell rang. All the students got up and left for the busses. Jack groaned. The entire day went slow, but it was finally over. Jack walked outside, looked back toward the school, sighed and continued on his way. He boarded his bus, Number 40, and walked to his seat in the back. Another kid was already sitting there. "You're in my seat," Jack said. The

Drill Master

Drill Master

The 7th Guardian ~Chapter 1~

Warning:: Do not read this if you haven't read the Prologue, or this probably won't make sense :: ~Chapter 1~ Present Day, Mooresville, Indiana Jack Kalund, a senior in high school, wasn’t looking forward to picture day. He had stayed up all night playing video games. When he woke up, he looked at the time. The bus would be at his house in five minutes! He rushed out bed, threw some clothes on, grabbed his bag and stumbled out the door. His hair was a mess a

Drill Master

Drill Master

Public Art DERPO Bricks

Almost forgot about this but... On the way home from camping on Monday, we came across this public art sculpture. My dad was nice enough to slow down a bit so I could snap a steady shot of it. Now, obviously it's very disproportional in every way, but most public art is anyway. Just thought I'd share my findings. (By the way, you can barely see it, but that is a 3x2 red brick behind the blue one. The angle and speed we were going made it impossible to get both in the shot.)

Drill Master

Drill Master

Post Your LEGO Libraries - Drill Master's Collection

So as McJobless asked, here is my LEGO collection. The Bricks: Sorry for the odd angle, took a vertical picture with my phone. The Games: Now, I'm going to say this right now. If I get any hate from this, I will leave RRU. That large bucket is a mix of LEGO and Mega Bloks. Will I sort it out? if I have time. yes. It's a thought that has been on my mind for a while. The Mega Bloks sets are old. I believe all that is in there are my 5 old "Pro Builder" sets: Fire E

Drill Master

Drill Master

My LEGO Game Collection

Well, it took me awhile to find all of them but here are all of my LEGO games! This includes: LEGO Island LEGO Island 2 (With exclusive Brickster minifigure) LEGO Rock Raiders (Oh course) LEGO Creator Knights Kingdom LEGO Creator Harry Potter LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures LEGO Star Wars The Video Game LEGO Star Wars II The Original Trilogy LEGOLAND LEGO Creator LEGO LOCO LEGO Chess Also shown are the two LEGO board games I own: LEGO Ra

Drill Master

Drill Master

My first car!

Hello everyone! DM here with an update to lifeness and such. If you remember, I said that I was temporarily leaving RRU to work on a major project along with other things like learning how to drive and getting a job. Well let's be honest, I never really left in the first place. But I have been working on meeting the goals that I need to, and this is probably the biggest goal so far, getting a car. A relative was tired of it, and when the water pump went out, so he used that as a reason

Drill Master

Drill Master

Imperfections Make You Human

Though I probably can't top Sadie's words of her previous blog, I have my own story to tell. I was outside in the cold preparing to hang up Christmas lights, (we were like the only ones who hadn't yet.) and decided to change the bulb on the far end of the porch (we have 2 porch lights, this one had been out for a while). So I climb the ladder and pull down the light cover and a cloud of dust and dead bugs welcomes me (bleh, I hate cleaning these things). I unscrewed the old fluorescent ligh

Drill Master

Drill Master


Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Yep! That's right! I finally saw The LEGO Movie! Now... There is only 1 thing I really hatted about TLM... That I didn't see it sooner! Okay so, being totally honest, this movie made me feel... enlightened? Inspired? Happy? AWESOME?! Really, I had a smile on my face the entire time I watched it. It's the kind of movie that I needed. Possibly the inspiration I needed for what I do in life. It's also made me see LEGO in a whole

Drill Master

Drill Master

DM's Official B-day Loot

Well, as you know, I celebrated my 21st a few days ago, and I was reluctant to share what I got, for the sake of being lazy. So what did I get? Let's find out! I got: Audio Technica ATH-M20x Studio Grade Headphones A CAD u37 Professional Condenser Microphone Halo Legends OST Forest Piano 30th Anniversary Edition (Relaxing piano solos mixed with the calm sounds of the forest.) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D 2 Minecraft Novels (Gonna be reading them when c

Drill Master

Drill Master

7th Guardian ~DISCONTINUED~

So I was typing up this story on Word and was ready to post the next chapter (I was like 8 chapters ahead of my last chapter) when, without warning, my computer shut down. I have no idea why. (there was nothing wrong with it). I got back on Word to see that the story's file was no longer available. I searched for like 2 hours on my computer. The shut down wiped it out, and I was pissed. I save all my work often, like every 5 minutes or so. I scanned my computer and nothing out of the ordina

Drill Master

Drill Master

[Coming Soon] Pixelmon Let's Play

Finally! It has come to my attention that Pixelmon has finally been updated for Minecraft 1.7.2. The reason I'm happy about this is because I can finally play it on my computer. I could not play the 1.6.4 update due to Minecraft's old world generation programming, which was remade in 1.7, which in turn cleared up a lot of lag issues I had while playing. Anyway, this LP is something I've wanted to do since I first heard of Pixelmon. I figure it to be some side entertainment in between my mus

Drill Master

Drill Master

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