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New Year's Resolution: Need Some Advice...

I've never really followed the whole "New Years Resolution" thing before, but in getting older and running out the body clock, I've realised it might be good to start making some changes. One thing I really want to achieve next year is one of my biggest failings from this year. I'm a software developer by day, and a gamer by night. Being drained through the day with professional-level coding has made me bitter and cynical towards my own projects, to the point I've stopped doing them. While I



The Influence Of Gaming On Me: Part 1 (1998 - 2000)

My answer to the topic I recently created is going to be extremely long, so I've decided to break it up into multiple small blog entries based on the time period. These will be a bit rough, but maybe in future installments I might add some images and colour to break it all up.   --   I don't know. I dunno why my Dad bought that PS1. He's not much of a gamer; he grew up on a farm with a handful of other siblings before moving down here to the city. Gaming never would be his fo



Ratchet & Clank 3: 1108 Beta Notes & Research

EDITS TO MAKE:   Segments define the state of a level (specifically Enemy and Crate placement), based on player data when they first load in. For example; Major Segment = First time you go through a level Minor Segment = Less crates, less bolts to prevent bolt farming 3 Invisible Difficulty Levels that you can be on (Easy, Medium (Normal, Default), Hard), likely tied into segments (Note: Difficulties were only switched for future levels), with Challe



Mindless Rambling Thoughts About LEGO Lord of the Rings

This isn't a proper review or anything special; just a summation of thoughts about 35 hours of gameplay. I 100%'d LEGO Lord of the Rings today. I plan on doing similar for all of the Traveler's Tales games in a kind of morbid, painful adventure. As much as I hate the repetitive nature, there's things about the formula that appeal to me, such as the stories/licenses, the colours and the kind of mix-and-match gameplay that sporadically appears. I like Lord of the Rings, which is why I decided to



Mindless Rambling Thoughts About People

If ever asked, I'll deny myself as a feminist or a liberal or any of that bulls***. There's only one label that I feel fits me best; "Egalitarian". I've spent months trying to understand the word and its connotations, but I've come to the realisation that I knew what it meant all along, because it's exactly how I live my life. Allow me to explain; I grew up in a sort-of-Religious family in Australia. As in, we'd sometimes go to Church, I went to Church camps (mostly just for the camp bit), I we



Letter to the Director of RRU's Events & Planning Committee

To the Director whom this concerns; I remained silent when you unfortunately modified the rules and regulations, allowing for members with no pants to join. I remained silent when you permanently terminated the "Cow Car Fund", which would have raised funds for our very own security tour bus which we would use to visit offending members in real life, so that we could ban them permanently. I even remained silent when you destroyed the need to be an active member of RRU society (mainly because



Video Game Proposal: LEGO Ultra Agents: Retake Astor

What separates you from your enemies? © Ben Steenson 2015 Note! This is a work in progress! Come back every day for new updates, gameplay features, story, images and more! Welcome to the design proposal for a new video game, LEGO Ultra Agents: Retake Astor! This proposal is being written as a hobby of mine and is not intended for real production, but with that said, I would like it serve as an example of the cool things you can do with LEGO in Video Games without the limi



Post your LEGO Libraries - McJobless' Collection

I was going through, organising my room for college, and I found a lot of LEGO stuff that wasn't in my LEGO bag, so I decided to collect it all and take some pictures. Because of that, I think it's time we shared our LEGO collections for the fun of it, and so we all know who has what. Because I expect a lot of images and text, let's keep these to blog posts. I'll first post pictures of my actual LEGO stuff as it stands, and then post some screenies of what my entire set-listing should



McJobless' New Computer - Part 1: The Purchase

I'm hoping there will be only 2 parts to this: This one, and then the install where everything works great. Let's not think too hard about the future, though. Here's what I got: Total price with handling and postage is about $2800. That's a lot better than what I was originally thinking. I wanted Windows 8.1 Pro and an EVA GTX 980, but both were out of stock. I also decided that the 4790 was much better value than the 4790K, and the only other ones available were the 5th Gen



The "Gift" of Public Speaking

I'm not here to break apart whether "gifts" really are, or if they're a state of mind. What I'm here to do is provide some kind of assistance to those who are put off by public speaking. Here's a quick list of top tips from an actual PR representative and hobbyist-lecturer. Always go first for presentations and speeches. I know that sounds terrifying and silly, but trust me. The longer you leave it, the more tension that rises. This will lead to more mistakes, and even if you have really good



Moving Along.

From this point forward, I will be moving a lot of my better-quality blog entries to my very own personal blogger which I have full control over. I made this decision based on a couple factors, such as the need for more exposure, but all to prevent any flooding on this site in the event I have any outlandish opinions. I will still notify you guys when there's new writing from me up, but be prepared for a lot of my stuff from the past year to be moved. It is likely everything from 2013 and b



Wot I Fink: What Can I Learn From Zoe Quinn & Depression Quest?

Let's just get down to this in dot-point form. I'm barely in the mood for writing, but I want to get my thoughts out now. Depression Quest showcases the entirely wrong way to make a game that is supposed to bring awareness to a significant health issue. Depression is very serious, and it's important people seek treatment options where possible. Normally, just like you would have seen with Coming Out Simulator, the developer makes a nice, small, personal game that is very engaging and relies on



Birthday Presents

Let's cut to the chase. This year I got an awesome haul: The Sea Cow (LEGO Set). It took me 9 hours to finish it. The LEGO Movie (Everything is Awesome Edition + Special Edition). Two different people bought me different editions, which means I get all the neat content LEGO Sort & Store President Business LED Light (Similar to my Bad Cop one) DK LEGO Minifigure Year By Year: A Visual History (Book) Klutz LEGO Crazy Action Contraptions The LEGO Movie Master Builder's Atta



Electronic Arts: Moore like Embezzling Assets

http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-golden-age-for-gaming-upon-us-industry-needs-to-embrace-change/1100-6420874/ If I may, for a second; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6DAxC6wp70 I'm not even going to grace this with a description. Let's just get to ripping apart the quotes. Yeah, so long as you have the equivalent of a $1000 US to buy that shiny new PS4 in Brazil. What if you live in Afghanistan or Antarctica. Could I play games there too? As a company, you've succe



A Complete Mess.

Human life is obsessed with patterns We strive to learn patterns so we never have to relearn them again Games are about patterns Good games teach how to solve patterns, not just give answers to patterns Games therefore are teaching devices [can be described as art] Games therefore should be about things important to humanity We need to get over conflict, fighting etc, as it costs us resources including lives, money, food, etc Therefore, shooters are a waste Humans unfortu



My Gaming History - Part 1 - The Prophetic PS1

This is something I've wanted to do for a long while, but I horrible at concentration. I can't really vouch for the validity of the order I finished these games in or bought them in, but that's not really the point. The point is the lessons I've learned because of what I have learned. As such, it's very likely there's going to be a LOT of games I won't list, because of shoddy memory, or because they just weren't important enough. Also, I had to remove images for most of the cases. Apparentl



Seaborgium's Mobile Dilemma.

I'm not going to discuss the recent personal issues between members. Instead, I'm going to discuss a certain post. It's written informally for audiences who don't spend hours a day reading through encyclopedias and aspire to become verbally overwrought. I prefer this style of writing as it makes the article more interesting and personal. AAA developers/publishers like to play it safe. They are in business to make money, and they don't like spending money without some acknowle



What Bugs Me Most About Mass Effect...

We have technology in the modern day called "Video Cameras". Most of our mobile and desktop technology now comes bundles with some form of "web camera", we have VR sensors like the Kinect and LeapMotion. Many vehicles, including trucks, buses and police cars have cameras installed to record incidents that might occur on the road. Many places in public we visit also use Video Cameras to record for security purposes. Most importantly, a significant number of people doing incredible physical activi



Fourth-ward March.

I totally didn't even plan that pun 4 years ago. So. 27/03/2014. Heh. Never really thought I'd make it this far without dying by train, being sent to a loony bin or wasting away on alcohol. And while those things have all been pretty close to happening, here I still am. The Austrexican Lives. The Pants Enforcers reigns supreme. 4 years ago, I found a little email in my old High School email account. Supposedly, I had seen RRU at some stage, and signed up for a newsletter...without



QW: Why Legend of Zelda is already one of my favourite games.

This is a entry in my "Quick-Write" series. Basically, just some minor thoughts quickly thrown into a blog entry as a kind of progress update on how I'm doing. Anyone familiar to Creative Theory on RRU or the Skype chats would know that Jamesster's been doing a lot of LoZ stuff recently. He found that brilliant essay, and recently he's been playing the first game for numerous reasons. As I'm sure anybody from RRU knows, once one popular member does something, it quickly becomes infec



Apparently I Need to Fire Myself

Ohboy. It's Spam Message of the Day time. I removed the link at the end, since I sure as hell don't trust it. MESSAGE TITLE: Why you should fire your boss Hey there, Ezekiel here again. I want to PROVE to you why my Forex 3-day webinar on 9th, 10th & 11th April 2014 is going to be life-changing. My goal? You quit your job, if you have one… and work for yourself. I don’t know why people even put up with having their future and their family’s future d



Can We Talk About How Terrible Java Is?

It's a useless pile of s***. The f****ing thing won't work correctly on my sister's machine, and barely runs correctly on mine. The main problem on my sister's machine is that it keeps deleting the core .exe files. Java.exe, javaw.exe and a few others are constantly deleted anytime you try to run a Java app after installation. Putting copies of these files in the folder doesn't help, since it deletes them too. Completely cleaning my computer of everything Java related; every folder, registr



Life is an interesting beast.

"And remember, the universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke." ~ Orvus, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Life is one of those insane things that happens. It's like, there for years, and then it's taken away. It's pretty crazy. And the older I get, the more I look on it and think about what life really, truly is. See, I think people have been asking the wrong questions for years. There's no one singular purpose to life, because every



The End of an Era

It feels. Empty. The closing of the old Quotes topic, is rather fitting, given another thing that happened today. Had the Quotes topic not closed, I probably wouldn't even have posted this update, due to the CoS that arrived to wreck havoc on the forums. But, in the weird way that the world works, it's best to talk about it. For those that don't know, today I gave away my Xbox. Not going to say where or to who, because that's irrelevant. The point is that, as fast as things happened, i



Wot I Fink: Video Gaming

Original post with comments that clarify some of what I've said: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/dg0Pw/can-we-please-have-another-industry-crash/page/31337 I don't like the gaming industry as it is. Everything sucks. AAA is less about trying to take chances on making something incredible and more about pleasing the lowest common denominator, of which many screech from the tops of mountains, belittling those who actually have a valid opinion. Publishers no longer are PUBLISHERS but instead f



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