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Wot I Fink: Video Gaming




Original post with comments that clarify some of what I've said: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/dg0Pw/can-we-please-have-another-industry-crash/page/31337

I don't like the gaming industry as it is. Everything sucks. AAA is less about trying to take chances on making something incredible and more about pleasing the lowest common denominator, of which many screech from the tops of mountains, belittling those who actually have a valid opinion. Publishers no longer are PUBLISHERS but instead feel as though they are the ultimate gods of gaming, purchasing out the licenses to the best gaming franchises and milking them for all their worth. DLC practices are getting worse and worse, and the push to have more "free" (Read: Missing content designed to fool the non-informed consumer) online games. Hell, the industry is pushing more and more towards complete digital, online services, believing everyone in the world to already live in the future under the benevolent rule of Skynet.

The Indie market too is not doing so well, and it's oversaturated by mediocre titles by developers who don't have a passion for gaming but simply want to make a quick buck. The last console not to be produced by one of the three "mighty" titans was absolutely bollocks and showed that its creators were just as evil as the people making the other consoles. Games as good as Minecraft (in terms of what it did for indie gaming) are few and far between, and typically spawn a bazillion clones because these clone-developers believe that "if ain't broke, don't fix it" actually was supposed to be "if it ain't broke, remake the entire thing in Unity but miss everything that made the original good because we're unoriginal and we don't understand the golden era of video games."

Let's Plays by Pewdiepie apparently somehow are able to warrant millions of spoiled brats supremacy of YouTube, and Kotaku can write whatever random garbage spews from their mind and there will always be people who won't bat an eyelash. Some developers are leaving the industry because they receive enough hate over tiny decisions to match the Sun, whereas other developers are complete degenerates and it takes only a tiny realisation that nobody is laughing with them for a s***storm to start. People review games by comparing them, not based on the games own merits, and people believe that all manner of "technical issues" (LEIK GUIZE ITZ LOCK'D 2 30FPS DIS R s***E) should detract from the game's overall score, when it's clear they're the only one with their problems.

Console and PC wars continuing to rage on, and yet no developer wants to properly merge the gap out of fear they might actually convince gamers its okay to choose what works best for them. Ubisoft f****s PC games daily, Bethesda (generally) gives console players the cold shoulder, and Microsoft loves to screw with everybody equally. People still have it in their minds that console-exclusives are a good thing, and there are still "hardcore" gamers convinced that because a game has no more than the occasional button-click here and there, it shouldn't classify as a game. Meanwhile, "casual" gamers spend money on buying new items for Farmville or Angry Birds, items that take no more than 5 minutes to make and rake in hundreds of thousands of kilos worth of cocaine every day, giving the big publishers the incentive that suddenly all gamers are like that, so they can begin to push DLC right down the unwilling gaming public's throat.

I'm not done with gaming, but I'm pissed off that we've come to this. Only a few years ago, we were still in the warm and fuzzy period of gaming where things weren't as bad. YES. Some of these problems have been a constant. But they were nowhere near as drastic as they are now. This industry used to be about put players into places they've never been before, to experience things they've never felt before. The people who worked in it did so with passion for what they did, not so they could make it rich. Publishers weren't obsessed with licenses or DLC, they just wanted to rake in some profit off the side for distributing the games, as they rightfully should. Back then, you could look inside a game store and find a huge library of amazing games, not just a few awesome titles scattered through a lot of waste. Mario changed the industry forever. We need a new Mario (NOT A SEQUEL LIKE YOU'VE BEEN DOING FOR YEARS, NINTENDO).

Hate me if you will, but that's my perspective. Your move, gaming industry.



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What can I say? I haven't played a game for ages. Nothing interests me anymore. Would love a video game industry crash right now... see what arises from the rubble.

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What to say...


Well, some games still interest me, like Amnesia because I like interactive worlds. I just replayed its elder, Penumbra Overture.


Let's see. Microsoft and Nintendo has pissed me off the most. The Xbox One is so fricking stupid, but the 2DS...


It doesn't close, so if you drop it there's no way to protect the screens.


It looks stupid. I can see its shape being a problem. I have a DSi XL that fits comfortably in my pocket during travel, even in its case.


It's "everything the 3DS is, without the 3D! :D :D :D " which pisses me off the most. I hated the 3DS, but I knew that if you didn't like the 3D, there was a slider to turn it off.


What's next? The 2DS will come out, and a month later, the 2DS XL will come out, being as big as a fricking computer monitor.


As for Sony, no comment. My PS2 was good. Don't have a PS3, don't know anything about the PS4.


I kinda went off track with consoles but yeah.


I agree with Cyrem. Not much interests me. Anything that does is either too expensive or on an exlusive console that's too expensive. Other than Minecraft (and maybe Amnesia soon), there are no new games on my computer. I have games like Hard Truck, Viper Racing, Even More Contraptions, and a load of other oldies on it.

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Games stopped being good when the industry stopped seeing games as an artform and started treating them as commodities.

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Mr. Eight-Three-One


My dad thinks I'm losing interest in gaming because I'm just "getting older," but really, you nailed exactly why I haven't been into it anymore. I feel like we're in a dork age of gaming where nobody is brave enough to try anything that hasn't been done to death, and really it's why I've been more into thrift shopping for older titles rather than keeping up with anything nowadays.

Cyrem really put it best -- if we could have a crash right now, I would be all for it.

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The Halo seires was amazing until 343 Industries bought it from Bungi. Now Halo 4 is like amazingly boring campaign after you beat it. Bungi did good with campaigns, cuz they had lots of secrets you wanted to find, and 343 never had much I could find. I was expecting a gigantic forge world in 4 when it came out, only to find a few crappy forge places with not much amazement.


Online gaming on the xbox is boring now. Mainly noobish people and rage children that don't let you enjoy the fun of online gaming.


The Assassin's Creed lost its amazement after Revelations, and now a pirate/assassin theme now?? Why not make it a French Revolution or some other revolution in Europe?


It has been almost a year since I've purchased a game or game related stuff for Xbox. I wont see much reason to get a game unless its an RTS that I would care to try (Which are rare games to come out on Xbox). I've never cared to do Steam on my CPU. I have only three CPU games on my computer I play often LRR, Crystalien Conflict, and Chess.


I prefer to not purchase any more games. A waste of cash for me now. Since middle school, my "Everlastian Empire" turned into a great success of artistic skills. It could be a game if I were a programmer, but I never could take the time to study scripting. 

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I feel like we're in a dork age of gaming



Typo or no, I couldn't have said it better myself. The industry needs another crash in order for the powers that be to see that people are just tolerating games now, for the most part. They're desensitized to what they're used to: Gimmicky crap with a s***ton of DLC. I'm convinced that, in a couple years, kids will look at the games we grew up with (N64/ PS1-GameCube/PS2 era) and say to us "That's like a baby's toy!" Yes, that was a Back To The Future reference.


The PC elitists will likely be the least affected, since they live on a secluded island from the rest of the gaming community. For the most part, they're self-sufficient, as long as better PC components are made and a few indie developers cater to the "Master Race".


I think the main problem that will stop another industry crash is licensing. Back in the late 70s/early 80s, everyone from Sears to Quaker Oats was making their own games, resulting in a metric butt-tonne of shovelware. few of these games were licensed by Atari and the like, and there was no need. Nintendo fixed this after the NES was a success by using a "Seal of Approval" which had to be on each NES game. Sure, there were (and still are) some bootlegs, and this was seen in the 16-bit era ("Bible Adventures", anyone?), but other console companies adopted it, and for the most part it stopped shovelware.


Now the exact opposite happened. Licensed games are today's shovelware (ain't that ironic?). But they have people's favorite characters and films and other media in them, so they still sell enough to be profitable. It's put the gaming industry in limbo, and even with a bit of an Orwellian take to it. People will still buy the crap because it's all they're used to. It's new and LOOKS appealing, but look again!


People just want to be entertained, at the end of it all, which leaves the majority of the gaming industry (mainly mobile platforms) doomed to a massive steaming pile of ass with a shiny packaging for games.


How did I do, McJobless? Is this Wot U Fink?

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The only reason i want a 2ds is because it is cheaper then a 3ds,and my mom is poor.

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