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My Life. (Continued)




Other than the other post; I've been unable to do anything else on here. I've been at grandparents for the week, and haven't been able to do homework or make any additions to the tutorial. :/

What little time I did have was spent on MineCraft....not enough to do homework or work on the tutorial. And I have no clue when I will have time to work on the tutorial.....I just don't have enough time, thanks to this engineering project...

But I find time to squeeze in a little bit to catch up on RRU....although I haven't been able to get on Skype in forever....nothing's really happened/been released on Skype that I have no clue about, right? Because I'm still working on my overhaul...bit by bit (even if the bits are months apart :/).

Well, I've spent enough time here. Time to get to work.



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What happened to PWNZOR's modeling for LRR?

Lack of time due to school + depressed makes me do things slower + wanting to play a game to not have to concentrate hard (modeling requires a lot of patience)

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New ae stuff. New variable discovered. Screenshots from TR. I'm working on an evilhaul. ORR-Delta was formed. ORR-C has tons of progress.

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