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Things I Hate




There are alot of things that I hate, that alot of people find very cute, I find this very, very annoying. Things I hate that people find cute are: Babies (how are those stupid things even considered human if all they do is produce mounds of waste), fuzzy mammals (they smell, they bite, they get fur everywhere, and they are just such an annoyance) cell phones (don't you hate it when you are waiting for somebody, and some stupid lady across from you is just yapping away to somebody about their new clothes they just bought, or how little Sally just made her first poo poo is the toilet), Preschoolers, and kindergartners (they want to know everything about you, and they dig through all of your stuff, and rip your lego projects apart because it looks like a car, when it is infact a work-in-progress motorized tower crane), birds (they are so annoying, cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep. I want to throw something at them. They make splatters all over your windows and sidewalks and stuff, and they make stupid nests that make your tree look really bad), and modern clothing design (who purposely fades and puts holes in jeans? Is the new style called, hobo style or something? And who really wants to see your milk-producing organs. Seriously!).

Oh, and I hate facebook.



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Babies are awesome!

And yes, Faded and hole Jeans are the new style, I used to wear them before I stopped wearing Jeans.

And, Most guys have a fetish with Mammaries.

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What if the fuzzy mammal was a biped, carried a gun, and spoke proper English?

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Then it would be a Anthropomorphic creature.

Jeez TMLC. Google stuff once in a while.

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Then it would be a Anthropomorphic creature.Jeez TMLC. Google stuff once in a while.

Not if it was decended canines.

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Oh, and here's something to remember. If there are people who will buy something, there are people who will make/sell it.

Also no one gives a slimey slug about what you like/don't like except for your mom who does it out of pity.

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Oh, and here's something to remember. If there are people who will buy something, there are people who will make/sell it. Also no one gives a slimey slug about what you like/don't like except for your mom who does it out of pity.

I never said that you had to care. I was just saying that I didn't like these things because it helps me get over my anger for how my C64 is broken.

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