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Hydrogen's Blog

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My blog I made for people to see

Entries in this blog

A Quick Update On My Busy Life

Ah...Rock Raiders United. The first forums I've been an active member on. It's been a while. College is going well. I finished my last semester with all 4.0s. I got a Commodore 128 for Christmas, and a few smaller things. I'm now an active member on the Minecraft forums, mainly active in the mods section, acting as a beta tester and helping people with errors. One truly amazing mod I've been really into lately, is ComputerCraft. It's a LUA programmable computer that can connect with r



So Long Cruel World!

I'm leaving RRU for a number of reasons. 1. I'm not interested in rock raiders or LEGO anymore 2. I found a much larger and more active forum that I have already gotten to know quite well 3. Stupid college classes began last week 4. I'm fed up with how dead this place is I might be stopping by from time to time, but other than that, so long and goodbye.



The Post Noob/moron/idiot Of Rru Gets Trolled By Me...again!

Oh I'm having too much fun with devestater. After he was banned from RRU, he made a wiki about mods for rock raiders...without anybody's permission. What I find funny is that only one page is actually related to modding rock raiders, and it's the wad tool (which he uploaded there without permission). The reest of the wiki is filled with stuff about guinea pigs and mars mission and transformers. He also created a new alias for himself and claimed that "Devestater is my friend", but I can tel



I Feel Terrible

I feel horrible. I feel so bad, that I want to go outside and die in a hole. Why? Two things happened. One, I finally got the full realization of what's happening to RRU. Two, my brother who was my best friend, told my mom (who hates gory stuff and violence) about all the video games I play (TF2, HL2, Etc). When she learned this, she came in and grounded me, but I still have my iPod. So my brother betrayed me, and now I have no respect for him. When I ask him why, he just says "I was just tellin



The Unofficial Forum For The Unofficial Rru Minecraft Server!

Sooo... I was bored and tired of going onto the server to talk to you guys so I quickly made up this forum. http://rruminecraft.forumotions.com/ I'm Admin. If you are part of the mc.rru-stuff.org server, please join so that we will have a good meeting place for ideas and regulations.



Another Tangentrant (Because The Last One Wasn't Satisfying Enough)

Well it seems like RRU has become more active since the last update due to people having RRU withdraw. RRU is like a drug, a good drug. You get hooked to it and when it goes away, you turn into a zombie and start gnawing people's heads off. Oh wait, that seems to be the norm today. Carry on! Now with the status updates gone, I will be forced to put my random junk in the blogs (oh yes!). If you disagree, I will poke you with a stick and hang you over a fire. Because I'm hungry. That instant



Scedualing Day At The College

Well, today is the day when all the new students come in and meet with the councilor about their classes and schedule. It's a horrible day because of the economy, moms are tryng to get in school to get a better job. Moms means kids, SO THERE ARE LITTLE KIDS EVERYWHERE!!! Sure I was one at one time, but if you try to argue about my hate, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID. I HATE LITTLE KIDS. I also had an exam today. I feel like it went well but I had a little problem on the transcription/translatio



The Reason I Haven't Been Modding

If anyone has noticed, have have been particularly inactive with my modding of rock raiders. This is not because I don't feel like it, it's because I lack a windows computer with enough power. The only windows PC I had to mod on broke (it always turns off when windows loads) and now all I have left is my moronic netbook that can barely play terraria. If I'm unable to fix the broken computer, which belongs to my dad, he will get my mac mini and I will get a gaming rig that I have always wanted. I



Music Makin' Time

Well somebody is letting me borrow an electric piano because I told them that I need it to hook up to my computer so that I can make music. I'm planning on interfacing it through midi into my PC and make music through Sunvox (wonderful program by the way). This will make chiptune making a whole lot easier!



Evil Bioengineering Idea

In my biology class today, I got the evil idea to engineer a virus that targets skin cells and injects a very long stream of DNA into their nucleus that causes them to produce chloroplasts, along with more chloroplast making viruses. Okay, so you'd be green and be very uncomfortable in a dark place, but hey, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO EAT EVER AGAIN! You'd also always be thirsty, and swimming would cause your skin to swell up. Some more plus to this would be that you might have to never breathe again



I Think That Being A Vegetarian Would Be A Good Idea...

Last night I watched a documentary about meat processing through all steps (killing the animal to wrapping the meat up) and I must say that I am quite disturbed now. I'm fine with bloody 'n gore but after watching that, no censoring, I think I'll be avoiding meat products for a long while. I keep having a feeling like there is a zombie half of frozen cow flopping around in our basement and...JUST GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!



Why I'm Always In Such A Negative Mood

I'm sorry that I'm always in such a negative mood, so I'll tell you why I'm always so negative. You guys keep saying "just wait 'till you like girls". To be honest guys, I really do like girls but I don't let it get to me because it prevents me from thinking. You may ask "well what does the crazy aLPHA think about then". I am always thinking about robotics/programming/electronics and I love it! The only side effect from blocking out the natural male instinct is that I get very cranky



My Behavior Yesterday

Sorry about yesterday's behavior. My hormones must have been raging again. Happens to teenagers all the time I also have a strange story. There's a lamp in my room. Highly reliable and never ever turns off unless the power goes out or a surge trips its breaker. So I was on my computer yesterday raging and flaming at Devestater when suddenly my lamp began flickering and went out. I reached over and turned it back on but it only stayed on for a few seconds before flickering out again. Since



What A Day...

So I bought portal 2 at gamestop (I know you're jealous all you portal 2-lacking people out there) and installed it. Said I had to install a 600 MB patch (keep in mind my connection is only 50 KB/s but on average I get 30 KB/s). I started downloading that patch at 4:00. Cool. I went on with my work and worked on my electronics stuff. I found that BASIC stamp programmers will break when you drop them on the floor and that accidental crossing of the leads of an emulated RS232 via a BASIC stamp can



Bloggedy Blog Blog Blog

Whee... I'm typing this on my iPod in my math 120 class in college. We are going over quadratic equations which are way too simple. I got a 30% on my project because I didn't use unit analysis. Oh well . I was marked down on the binary computation section because I didn't show any work. As I said already, IN BASE TWO I'M FINE!!! I can do those things lightning fast in my head. No need for pencil and paper for me! I have a moc challenge for TMLC but I cannot find him. I can't PM him because



Rru Ain't What It Used To Be

I'm depressed by RRU. I used to be all joyous and active when this place was new (remember Doolie? Lol) but now the reality is hitting me. This place is nothing but a stagnant forum filled by a few members that barely get along. Sadly, I've grown used to RRU as my friend. This assumption is slowly depleting, and once it's gone, so am I. I've already packed my bags and made good friends on other forums. Forums more active and filled with people happy to help you. I'll check into here from ti



I Want To Learn C

I really want to learn C/C++/C# so that I can help with the development of ORR-C, or understand Java better. Do any of you programmers have a book/online course/interactive program that I can use to educate myself in the mysterious ways of C?



Gosh I Love This Blog System

Recent update on my life: C64 sent in and fixed. Was a stupid bad RAM chip (U9 to be precise). It was already socketed, so it was a simple pull out push in job. Guy says the board is a real piece of history. Going to get an old PalmPilot to mess with. That'll be fun. My mom made some really good cookies. I wish I could share them with you guys, but I have no way of transferring physical materials to the interwebz Did some research on brain mapping. seems possible within 100



Another Tangent Rant

Here I am to rant about my life again. I seem to be turning into a hater, actually. These blogs seems to alleviate my hating for some reason. Every time I talk to someone "mature", they just disrespect me majorly because I'm "stupider" than they are, and know nothing about what I'm talking about. When I do show that I know what I am talking about, they deny it, and then proceed to put me down more, by rejecting my conclusive statement, and replacing it with their idea which is complete ****



Need A New Router

Can somebody give me an idea for a new router? My old router (Linksys WGR614 V10), keeps randomly shutting off every 10 minutes after about 5:00 PM.



Google Is Messed Up

I went onto google, and googled female 9 DIN adapter (for my PIC programmer). It said [number here] results were found, search instead for female groin. Reading that, I about fell out of my seat. What is wrong with google?



A Day In The Life Of Me (It's Boring!)

Well, nothing to do on the forums right now, so I'll just make a blog entry, because I feel like it. I woke up this morning to my dad using the plunger on the toilet. Apparently when it warmed up, it melted the snow and put alot of pressure on the septic system, causing the contents from all the toilets and sinks to go into the bath tub (lol, the bath tub now smells like an out house). I got dressed, and made myself a nice bowl of cream of wheat. I think that the guy on the box being black is ra



Things I Hate

There are alot of things that I hate, that alot of people find very cute, I find this very, very annoying. Things I hate that people find cute are: Babies (how are those stupid things even considered human if all they do is produce mounds of waste), fuzzy mammals (they smell, they bite, they get fur everywhere, and they are just such an annoyance) cell phones (don't you hate it when you are waiting for somebody, and some stupid lady across from you is just yapping away to somebody about their ne



I Have A Commodore 64 System. What's Next?

So for christmas I got alot of small things. I was a bit disappointed, until my dad came in with a giant box. I immediately knew what it was, and dug in. Inside was my C64, a model 1 5 1/4 floppy disk drive, a number of games, Centipede game cartridge, a random cassette tape, about 5 joysticks, many serial cables, manuals, a power supply bricky thingy (which is really heavy, and I learned that it hurts when it hits you on the knee), a cassette drive, and a printer hookup for a printer. The only



From: The Golden Age Of The Home Computer

Hello, just thought it would be cool to learn about the history of past computing devices. I would enjoy seeing if anyone here has had any experience with any CBM machines, as any real hands-on information has been eluding my searches. I would also love to hear about the reactions people had, to the first affordable microcomputers. As I haven't been around since then, I am hoping to live these years through the retold experiences of others. If anyone sees a C64 for $80 or under on ebay, ple



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