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A Day In The Life Of Me (It's Boring!)




Well, nothing to do on the forums right now, so I'll just make a blog entry, because I feel like it. I woke up this morning to my dad using the plunger on the toilet. Apparently when it warmed up, it melted the snow and put alot of pressure on the septic system, causing the contents from all the toilets and sinks to go into the bath tub (lol, the bath tub now smells like an out house). I got dressed, and made myself a nice bowl of cream of wheat. I think that the guy on the box being black is racist. Back when slaves were around, slaves cultivated wheat fields. A black guy on a box of wheat product, to me, is racist.

After eating my cereal, I got on my computer and checked my email. iTunes spamming my inbox again with new albums. Look, Justin Beiber has a new song out. It's called "I'm a freak, but I deny it". I got off my compute and packed my bag. While zipping up my pencil holder, I stabbed myself with a pencil. It hurt. I put all my bags and stuff in my dad's car, and hugged my mom goodbye. My dad was waiting in the car. I got in, and we talked about what I was doing. We got to my college at 6:53 AM (gotta love these early classes), and I got out. I hugged my dad goodbye, and went in. I went and slumped on a sofa in the lounge, and got my laptop out. I did some study on digital electronics, but then did my homework.

Once it was 8-o'-clock, I went to my class, algebra. We went over lines and slopes and stuff, and I worked on it in my textbook. Once one hour was up, we had a quick break, and I chatted with my friends. Turns out that one of my friend's is living in a house that one of the professors grew up in, lol. One five minutes were up, I went back to class and finished the lecture. As I was putting my stuff away, I stabbed myself in the same exact place, with the same exact pencil that I had that morning. I left the class and headed down to my technology class. My teacher wasn't there today, so I studied digital electronics some more. At 10:54, I left and went to my english class. I got there, and a sign was posted saying that class was canceled for today.

I grunted, and pulled my heavy bags over to a table in the cafe (we have a cafe that sells humungo sandwiches for four dollars :D), and talked to one of my buddies that was there. Once lunch time rolled on at 11:30, I went down and grabbed my lunch from the refrigerator. Turkey, mayo, milk, and chex mix again, joy, what I have EVERY DAY. I finished lunch, and went back up to my seat at the cafe. I looked around, and found that one of the students hanging around up there LOOKED JUST LIKE GORDON FREEMAN! I glanced up at him every now and then from behind my laptop, which I pulled out. I did some research on unix-like operating systems. Once I finished reading about that, I got onto OE cake and burned picture of Justin Bieber (I hate him so much, he made music much worse than it already was!).

Once it reached 1:07, I got up and went for my history class. We were going to learn about Hitler and the Nazis, but because there was so much copy pasting in the essays we turned in a week ago, we had a talk about whatever it is called not giving credit to someone for their ideas...um...I forgot :(. At the end of that class, I went home. Sister had drama class so I had to wait. I went home and practiced my french hort (rooty toot toot) and had dinner. I then got on the computer and did some research on my favorite 8 bit song composers. After that, I watched some TV, and then went on RRU and typed this.

My life is in a loop. This is what I do EVERY SINGLE DAY except on the weekends, which compose of minecraft, RRU lurking, more minecraft, RRU lurking, minecraft, RRU lurking, some youtube, minecraft, skype with friend, minecraft, TF2, minecraft, iPod time, go to bed. My life is too bland.



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Pro-Blog Tip #1: Use Paragraphs, otherwise people like me are going to stare at one sentance trying to read it for hours and still not be able to see it clearly...

That's all I shall say.

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I am going to record this for the lulz.

here it is:


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Or call Border Security, say you're an ex-terrorist who wants to give themselves up then run away to Australia and start a new life...

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I can't get a job because I'm only 13, and nobody wants me. They think I'm a stupid little kid who has no work ethics at all.

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Grab your parent's lawn mower, and mow some one's la - Oh wait, you can't do that at this time of year where you live.

Well then, do that when you can.

And you're just looking for the wrong job if no one will hire you.

If you don't find anything at all, then do volunteer work.

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Yes that. I had one of those " on the tip of my tongue" moments there. I have never ever pladgerized, though the students in my class seem to think it is okay.

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