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Another Tangent Rant




Here I am to rant about my life again. I seem to be turning into a hater, actually. These blogs seems to alleviate my hating for some reason.

Every time I talk to someone "mature", they just disrespect me majorly because I'm "stupider" than they are, and know nothing about what I'm talking about. When I do show that I know what I am talking about, they deny it, and then proceed to put me down more, by rejecting my conclusive statement, and replacing it with their idea which is complete ****. On forums, I get the same treatment. Just because I'm 13, people automatically assume I have no idea what I'm talking about. I only get that a little bit on this forum, and it makes me sick. I'm not stupid, I bet I know more than you could fit in your scrawny sack of beans you call your head. If anything, I bet that I could something that would make this whole world respect me. Just wait. Once I'm old enough to get all the materials I need, I will construct a device to change the way we think about computers. I will build a device that will leave all people of the world in awe. Just you wait, a little longer.

For this reason, I don't give my age out on forums anymore. On this recent C64 forum, everyone thinks I'm 32 years old because of how knowledgeable I am on the subject of computer architecture. Everyone respects me when I hide behind a falsified image of myself, but this is wrong, and it makes me feel bad, and good at the same time. If only the youth of our world could be seen in a new light. Not viewed as a lesser force of this world, but as the makers of tomorrow! The people that give me that kind of respect help me grow and learn. The people that pull me down, make me feel worthless and stupid. In a course I was taking, I can remember the professor saying I would never make it in the next level math. I hope to show people like that, that I am actually something, something to be proud of, or feared.

I can remember my dad saying to me "Son, your destined for good, you have what it takes, and I want to see you succeed on life". This was really something. I felt good inside. Positive reinforcement. We all need it. Positive reinforcement makes our short lives...worthwhile. Positive reinforcement makes everyone feel good inside. After years of being put down, it is always nice to have someone that recognizes you, and makes you feel like someone. Someone respectable.

There's my rant. Oh look, while I was typing that my router died. RAAGEEEEE



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Welcome to the internet, where people are immediately judged by how they type, and immediately discriminated against by their age.

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Me too. But it's more like "OMGWTFHAX it's a 15 year old junior," "KARG IS BOTTING!" "Shut up, nobody cares," "I hate smart people" and "you're too damn smart and I hate it" (those are all direct quotes except for the OMGWTFHAX, that was a first-party censor. ) People hate being outsmarted by people younger than them, and older. SOLUTION: Drop all arrogance and provide all knowledge you have for the good of all of us, help with homework, and rid all computers at school of malware and junk = conversion from smart-*** prick to nerd genius / who everyone goes to for help. You get respect if you don't get a false sense of superiority and act all arrogant. Even though you do, in fact, know more than everyone else, you gotta pay respect to get respect. Being smart =/= automatic respect. Also: act your age and you'll be looked down upon. It's natural for a 13 year old to go nuts and get mad if they get talked down to. INSTEAD: Act like a college student or better, and ignore all the condescending remarks. Don't SAY you're better, PROVE it.

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