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What A Day...




So I bought portal 2 at gamestop (I know you're jealous all you portal 2-lacking people out there) and installed it. Said I had to install a 600 MB patch (keep in mind my connection is only 50 KB/s but on average I get 30 KB/s). I started downloading that patch at 4:00. Cool. I went on with my work and worked on my electronics stuff. I found that BASIC stamp programmers will break when you drop them on the floor and that accidental crossing of the leads of an emulated RS232 via a BASIC stamp can cause fire (who woulda' thunk that paper was a horrible insulator?). 3 hours later, update still not done. I went on minecraft for a bit and then messed around on my C64. Around 9:00 I decided to watch TV. I went out, watched TV, nuttin much. I took a shower at 9:30 as usual. at 10:00 I went to bed. I oddly could not get to sleep so I played with a few legos that somehow found there way onto my headrest. Built a strange looking robot that used two Indiana Jones whips for arms and a gravity gun. At about 11:00 I fell asleep. At 1:00, the stupid dog came in and knocked over my trashcan. I woke up, and tried to get back to sleep. I felt that something was different, but couldn't put a finger on it. After about an hour of sleep, I woke up for no apparent reason (I think I had a dream I was falling) and found that what was wrong was that there was a power outage and my plant growing light was off. I got up, turned the light on, and got a cup of milk to drink. I tried getting back to bed but images of portal 2 kept dancing in my head (kinda like how when you were 7 and the way you felt on Christmas night). Annoyed and frustrated by my predicament I decided to check the update status. Breaker on my suppressor was blown, so I had to reset it. I turned on my computer which was turned off from the stupid surge and brought up steam. Portal 2 update progress: complete. I smiled, and clicked the play game button.

***I am skipping over the next part because it contains spoilers***

so I spent my whole night playing portal 2. I only got about two hours of sleep, which is not good. I was finally brought back to the real world when my dad's alarm clock started to ring. I flipped out my super-duper-handy-dandy PDA and JEEZ!!! 5:00 in the morning? I groaned, and paused. I quickly jumped back into bed, but I swear that as soon as I did, my dad came in to wake me and my brother up. I lazily got ready for college, and ate toast.

So all day today I have been extremely tired. At least my violent behavior was for science, but I cannot see how sacrificing my remaining sanity was beneficial to me as an individual and those around me.

Why have I been hearing portal 2 ambiance all day today with the occasional sound of panels re-arranging? I have truly gone insane. If any actions I make seems a bit...odd, please dismiss it as a lack of sleep.



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I need to stop playing Galactic Adventures. I keep hearing lasers and tank tracks moving, and military creatures shouting random stuff in alien language.

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