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My Behavior Yesterday




Sorry about yesterday's behavior. My hormones must have been raging again. Happens to teenagers all the time >_>

I also have a strange story. There's a lamp in my room. Highly reliable and never ever turns off unless the power goes out or a surge trips its breaker. So I was on my computer yesterday raging and flaming at Devestater when suddenly my lamp began flickering and went out. I reached over and turned it back on but it only stayed on for a few seconds before flickering out again. Since it was day, I just left it off. That night I turned it on for bed and it stayed on. I was still in a bad mood, and I have a netbook, so I went on and started flaming again. Suddenly my light went out again. I banged on it and turned it back on. It stayed on, but when I started flaming again, it turned off. I stopped flaming and it stopped turning off.

Hmm...maybe my anger was messing with the electronics in it. That is known to happen but nobody knows why.



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Don't worry, it happens to the highest of us. You could use one of those light emoticons to symbolise when your pissed so we know what not to hold against you...

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Whats your prop, aLPHA, why do you have a grudge like to start flames against me? See, if you dont act nice to fellow RRU members thwe n your light lamp will stop working. :ninja::docs::jet::axle::sparks: :bandit:

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You. Alpha. Try to do that again. Make that lamp do weird stuff like that. Try to develop this.

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You. Alpha. Try to do that again. Make that lamp do weird stuff like that. Try to develop this.

I've had this happen before with a radio I had. When I would get in a really bad mood it would get really staticy and sometimes turn off. It's just a coincidence. Nothing much.

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You. Alpha. Try to do that again. Make that lamp do weird stuff like that. Try to develop this.
I've had this happen before with a radio I had. When I would get in a really bad mood it would get really staticy and sometimes turn off. It's just a coincidence. Nothing much.


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You. Alpha. Try to do that again. Make that lamp do weird stuff like that. Try to develop this.
I've had this happen before with a radio I had. When I would get in a really bad mood it would get really staticy and sometimes turn off. It's just a coincidence. Nothing much.

So you want me to purposely troll so that I can learn to do this? There's more to it than that. I really don't care but I think that I also must be in a very bad mood.

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No, I am suggesting to you that you should find out how to make this happen on whim rather than as a side effect.

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Actually, it's logically possible for you to create an EM field based on emotions, as all living things have some form of magnetic field. Get extremely angry, then hold hand next to floppy disk of cassette tape. Or your harddrive, but nothing will happen there because those are shielded.

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Our brains have enough voltage (electric gurus, help me out) to power a toy electric train, so it's possible that your brain could have created some sort of interference like Acmex said, if your lamp's wiring has very poor or damaged insulation. It still seems iffy but weirder things have happened in my life.

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Oh lol last night I was in a really bad mood again and the stupid lamp did it again so I brought in a different lamp because it was getting really annoying xD

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You are wasting potential by not pursuing this.

I thought your "life is too bland"? wtf dawg

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You. Alpha. Try to do that again. Make that lamp do weird stuff like that. Try to develop this.
I've had this happen before with a radio I had. When I would get in a really bad mood it would get really staticy and sometimes turn off. It's just a coincidence. Nothing much.


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I completely agree with LZ, you could have much fun testing this out alpha...

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